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This whole Penn State situation is why I have such little faith in humanity's ability to create a reasonable social contract on their own. JoePa and the guy who witnessed one of the instances of rape did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. I'm sorry, but if you know about something like this and don't follow up on it to make sure your superiors contact the police, then you're only a small step above the guy who actually raped the kid. And what is with the witness just leaving the building and calling his father? You see that going on and you go stop it and call the cops immediately. It's unconscionable to let it slide like this.

And as I type this they are saying on the news that there is a large group of students in front of JoePa's house chanting his name in support. These people are sick. This is every bit as bad as any church sex scandal and these people are supporting it. It's just sick.

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This whole Penn State situation is why I have such little faith in humanity's ability to create a reasonable social contract on their own. JoePa and the guy who witnessed one of the instances of rape did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law. I'm sorry, but if you know about something like this and don't follow up on it to make sure your superiors contact the police, then you're only a small step above the guy who actually raped the kid. And what is with the witness just leaving the building and calling his father? You see that going on and you go stop it and call the cops immediately. It's unconscionable to let it slide like this.

And as I type this they are saying on the news that there is a large group of students in front of JoePa's house chanting his name in support. These people are sick. This is every bit as bad as any church sex scandal and these people are supporting it. It's just sick.

This is the first time I hear of this situation but I don't feel like intimate knowledge of the offence is essential to understanding your argument. That being said, I don't understand your argument. I don't know what you mean by society coming up with a social contract, as if "social contract" only applies to secular societies.

Firstly, religious codes of conduct are exactly examples of social contracts made by societies and they clearly haven't prevented despicable behaviour. If you believe that human societies are incapable of eliminating evil, that will be the case with religion or no. This isn't a reason to prefer religious morality to secular morality.

Second, the people you're berating could consider themselves devout Christians for all we know. They come from a highly religious society after all. They can't be used as an example of what an atheist society would look like. For that, look at the Scandinavian countries where 70% of people are atheists. They consistently rank among the world's top nations (way above the USA) in regards to crime rate, education, happiness, donating to charity, etc.

Thirdly, even if you believe that evil is inevitable in human societies, it still makes sense to want to keep it to as small a group as possible. There are horrifying social contracts (the Taliban and other extremist Muslim societies for example) and there are generally successful ones (Canada, Scandinavian nations, Western Europe...) by comparison.

I have already provided a basis for morality in a secular world. I don't think the fact that there are idiots puts this argument at risk. If anything, it should convince us of the need to spread the message that morality has its basis in our biology and that scientific and philosophical knowledge can help us resolve moral dilemmas. The problem is that this view is caught between two more popular views, both of which allow the believer to justify any behaviour he or she wants: 1) morality comes from religion and 2) there is no such thing as morality because there is no objective basis for it (i.e. What makes murder inherently wrong?). Many secularists and atheists don't believe you have the right to say that not reporting a rape is bad. It is a difference of opinions that have been acquired socially. If there is reason to worry over secular morality it would be because of this belief. But by no means is this belief the logically consistent and necessary follow-up position of atheism. Once we relate morality to maximizing human well-being and point out the legitimacy of intersubjective values in our society, it becomes clear that there is a basis for morality in reality. Education on this issue will increase the possibility of a more moral society in the future. I think this will gradually happen as religious fervour declines in the Western world (as I feel it is).

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I thought they said they were obligated to report it and didn't so they would face the courts about it. Bu I haven't followed it too closely.

And agreed, the whole situation with the support they are getting is disgusting.

The only people other than the sicko himself facing charges are two administrators who lied to a grand jury about the situation. With regards to JoePa, it was either the DA or the police chief who said that JoePa did nothing wrong legally but questioned his morals for not following through on it.

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Okay, new topic:

Capitalism cannot work. It must have a socialist base in order for society to function fairly and effectively.


First you need to answer: What does it mean for a society to be working?

In a sense, capitalism's working for us right now, or was for a few decades until recently.

Are you saying that it inevitably leads to an authoritarian, nearly fascist regime? If so, how long does it take for this happen and was capitalism "working" up until that point?

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First you need to answer: What does it mean for a society to be working?

In a sense, capitalism's working for us right now, or was for a few decades until recently.

Are you saying that it inevitably leads to an authoritarian, nearly fascist regime? If so, how long does it take for this happen and was capitalism "working" up until that point?

I'm not sure it was ever working. It may have been the only solution as society evolved, but today it can't keep the number of poor from increasing or the rich from benefitting more and more.

And by working, I mean trending towards everyone being able to afford food, water and shelter and survive above the poverty line.

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I think capitalism is inherently terrible for the vast majority of people.

Look at free trade and how it pushed Mexico back 50 years into a drug infested mess. That happened because corporations came in demanding lower and lower minimum wages and worst conditions, capitalism drives child labor, makes poor countries poorer and even in some cases corporations run countries! Thanks to the WTO and organizations like that we are starting to see countries have to reject social practices that made life better for their people so the country can take a loan they can't afford to pay the interest on that ends up in the pockets of the leaders anyway!

Or what about how a corporation like Monsanto can come in and sue millions from a farmer because their seed blew into the farmers field?

Corporations and capitalism are destroying the integrity of society. Canada blocked asbestos from being deemed a dangerous chemical because we are selling it to India and making money. We are killing people knowingly because of capitalism and its ridiculous desire for constant growth.

I hate it. It is ridiculous and I wish we could find some way to bring integrity into our world.

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Okay, new topic:

Capitalism cannot work. It must have a socialist base in order for society to function fairly and effectively.


Originally posted at http://zippittydodah.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The Trivialization of the Wasted Mind.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

(I started another Petri Dish 3 days ago, by this time it seems I should begin another; the mind moves on and it wasn't all that good anyway (grin))

Let's talk about the trivialization of modern life and what it results in; results that are horrific beyond imagining in some cases. Let us consider that those under the spell of the trivial and superficial are only a short walk off a busted pier into psychopathy. My suspicion is that the reader will be able to make this great cognitive leap on their own to see the implications and possibilities unsaid. If not it will probably get discussed here or in the comments section.

Today (and on many days) while driving to an appointment and back (or somewhere), I was struck again by the amount of people walking around with a cellphone in their ear. Not so many years ago there were no cellphones. What did people do then, play pocket pool? You can't drive by a bus kiosk without spotting a gaggle of teenage girls, thumb shagging their cellphones, while bouncing one knee over the other in a combined cyborg masturbation event. The phone isn't imbedded in their head yet, like something out of a Hellraiser sequel but it will be, count on that. With very few exceptions I'm on the phone long enough to take care of whatever business got me there and then it's Hi yo Cisco!

With alarming frequency, 'for those so engaged', you hear about this fellow or that lady stepping off the sidewalk with their earbuds in place and getting transubstantiated into a composting potential. I don't know if transubstantiation works in reverse but just about everything else does so, I suppose you can turn gold into shit as well. This happens to people driving too, when the music, earbudded or speaker rendered, drowns out the sound of car horns, human screams and certainly farts that may take place inside the auto but this does not affect the smell. There's a message to be had here and once again I trust the reader to make that great cognitive leap.

People play video games on their phones and computers and arcade machines and this is accelerating exponentially so that for many people it's all there is to life and most of the video games have to do with killing people, creatures, whatever. Some portion of these people go on to be drone operators, while themselves being drones of a type. When you kill someone on a screen it isn't real but something is, though it may have been lost in the translation and experience a long time ago.

Porn and the engagement with it is so widespread at every level of society that most people would be awed by the pervasiveness of it, that is, if they weren't watching it themselves, which they probably are and therefore- and there's another message here- wouldn't be that aware of other people doing it. I like the human form and can imagine appreciating an artful rendering of an ancient practice but what porn I have seen in former times is banal, perfunctory, gross and poorly performed. Why? Because it is a trivialization of something that can't be really enjoyed because some part of ourselves knows about the sacred mystery of the whole affair. A great many people don't have much awareness of this, except for the guilt, which is how the subconscious reacts to the trivialization of this ancient and beautiful art. Insecurity in the performance, premature ejaculation, the inability to kiss and so many features of this unfathomably intricate and yet stunningly simple process, all come out of the trivialization of it, which might have come about due to desire instead of love but if you can't master your horse, that is what you are going to get as well as all of those other things that happen when you and your horse are not effectively communicating. Some may dispute some portions of what I just wrote but that is because I don't have the time and space to get more deeply into many of these things or I would be writing for a long, long time and it wouldn't be a blog posting in any case; would it?

Trivialization and being desensitized have a symbiotic relationship, once again something is moving in reverse. Both of them are two of the main conditions of our time. Human life is cheap and we've become desensitized to that. Sex has more to do with dominance and manipulation than whatever the heck it might have once been a medium for. This extends into every other area of life. What else accompanies all of this? Bad diet does. Next time you have rusting contacts on your car battery, pour some Coca Cola on it. I won't go near commercial soft drinks and you shouldn't either, especially now that it comes in those plastic bottles. This is the number one cause of the negative feminization of the male principle. This shit messes up your hormones. I'm not sure you can make new hormones but then again, you can just step on her foot.

Trivialization and desensitization make it possible to not give a damn about other people dying for the forces of the marketplace. They also make you incrementally and lately, more rapidly accomplishing it, with no real limits on degrees of. I suspect that if things were allowed to continue as they do, you could see a human being drop down onto all fours in the space of a lifetime. It's one of the things to also keep in mind if you are what you eat and you consider reincarnation. Does this mean I might come back as vegetable? It doesn't work like that but otherwise it does and it's something to keep in mind when you feed on the direct next or previous life form. The food of the gods is what the person becoming one has for lunch and dinner.

These things also lead to not giving a shit about how you affect other people and why shoving, pushing and panic are epidemic. While I'm on the subject from several angles, let me say that I have no prejudice about people with extra weight. I've known heavy people who move like a dancer and whose energy is not compromised by it, nor is their attitude. When I talk about obesity in the occasional humorous way (although some might not be laughing) it has to do with contemporary indulgences that are ubiquitous and it's no surprise that Mississippi and Alabama are numbers two and one respectively. I can't explicate and apologize in every post for lack of comprehension on the readers part, or lack of detail and fuller explanation on the writers part. However, let me say that I don't really mean to hurt people's feeling unless a transforming motivation is the result. Anyway, enough of that. I'm trying as best I can.

I don't wear jewelry. I try not to eat bad food and the only time I have a cellphone is where I live when there is no phone due to the extreme financial slamming I take there. I try across the board not to engage in any of the things mentioned and many not mentioned here today. I know this is the case with many of the readers too. In a connected digression I must say it is odd to hear from so many readers how they don't have the pocket change to buy my book. I'm talking about twenty people or more and how many didn't write in to tell me this? I'm not trolling for bread or the book either. By now the majority of the readers know where I'm coming from. I'm just surprised to hear it for myriad reasons, which I once again expect the reader to make the cognitive jump for the understanding of. I am sorry for those readers, the good news though is that we gave away half of the book and if you come around here on a regular basis you pretty much get whatever the book had to say.

Many of you need to become more prosperity conscious. I'm not talking about chanting for a new car or excessive possession of the very type being presently exemplified by the worst among us and proclaimed from pulpits of new age snake oil sales people in whatever version they may have which is directly linked to their own prosperity. I'm talking about an abiding confidence in the beneficence of the universe. You may not immediately see a connection between this latter part of the posting and the early part but it is there so make that cognitive leap.

Trivialization, desensitization and all of their bad relatives spells the death rattle of the culture; make no mistake about it. It is happening right in front of your eyes. What is not happening in front of your eyes are all the good things taking place off the radar, in the human heart for those open to it, in the dawning of the mind for those open to it and in some cases emergent in widespread movements, compromised and non compromised. So, we are seeing some of it but not what is also following in its footsteps. It is all collectively individual as well. The world is moving in two separate directions, passing each other by on their way to the bridge of destiny. The thing about the bridge of destiny is that it is reached on a winding road surrounded by dense forest and you don't see it until you are right on top of it. Ironically the sign that says, “bridge is out”, in the cases where it applies, is often obscured for some reason but the signs from earlier back down the way they came, were plain to be seen but obscured for other reasons having to do with powers of perception and the cloaking force of desire, depending on the level of purity and impurity demonstrated by the attendant smoke.

The trivia and banality of network TV needs no delineation or examples. The contents of the general conversation require none either. The tightening of the screws of endless laws prohibiting free speech, behavior and thought itself, is apparent and directly tied to these concerns as well; make the cognitive leap. The Dead Sea salt beauty care manufacturers are deeply employed in all of these things, while carrying out production in Palestine and pretending otherwise, while also pretending to be those people and there's very little beauty in any of it but a clear message for those not suffering from brain fog. We're all working for someone and you can track it back and up or down the line to specific forces that make the expression of what they represent, in archetypal essence, self evident, depending on whether any particular self is evident and depending on what is or is not mistaken for the self.

Leave good footprints and make them count; cave, cave deus videt. Know thyself and thou shalt no longer be trivial.

End Transmission.......


Edited by Natural Mystic
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I'm not sure it was ever working. It may have been the only solution as society evolved, but today it can't keep the number of poor from increasing or the rich from benefitting more and more.

And by working, I mean trending towards everyone being able to afford food, water and shelter and survive above the poverty line.

By that definition, is Canada not working right now? If Canada's not working, are there any societies on Earth that are working?

I think that every possible system works well if people don't take advantage of each other. And every system fails if people do take advantage of each other.

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