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Game Thread | Panthers vs. Habs | 12/18/07

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from Lapresse news paper:

Francis Bouillon (six) et Mike Komisarek (7) ont distribué 15 des 35 mises en échec du Canadien…

translation: bouillon(six) and mike komisarek(7) distributed 15 of the 35 habs body checks

:?- :?-

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This doesn't look good at all, I had to post first in the GDT to get a good game (see saturdays GDT)..

this is like post #10 something..

doesn't look good.. doesn't look good at all

Go :hlogo: go!


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To defend Price:

First two goals were not his fault!

First goal: he goes out to clear it, and it was deflected by his own teammate. One could argue that his player should have played the man, and left an open avenue for Price to pass the puck!

Second goal: whoever was the defender should have played the pass and not floated in between the two players. In the end, the pass was good, and it left a wide open net. (Price, as he should, was playing the shooter.)

I think that the third goal was an example of a young goalie suffering a mental laps due to his frustration in having two goals scored on him that could have been avoided.

I think that the coaches will see the tape and realize that Price wasn't entirely at fault here.

Side note: I do think his decision to play the puck when the players were so close was a bit of a rookie mistake, but usually he gets these kinds of plays well. With experience he will solve these problems I expect!

Edited by Bacchus
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Price is a 20 year old goalie who made a mental mistake. If you watched the Florida feed of the game

they showed a Canadiens goalie from the past making the exact same error vs the Panthers. His name was Patrick Roy.

Shit happens.

But let's scapegoat Koivu's brutal turnover on the first goal.

Let's scapegoat Price's brutal giveaway.

Let's not talk about 2 scoring chances through 2 periods.

Let's not talk about losing almost every battle for a loose puck.

Let's not talk about our forwards 50 minute pleasure skate around the perimeter.

It was an abysmal team effort and they deserved to lose.

Why is there always blame? In a game where there was zero effort and lack of commitment a million things can be pointed out.

If Huet was in would he have won that game? I don't know, but I can tell you that Huet has blown games this year with poor play.

So why call out Price? Because a 20 year old made a mistake?

Remember in the Stanley Cup Final when Brodeur cost his team a game when he dropped his stick it hit it and went through his legs.

The great ones come back with strong performances. He knows he ######ed up. Let's see how he responds to being the goat for the first time.

It was an embarrasing game to watch. And it is no different than what they have shown all year.

I think everybody forgets that our previous saviour let in a ton of brutal goals during the 86 season.

So many that Larry Robinson had to take him aside before the playoffs and tell him "no more bad goals"

He was also benched in favour of Hayward in the 87 Playoffs.

This team is not ready for prime time. Get used to the flashes, but until they acquire a Superstar or the youth matures,

this team will continue to be inconsistent.

These posts sum it up perfectly.

The entire team was brutal! Everyone and I mean everyone sucked.

How can we play so well on Saturday and then play so bad on Tuesday?

What a crap game to watch.

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I didn't watch last night and in hindsight I'm really glad I didn't. But coming on here to check the boards and wow! We're young, we're gonna be inconsistent, and we're still missing some pieces of the puzzle. Until the young guys we have mature and turn into bonafide players, or until we get that solid pure scorer (either a winger to play with Koivu or a 1st line centre to move Koivu to the second) we'll be like this. At least the potential's there...

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It'd be easier to lay off if so many on this board weren't so goddamned quick to anoint him the second coming of 'Saint' Patrick Roy. Carey Price hasn't done anything to indicate he's a lock to be a starting NHL goaltender yet, let alone a star in the NHL. Don't get me wrong, I hope and pray that he does turn out to be that good....but....I'm not going to delude myself into believing that's his destiny until he convinces me with his play on the ice. And that doesn't mean playing great for a season or two either; after all, Jose Theodore won the Hart and Vezina trophies...and we all know how that turned out! I'll reserve judgement on his potential for a good long time...because it'll take that long to determine what he's going to amount to one way or the other.

Tonight though, he stunk: one goal that he gave the other team because he wandered and then made a bonehead play, and the other was a long unscreened shot that you'd expect a Jr. A goalie to stop 99 times out of 100. He wasn't alone in that, because his team stunk too....but GREAT goalies keep the 'bad' goals out to give their team a chance to win when they're at less than their best. He'll get many more chances to do that...not a big deal.

How can you reserve judgement on his potential? He has superstar potential. He has proven that by winning the WJC MVP, the Calder Cup MVP and putting up better numbers than Luongo, Brodeur etc as a 20 year old.

He has proven his potential. He has not proven that he will reach his potential.

Once again I will reference the fact that the holy one Patrick Roy let in a ton of bad goals in his first 2-3 years in the league, and the Florida telecast actually showed him doing the exact same thing against Florida in the 90s.

And he was a GREAT goalie.

We all have high hopes for him, and last nights brain cramp should not change that.

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Well, I watched the game last night. What a pathetic performance by our Habs...ALL OF THEM! Not a single player can say that they played a good game, because they all sucked

True, Price made a bonehead mistake, and was weak on the 3rd Florida goal, but he'll learn. Maybe 7 games in a row was a little too much for him? one thing is for sure, you can bet your next paycheck that huet will be in nets on Thursday!

Like I sadi before, our team sucked last night. The Panthers play a horrible style of hockey that just kills the flow of the game. They lack talent so they play the trap and clog up the middle as much as possible. BUT that is no excuse for the way our boys played last night.Simply pathetic. THere's nothing else I can say! PRICE WAS NOT THE REASON WHY WE LOST. all 20 players were at fault.

I seriously thing that this 6 game road trip will be beneficial for the boys. For Some reason they don't like to play in front of their fans. They almost never give an effort when they play at the Phone booth! I say they come back form the 6 game road trip with 8 points!

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How can you reserve judgement on his potential? He has superstar potential. He has proven that by winning the WJC MVP, the Calder Cup MVP and putting up better numbers than Luongo, Brodeur etc as a 20 year old.

He has proven his potential. He has not proven that he will reach his potential.

Once again I will reference the fact that the holy one Patrick Roy let in a ton of bad goals in his first 2-3 years in the league, and the Florida telecast actually showed him doing the exact same thing against Florida in the 90s.

And he was a GREAT goalie.

We all have high hopes for him, and last nights brain cramp should not change that.

Voila. I don't understand why people are taking so many conclusion after this x-game or that game, after just one or 2 games, all the time. I'm not the best at explaining this in english, but I hope you get my point..

Streit scores 2 goals the other day: #32 the sniper! Start a parade, if he keeps this up he'll score 164 goals this season!!!

Streit lets a bouncing puck skip over his blade, resulting in an odd man rush: bwaa #32 can't play D

Price lets in a softy and screws up on another play: a flash in the pan! Why are people saying he's so good??..???!!

Price shuts out the Maple Leafs in 6 consecutive games:....

Relax! The fact Price made a couple mistakes last night doesn't take away from the huge talent this kid has. And don't start telling me that he isn't a potential superstar in this league. True, a lot of things can happen to him in the future.. but if you actually know a thing or two about goaltending you se that this kid has can't miss written all over him. He does (almost) everything right.. at a very young age.. and it looks like hes pretty strong between his ears as well

Relax.. people make mistakes all the time.. Carey will be fine..


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Whoa, what the hell is going on in here?

5 points out of a possible last 6 before tonight, then a loss by a 1-goal margin, and suddenly the emotions are roaring to the point where the's some pretty intense name calling going on... Are we turning into Leafs fans?

Come on guys, get a hold of yourselves. It's just a game. It's a very important part of our lives, as hockey fans, but it's still.. just a game.. let's keep a cool head.

Anger has a time and place - it's useful for stirring up the adrenaline you need when you're in a fight for your life and you're trying to kick someone's ass to survive.

On an internet forum, it serves no purpose.

Let's put this behind us and move on.

I agree with you about the way people are snipping at each other.. not called for, imo. :)

However, I do not accept the "5 out of 6" points stuff. We always say that to make ourselves feel better. The fact remains that they have continued history of not playing anywhere near good enough for 60 minutes. This team will never be a top team until they play consistently. They are now 5 out of a possible 8 points. They are also 5 out of a possible 10 points...

While even the sens have slumps, when they get out of the slump they win like 8 out of 10. They don't show up strong for one game, muddle through the next, shit the bed in the third, talk about playing better, have a great game, muddle, suck.. repeat...

This is frustrating as hell to a lot of fans. This team should and could have blown out Florida tonight. If they played great but lost a tight one, then I could deal with it, but they stunk it up, again.

Edited by brobin
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I guess the cross check by Koivu at the end of the game may be getting reviewed by the league.

Lame ... it didn't deserve the penalty it received. Match penalty ... please!

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Yep, these guys are extremely lazy. has anyone seen the team that played in the first 13 games? I'd like to see those guys again.

Nice points Wamsley. I'll throw out a few more. To put the blame on 20 year old kids is just redicolous. Price messed up once, big deal get over it. Your not going to win much when you get 20 shots a night. Simple as that.

Markov on the 2 on1? Hello, at age 8 they teach you to take the pass away and let the goalie take the shooter.

So i'll call out the vets again, Markov, Koivu, Ryder, Smoke even Kovalev (who has been much better this year i'll give him that) have played worse this year then previous years. So some facts to back it up. Kovalev the Habs top scorer is 60th or something in scoring. Which basically means every team in the league has on average 2 players better then the Habs best. That is horrible. Markov has been terrible in his own end. Smoke a huge disappointment. Ryder has been brutal. Koivu is struggling mightily, 80% of his points are when the habs have the PP.

As a team they are:



slow (i'll get arguements but if teams skate you into the ground your not a fast team)

A perimeter team that never goes to the net.

can't put 2 passes together.

What happened to the team toughness they showed early in the season?

Really bad in there own end

Time to blow it up BG, please i've said numerous times. This current core is going Know where fast.



Koivu (NTC)



Smoke (NTC)

can all be traded

Atleast they still have cool uniforms

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5 points out of a possible last 6 before tonight, then a loss by a 1-goal margin, and suddenly the emotions are roaring to the point where the's some pretty intense name calling going on... Are we turning into Leafs fans?

Last night's score was not an indicator of how the game was played. The last goal was scored with 23 seconds left...like they had a chance of actually coming back in the game!!

The Habs did not show up for the first 50 minutes of this game. 50 fv.cking minutes! :wall::wall: then suddendly in the final 10 minutes they decide to play!?!?! I say BULL SHIT! They did not deserve to win last night, and they got what they deserved.

Had our boys played a strong game, with some forechecking, and had they skated like they can, this loss would not have gotten me as angry as I am today. they simply did NOT show up for last night's game. They were lazy and played like pussies!

For you to say that they lost a 1 goal game kinda gives me the impression that you didn't watch the game!?!?! Also, let's not forget that the second Markov goal was a fluke. it should never have gone in.

Edited by Habsfan
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This Price nonsense is exactly why I have numerous Habs fans friends who won't join this or any other board.

People will ge over it. There is no doubt in my mind that the Kid will become a great goalie. He made a mistake and let in a soft goal. It happens to all goalies...no matter how old they are! Even Brodeur let's in weak goals sometimes!

Edited by Habsfan
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What a crap game to watch.

Seriously, what a waste of two and a half hours. It was pure shit.

Most people here are being reasonable about Price. He's still learning, and you know that there will be bad puck-handling moves from a puck-handling goalie (hell, Huet's not a puck-handler and we've seen some costly mistakes from him). The vast majority of the time he makes a good play, he just needs to hold back sometimes.

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Yep, these guys are extremely lazy. has anyone seen the team that played in the first 13 games? I'd like to see those guys again.

Nice points Wamsley. I'll throw out a few more. To put the blame on 20 year old kids is just redicolous. Price messed up once, big deal get over it. Your not going to win much when you get 20 shots a night. Simple as that.

Markov on the 2 on1? Hello, at age 8 they teach you to take the pass away and let the goalie take the shooter.

So i'll call out the vets again, Markov, Koivu, Ryder, Smoke even Kovalev (who has been much better this year i'll give him that) have played worse this year then previous years. So some facts to back it up. Kovalev the Habs top scorer is 60th or something in scoring. Which basically means every team in the league has on average 2 players better then the Habs best. That is horrible. Markov has been terrible in his own end. Smoke a huge disappointment. Ryder has been brutal. Koivu is struggling mightily, 80% of his points are when the habs have the PP.

As a team they are:



slow (i'll get arguements but if teams skate you into the ground your not a fast team)

A perimeter team that never goes to the net.

can't put 2 passes together.

What happened to the team toughness they showed early in the season?

Really bad in there own end

Time to blow it up BG, please i've said numerous times. This current core is going Know where fast.



Koivu (NTC)



Smoke (NTC)

can all be traded

Atleast they still have cool uniforms

It won't happen. But the window to acquire talent for these players is closing, some it already has closed on.

I keep waiting for these guys to get it, and everytime I think they do they take a shit on centre ice the next game.

Unfortunately it is a fine line and any effort to not go for it this year may alienate the youth. The best bet is Gainey

trying to acquire a UFA player at the deadline to bolster the scoring punch.

Until the kiddie corp steps up, this is going to continue. I would preach patience, but some of us have been patient for 10+ years.

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I would preach patience, but some of us have been patient for 10+ years.

But the first 5+ of those years don't count. Basically, I have forgotten about the years before A. Savard showed up (incompetent administration), and the 2-3 years after he showed up (takes some time for the badness from the incompetents to start flowing out). So really, it has only been since Gainey showed up that we have started to have a chance ... and although we do have a chance this year, greener pastures are definitely in the team's future if we keep with the status quo.


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Last night's score was not an indicator of how the game was played. The last goal was scored with 23 seconds left...like they had a chance of actually coming back in the game!!

The Habs did not show up for the first 50 minutes of this game. 50 fv.cking minutes! :wall::wall: then suddendly in the final 10 minutes they decide to play!?!?! I say BULL SHIT! They did not deserve to win last night, and they got what they deserved.

Had our boys played a strong game, with some forechecking, and had they skated like they can, this loss would not have gotten me as angry as I am today. they simply did NOT show up for last night's game. They were lazy and played like pussies!

For you to say that they lost a 1 goal game kinda gives me the impression that you didn't watch the game!?!?! Also, let's not forget that the second Markov goal was a fluke. it should never have gone in.

Hey, i know we played like shit, i'm just saying.. i don't think that's a reason for us to start turning on each other the way we did a few pages back.

Excuse me for trying to be positive.

Besides... we all know how it is, right. Habs will go on to win 2 games in a row and this one will be totally forgotten. Then they will lose another game, and the 2 game streak will be instantly forgotten.

A habs fan's memory is limited to 2 games, tops.

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But the first 5+ of those years don't count. Basically, I have forgotten about the years before A. Savard showed up (incompetent administration), and the 2-3 years after he showed up (takes some time for the badness from the incompetents to start flowing out). So really, it has only been since Gainey showed up that we have started to have a chance ... and although we do have a chance this year, greener pastures are definitely in the team's future if we keep with the status quo.


The thing is, when the incompetence was going on I didn't think it was possible for the Habs to suck.

So you are right. I was kind of oblivious to the destruction of Rejean Foule.

But I went to watch the Habs in 2000 and they got destroyed 5-2 by the Rangers and the fans were

chanting "Fire Houle" through the Halls. So the day he got fired my hope was renewed. Since then I have

been patient. So 7 years for me then.

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I don't even count the Andre Savard hiring so much as the turning point. Yes, there's Higgins, Komisarek and Plekanec that were drafted under his watch but the Brisebois contract and the Czerkawski moves are questionable at best. He was a lousy GM who drafted superbly. Gainey is both - a drafter and a good GM.

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I don't even count the Andre Savard hiring so much as the turning point. Yes, there's Higgins, Komisarek and Plekanec that were drafted under his watch but the Brisebois contract and the Czerkawski moves are questionable at best. He was a lousy GM who drafted superbly. Gainey is both - a drafter and a good GM.

I am not questioning ability. But Foule was bottoming out. Nowhere to go but up from there.

The hiring of Savard represented a restocking of the farm, he had success with Ottawa hence the optimism.

I was just pissed when they stunk so bad and were last overall in January 01 that they did not bail on the season

in order to get Kovalchuk. That was the opportunity to acquire the franchise talent we have been lacking.

Savard tried to pull of a deal, and if he included Theo would have gotten it done. Hindsight being 20/20 I would do it now.

But was happy he did not after 2002. Dark times that bring perspective to the tantrums of last night.

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I don't even count the Andre Savard hiring so much as the turning point. Yes, there's Higgins, Komisarek and Plekanec that were drafted under his watch but the Brisebois contract and the Czerkawski moves are questionable at best. He was a lousy GM who drafted superbly. Gainey is both - a drafter and a good GM.

Yes, but now his drafting is starting to bare fruit as it slowly develops in to our new core. So, he was the beginning in a way, but it took 2-3 years before any of his good choices even cracked the line-up ... and it will take a few more for the full turnover to be complete, and then new core to gain experience. I really think this will be a very good team next year. It is a good team now, but next year .... I'm expecting even more (although, I really don't know what new talent could break our ranks next year ... maybe Emelin? But all those colledge kids will be off the shelf for a few years - and I don't think White of Maxwell will have a significant impact on the Habs for at least another year after this one -- so it is all about the guys playing right now maturing and developing more).

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What we have to accept is that this team, it's youth and our ability to bring in a strong veteran isn't going to truly bear fruit until probably next year or the year after. And Bacchus, I do agree that Savard was a turning point. However, his roster imbalance was a step backwards and his prospect acquisitions were a step forward. Basically we haven't really moved yet. With Gainey it is full steam ahead but what needs to be done is going to take some more time.

It's going to take time. And, Habs fans are the MOST IMPATIENT fans. We have been after all; spoiled rotten. Maybe not lately but a spade is a spade

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