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~Official Xbox 360 thread~


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No, it's probably a project he doesn't want to do. In which case, I've done many gay projects.


So basically the only way friends can play each other online is through player match, the latest patch doesn't allow inviting friends into ranked matches which is really kind of stupid.

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I'm going to start a new campaign where I go around saying the word "straight" in situations that some people would instead say gay.

*shrugs* go right ahead. I have gay friends who use the word gay for stuff like that. As long as you don't use faggot (which pretty much should be the f-word since it's 1000 times worse), it's all good.

Here, I'll get you started. The fact you can't play against friends online in a GoW ranked match is really freaking straight.

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*shrugs* go right ahead. I have gay friends who use the word gay for stuff like that. As long as you don't use faggot, it's all good.

Kindling offends you? :P

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Well, let's just consult the dictionary since there seems to be conflicting reports. :D


1 slang a) (offensive) a male homosexual

B) (derogatory) an unpleasant woman

2 (also fagot) a) a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel

B) a bundle of iron rods for heat treatment

c) a bunch of herbs

d) (Nfld) a stack of salted codfish

3 a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver etc. baked or fried

Seems there are many definitions. :P

(The Canadian Oxford Dictionary)

EDIT: cigarettes are just fags. lol

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ill be playing now until 10:00 about look me up gamertag darth td...in gears of war of course


God dammit! i re-rented Gears of war and the damn disc was scratched like crazy(rented at another video...were they owed me a game or movie rental) ...so sorry people who went and played...i will definitely buy GoW tough...

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hey jetsinper...i need your help....i have heard that the creators of final fantasy have left Squaresoft and now are creating a game for the x box 360...can you help me out with the name of the game please???i forgot it and i want to see some screen shots

Edit: i think i found i t...could it be Lost Odyssey by the publishers mystwalker??? they have the game blue dragon coming up....but lost odyssey looks amazing!! cant wait...hope it makes the jump out here in the u.s and Canada

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hey jetsinper...i need your help....i have heard that the creators of final fantasy have left Squaresoft and now are creating a game for the x box 360...can you help me out with the name of the game please???i forgot it and i want to see some screen shots

Edit: i think i found i t...could it be Lost Odyssey by the publishers mystwalker??? they have the game blue dragon coming up....but lost odyssey looks amazing!! cant wait...hope it makes the jump out here in the u.s and Canada

Yep, by Mistwalker. I'm personally looking forward more to Blue Dragon but yeah, they both look great. They're also working on a game called "Cry On". I haven't seen much on that one but with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, I'm sure it'll be great as well. Sakaguchi has even recruited Uematsu to do the soundtracks for all three games. They're all expected to be killer apps so I wouldn't worry about it making the jump. Especially since Microsoft's market in Japan is so shitty, they'll have to release them here. They're kind of pinning their Japanese hopes on these games though, especially Blue Dragon.

He hasn't left Squaresoft though, Mistwalker Studios is just his own little side project so that he can develop games for the 360 without Sony on his ass. Square is getting a little tired with Sony.

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Yep, by Mistwalker. I'm personally looking forward more to Blue Dragon but yeah, they both look great. They're also working on a game called "Cry On". I haven't seen much on that one but with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, I'm sure it'll be great as well. Sakaguchi has even recruited Uematsu to do the soundtracks for all three games. They're all expected to be killer apps so I wouldn't worry about it making the jump. Especially since Microsoft's market in Japan is so shitty, they'll have to release them here. They're kind of pinning their Japanese hopes on these games though, especially Blue Dragon.

He hasn't left Squaresoft though, Mistwalker Studios is just his own little side project so that he can develop games for the 360 without Sony on his ass. Square is getting a little tired with Sony.

If it werent for Square i dont know if Sony would be what they are today....i remember buying my first playstation cause the Final fantasy franchise had moved there....the same with the PS2 and so forth...

and i have recently heard that they are not 100% sure that there will be a Final Fantasy VII remake...they just did that to show the people the power of the playstation 3...if you have any news confirming that indeed there will be a Final Fantasy VII remake...then please share

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Square denied a FF VII remake right after that tech demo but I have heard one thing and it's not to do with Sony. FF's I-V have all been released for Nintendo consoles with VI coming out next month. Square has also said they're planning on something big for the Wii to do with FF. It won't be XIII or XIV or anything like that but it also won't be something like FF:CC so the rumor mill is churning that Square is going to port VII to the Wii.

Theres certainly no hard evidence of this of course but you never know with things like this in the gaming industry. Capcom said RE4 would never be on a console other then the Cube and now it's on PS2 and is coming out for the PC fairly soon. Like I've said before, Sony's problem is their arrogance.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if you've posted this already, jets, but what's your XBox Live? I just pitched in with some friends to get NHL 07 for their 360, so after playing it for a bit we'll likely start playing online. I think my friend's name in PineKone.

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Yep, either in deathmatch or we can play together in Campaign mode I think. I haven't touched GoW online much, I went on for a couple days but everyone playing was always a whiny 14 year old kid shouting stupid crap into his mic. A couple hours of "Boom, muthaf***ah, you're dead!" or "I touched boobies at school today! Hahaha!" REALLY gets on your nerves. I'll go online and poke around though, my gamertag is jetsniper33.

If enough people have Xbox Live and GoW, we could probably fill up an arena with HW people (I think you only need 6). HW's official GoW deathmatch. That would be sweet. :lol:

Oh. Durrr.

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fanpuck, those were two of the weirdest goals I've ever scored, haha.

Who was I playing? You or your friend? I hope you weren't talking, I didn't even have the headphones on. >_>

That was me, I was pleased with my performance. That's only the 2nd time I've sat down to play, so I didn't do too badly. I talked a couple times, but stopped when I didn't hear anything on the other end.

Is there any way to have more than one user in Dynasty mode? One of the reasons we got the game was to do a three person season, but it doesn't seem like we can do that. Can't even co-op for online play either.

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