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Game Thread | Washington Vs. Montreal | 03/30/06

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They did it the hard way tonight, but a win is a win. I'm thinking the PP struggles were an abberation...but...this game showed that the boys can win even when they aren't getting many bounces.

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Wooo, even I stood up from my couch when Saku had the breakaway. Great play to strip Zubrus and streak away! The Habs needed this to keep pace with the Devils and Lightning. And to put more space between themselves and Atlanta.


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Put in Bubu!

YUP, Bulis ought to go out with a bang, if hes playing his last games as a Habs, THANK GOD KOIVU IS OUTTA THAT SLUMP. and with that said, heres to hopes of many more throughout the last games of the season and the playoffs.



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O man that game wasn't pretty. It was obvious than the Habs didnt had respect for the Caps, they played so lazilly and so below what they are capable to do. But ironically by playing so lazilly they made it much harder on themselves than it needed to be.

And the triple tie continue.. Tampa, Jersey and our Habs all have 83 points in bank.

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Yup, Boston is next for the 2 next games

We won,' play them in the playoff this year but we can officially eliminate them from the playoff by beating them :D

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What a steal by Koivu and i loved how he watched it trickle in then he fell into the boards when Higgy Pop tried to hug him.

Bulis should get a chance with Zed and Kovy.

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boy this team never likes to make it easy on themselves. is the lack of scoring ability or do they just like to win 2-1 or 3-2 far too exciting for an old guy like me

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Tonight it was not a lack of ability but a lack of effort IMO. They seem to do that often against weaker teams.

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Huet has offically tied the Canadiens all time record for save % in a single season .931 if he can keep his recent play up he would steal the title currently held by Jose Theodore.

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Yo guys CALL CJAD!!!! and talk about all of us here at Habsworld.net

they want international calls now! if anyone is in LAtinAmerica right now or Africa yell get aired!!!

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