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GDT: Game 1, Montreal vs Philadelphia


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its pretty much like game 1 vs Pittsburgh

- lack of discipline

- bab penalty kill

2 things that we adjusted on.

I expect a better outing next time

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Calm down, guys, I missed the game. It's only logical that the Habs should also miss it. How can they show up if I don't? The rest of the series will be different.

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I have to chuckle a bit at the overall tone following this game. Boone (who I generally like) is announcing that 'size DOES matter' - implying, yawn, that the Habs are just too small to win - while ripping the team for not drafting Philly's Quebecois contingent; Todd is (for some reason) ripping Bob Gainey for favouring Carey Price over the past two years, as though that has anything to do with anything right now; Stubbs is suggesting that the run up to this point has been a mirage; and the general tone of both fan and media commentators is that it's probably all over, that Game One is obviously an indicator of the Habs' grotesque inadequacy and their inevitable defeat in this series. :rolleyes:

Hey, it may be true that it's all over. But Game One remains the least important game of any series and the Habs have been both superbly resilient and defying the odds all playoff. What irritates me is the idea that one loss entitles 'experts' and fans to pronounce upon, not simply what went wrong last night, but upon supposedly fundamental flaws in the entire team and organization. If it wasn't true in Game 7 five nights ago, why is it suddenly true now?

I'd like to go back to 1993 coverage and see what folks were saying after we lost Game One to the Islanders in the semi-finals. :hlogo:

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I'd agree with that. Prior to the game, media reports were all cheery about the Team of Destiny. One loss, and that tone is out the window. In terms of media, it's back to the loser mentality that has plagued this team for too long. For one, I'm not worried. Hopefully this loss was just a misstep, as at least to me, this was really the first game of the playoffs for the Habs where I can say they quit.

And while it's not necessarily size that matters in terms of net presence, the Habs do have to do more to get some of those dirty goals. Having Cammy snipe it from his office can't carry the team forever.

Edit: Regarding Boone's piece lamenting the Habs lack of size, it's funny how at the end of that very article, he dismisses using O'Byrne. Seems he would be ideal if size does indeed matter.

Edited by huzer
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I'd agree with that. Prior to the game, media reports were all cheery about the Team of Destiny. One loss, and that tone is out the window. In terms of media, it's back to the loser mentality that has plagued this team for too long. For one, I'm not worried. Hopefully this loss was just a misstep, as at least to me, this was really the first game of the playoffs for the Habs where I can say they quit.

And while it's not necessarily size that matters in terms of net presence, the Habs do have to do more to get some of those dirty goals. Having Cammy snipe it from his office can't carry the team forever.

Edit: Regarding Boone's piece lamenting the Habs lack of size, it's funny how at the end of that very article, he dismisses using O'Byrne. Seems he would be ideal if size does indeed matter.

Todd's piece is the one that really gets me. It is completely incoherent. Obviously, Gainey insulted him or something, because the argument makes absolutely no sense on any level.


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I have to chuckle a bit at the overall tone following this game. Boone (who I generally like) is announcing that 'size DOES matter' - implying, yawn, that the Habs are just too small to win - while ripping the team for not drafting Philly's Quebecois contingent; Todd is (for some reason) ripping Bob Gainey for favouring Carey Price over the past two years, as though that has anything to do with anything right now; Stubbs is suggesting that the run up to this point has been a mirage; and the general tone of both fan and media commentators is that it's probably all over, that Game One is obviously an indicator of the Habs' grotesque inadequacy and their inevitable defeat in this series. :rolleyes:

Hey, it may be true that it's all over. But Game One remains the least important game of any series and the Habs have been both superbly resilient and defying the odds all playoff. What irritates me is the idea that one loss entitles 'experts' and fans to pronounce upon, not simply what went wrong last night, but upon supposedly fundamental flaws in the entire team and organization. If it wasn't true in Game 7 five nights ago, why is it suddenly true now?

I'd like to go back to 1993 coverage and see what folks were saying after we lost Game One to the Islanders in the semi-finals. :hlogo:

We won that game

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Haha Todd, sure has some angst. Faith is hard to come by and easy to lose it seems. Halak seem average last night, and average is not going to cut it in the third round. I suspect he'll come back with his usual bounce back self.

My thoughts were that the habs were confused at whether they should be a dump and chase or a carry in team. Also, not sure what happened to the team that plugged the neutral zone, but the flyers seemed a hot knife through butter last night. They'd carry into the zone and stop after the blue line and freeze the D, then do a delayed dump and chase. The habs D, regressed to nervous with the puck. If you notice the flyers D, they confidentially throw the puck out of the zone. Too many times the Habs D would back pass or dump the puck weakly to the blue line and have it interrcepted.

The habs forwards are not blameless either, they went back to lounging at the red line looking for the stretch pass instead of coming back to collect the puck. I did like Subban carrying the puck through the neutral zone though, he seemed to exploit the flyers there, although nothing really seemed to come from it.

The playoffs are about adapting, adapt and evolve, the team will come out with a plan for game 2.

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Todd's piece is the one that really gets me. It is completely incoherent. Obviously, Gainey insulted him or something, because the argument makes absolutely no sense on any level.


I don't even read Todd's articles. He's been out to lunch since the dawn of time. Expecting something positive to spew from his keyboard is ridiculous.

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Really? I could swear we lost it :wacko:

Nope, We won 11 straight after the first 2 games against Quebec. We didn't lose again till game 4 vs the Islanders.

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Jack Todd has as much/little status as anyone on this site.

The Gazette is being embarrassed during these playoffs as Todd, Fisher and Cowan consistently turn in articles of significantly lesser quality than the imports from such hockey hotbeds as Pittsburgh and Washington. This is supposed to be the most die-hard hockey city in the world. Yet our hockey critics and analysts are apparently some of the least talented around...? The only guys of any use are Stubbs and Boone (because he's funny). Hickey's alright but he doesn't really give commentary, he just reports the news.

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We failed in two key areas that we excelled at in previous games. First was keeping our opponent to the outside. The Flyers just walked right in and went to the net. We can't allow them to do that anymore. Second is related to the first and that is way too much traffic in Halak's face.

MAB should not be playing defense. O'Byrne is a better option.

We had some strange defensive pairings at times and I'm not sure if it was Martin playing around or broken line changes.

Habs have had trouble with hard fore check for a long, long time. We can burn that with speed and good passing. If we can do that then Philly will back off a bit.

Halak will be better in game 2.

Tuesday will be exciting.


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The play was so awful last night that I almost thought they threw the game...

They were literally skating into each other...either the guy with the puck literally carried it directly into a teammate or guys without the puck were running around on top of each other.

They were throwing blind passes back to the blueline when they actually did make the Philly zone...and I'm not talking about passes back that should have been to safe zones, some were 15' off the boards where the defenceman shouldn't be regardless.

I've seen some comments supporting Subban but he played piss poor last night. He made a number of costly errors. Most of the team played poorly but Subban cost the team a couple goals and scoring chances.

They're dumping the puck in, lolly-gagging through the neutral zone and playing the puck instead of the man.

How many times are they going to let Philly forwards stand in the slot unimpeded? Hell, they're even letting them get position without a fight...

Also frustrating is that the refs still called some ridiculous penalties...which is a carry over from the last series IMO. Don't get me wrong, they did not cost the game but I would say 3 of the goals for the Flyers were on pretty mediocre penalty calls. I thought it interesting that with similar plays they did not call Philly for penalties. Big difference between a 3-0 loss and a 6-0 loss on the teams psyche. Every fan thinks they get screwed by the refs but when commentators are openly discussing poor calls then it goes beyond fan bias.

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Jack Todd has as much/little status as anyone on this site.

The Gazette is being embarrassed during these playoffs as Todd, Fisher and Cowan consistently turn in articles of significantly lesser quality than the imports from such hockey hotbeds as Pittsburgh and Washington. This is supposed to be the most die-hard hockey city in the world. Yet our hockey critics and analysts are apparently some of the least talented around...? The only guys of any use are Stubbs and Boone (because he's funny). Hickey's alright but he doesn't really give commentary, he just reports the news.

I NEVER read anything that is published from the Gazette that isn't written by Stubbs or Boone. I read Boone,

he writes from the viewpoint of a fan and gets as irrational as the best of them.

Anything else is like you said, sub-standard. Fisher has an excuse, he is 85 years old. Todd is a moron.

Blogs are the way to go nowadays.

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Really? I could swear we lost it :wacko:

Game 1 against the Kings.

They were up 3-0 on the Isles before losing in Long Island and clinching in 5 back home, although

Game 2 did go to double OT.

You don't need to think back to the Conference Finals, the fans and media were calling for Red Light

Racicot to start Game 3 against the Nords.

The series is not lost until you lose a game at home. Even then I just watched the Flyers come back

from 3-0 and the Habs come back from 3-1 and 3-2. The media baffles me at their lack of foresight or

hindsight. They live in the now and it destroys perspective.

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I have to chuckle a bit at the overall tone following this game. Boone (who I generally like) is announcing that 'size DOES matter' - implying, yawn, that the Habs are just too small to win - while ripping the team for not drafting Philly's Quebecois contingent; Todd is (for some reason) ripping Bob Gainey for favouring Carey Price over the past two years, as though that has anything to do with anything right now; Stubbs is suggesting that the run up to this point has been a mirage; and the general tone of both fan and media commentators is that it's probably all over, that Game One is obviously an indicator of the Habs' grotesque inadequacy and their inevitable defeat in this series. :rolleyes:

Hey, it may be true that it's all over. But Game One remains the least important game of any series and the Habs have been both superbly resilient and defying the odds all playoff. What irritates me is the idea that one loss entitles 'experts' and fans to pronounce upon, not simply what went wrong last night, but upon supposedly fundamental flaws in the entire team and organization. If it wasn't true in Game 7 five nights ago, why is it suddenly true now?

I'd like to go back to 1993 coverage and see what folks were saying after we lost Game One to the Islanders in the semi-finals. :hlogo:

It was my fault. In an effort to improve karma, I drove to Montreal from Toronto and watched the game at my sister's house in Beaconsfield. I don't know what got into me.

I'm sorry.

I won't do it again.

I'm back where I belong.

Drop da puck.



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