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~Official Xbox 360 thread~


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That was me, I was pleased with my performance. That's only the 2nd time I've sat down to play, so I didn't do too badly. I talked a couple times, but stopped when I didn't hear anything on the other end.

My first online game although I remember some of our battles from NHL 06 when it first came out. Even then, we had some tight games. I remember hearing "DAMMIT!" after Laperierre scored, haha.

Is there any way to have more than one user in Dynasty mode? One of the reasons we got the game was to do a three person season, but it doesn't seem like we can do that. Can't even co-op for online play either.

Nope and nope.

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My first online game although I remember some of our battles from NHL 06 when it first came out. Even then, we had some tight games. I remember hearing "DAMMIT!" after Laperierre scored, haha.

Nope and nope.

Yeah, was hoping I could get a 2nd goal before you got one. Your Svatos to Wolski goal was a nice one, probably my two favorite Avs.

I'm still getting used to the game. I'm pretty bad at hitting, and aiming the passes is tough for me. It's not like NHL 04 where passes went exactly where I wanted them. I also am not a fan of the switching system, it rarely switches me to the player I actually want.

EA has really dropped the ball in term of features not only on the NHL series, but on most of their 360 titles. My friends were very disappointed with NCAA 07, and I heard Madden 07 didn't even have owner mode. In FIFA, they dropped from having 20 some leagues to just 6. And for NHL, it's gotten progressively worse. First, you could play against a buddy in a season. The next year you had to start the game before the friend could switch over. Now you can only play on the same team. I guess we'll just end up doing a co-op season.

If you ever see FIFA World Cup 2006 cheap, you should pick up a copy. We play that online all the time.

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That Wolski goal was by complete accident. I meant to shoot and for some reason I passed.

I actually had FIFA WC but for the PS2, got it when I traded in my Cube and pretty much played it all summer. Damn that game was fun.

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That Wolski goal was by complete accident. I meant to shoot and for some reason I passed.


I actually had FIFA WC but for the PS2, got it when I traded in my Cube and pretty much played it all summer. Damn that game was fun.

Ah, I have regular FIFA 06 on PS2, love it. My one friend plays WC 06 all the freaking time, has cracked the top 100 a few times, I think.

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Yeah, I love FIFA games. I have...I think it's 05 for the Cube. Started off with FC Twente and now I'm with PSV. Got to my team fairly quickly so now I have no real incentive to switch teams when I get new offers. :lol:

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Same here, so far. I think I'm gonna try the classic controls though, I am constantly shooting in the middle of my dekes, and then not shooting when I really want too. Then again, my last game I did score 12 goals, right after playing the same guy 3-2 and 2-1.

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  • 3 months later...

I recently picked up an Xbox 360 and I was wondering if anyone else around here plays online?

My gamertag is "Psycing" if anyone is interested in getting some games in.

My current games:

-Fight Night - Round 3

-Splinter Cell - Double Agent

-Gears of War

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You're too poor to pay $4.17 a month?

I recently picked up an Xbox 360 and I was wondering if anyone else around here plays online?

My gamertag is "Psycing" if anyone is interested in getting some games in.

My current games:

-Fight Night - Round 3

-Splinter Cell - Double Agent

-Gears of War

Of course other people around here play online, thats why this topic was made! Silly Maca. Of course it's also really old and I forgot about it.

Although I hate Fight Night, Splinter Cell is a tiresome franchise and I'm so pooped from Gears of War online. I was entered in the global tourney so that was a lot of Gears of War all at once.

Go get Rainbow Six.

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Of course other people around here play online, thats why this topic was made! Silly Maca. Of course it's also really old and I forgot about it.

Well, in Maca's defense, he started a new thread since this one had been long forgotten. I just merged his with this one since I remembered it.

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I actually did a search for Xbox 360 threads, but was really tired and probably missed this, haha.

But yeah, whether you play the games I have currently or not, add me: Psycing

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I was kidding around with Maca anyway.

I was excited to search through the available Game Demos this morning to find theres a Blue Dragon demo. And a trailer for Resident Evil 5.




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Sometimes I get the feeling you really, really hate me.


Quite the opposite. Didn't you ever hear that saying: if they bug you it means they like you lots?

Maybe... too much? :blush:

(Seriously, though, it was just there - I hadda. It's a Chandler thing, I couldn't resist. No matter who wrote that I would have said the same thing. Well, maybe with Faerie I would have worded it differently. Probably could have got a date there.)


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Quite the opposite. Didn't you ever hear that saying: if they bug you it means they like you lots?

Maybe... too much? :blush:

(Seriously, though, it was just there - I hadda. It's a Chandler thing, I couldn't resist. No matter who wrote that I would have said the same thing. Well, maybe with Faerie I would have worded it differently. Probably could have got a date there.)



No, I know. I was just being facetious, haha. I know how it goes, especially when you were after Aucoin. Only way I'd get puckbunny to stop. :P

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Yep, played the Blue Dragon demo, it's pretty sweet.

I just went to All Game Demos and then down to Blue Dragon since I don't think it's a new release anymore.

awsome!!! ...actually final fantasy was the only thing pushing me away from the Xbox 360, but with the new company making eastern oriented Rpg's it's going to be turning quite alright!

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Whats pushing me away from the 360 is the infamous 3 rings of death.. I had a blast playing the 360 with my bud last night but I dont trust the hardware.

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