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I've only ever seen the first show out of that entire list. I like Justified, I find it a little slow paced at times but there's always some line in there that makes me crack up.

For those in Canada, Continuum, a huge hit on Show Case, is returning in a few weeks, anyone watch that show? It's an interesting change of pace from a typical cop show.

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I've only ever seen the first show out of that entire list. I like Justified, I find it a little slow paced at times but there's always some line in there that makes me crack up.

For those in Canada, Continuum, a huge hit on Show Case, is returning in a few weeks, anyone watch that show? It's an interesting change of pace from a typical cop show.

They just finished up the first season of Continuum down here a couple weeks ago. Easily my favorite new show of the 2012-13 TV season.

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They just finished up the first season of Continuum down here a couple weeks ago. Easily my favorite new show of the 2012-13 TV season.

You'll be happy to know then that Season 2 is a little longer (13 episodes instead of 10).

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You'll be happy to know then that Season 2 is a little longer (13 episodes instead of 10).

Just read that we won't have to wait too long for the 2nd season down here, as it premiers June 7th. I'm kind of bummed they aren't keeping it on Mondays, but glad to have it back so soon.

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For those with Canadian TV providers, NHL Centre Ice is on free preview, now through October 19th.

Do you know off hand if this will be supported on X360/PS3 as well?

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  • 1 month later...

Is it just me or is this a bad year for new shows? The Blacklist is good but beyond that, I have very limited interest in any of the other new network shows. Are there other new ones out there that actually aren't half bad?

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I'm watching season 3 of The Shield.

I finished Breaking Bad and Dexter last month, so I'm totally useless for any input about new shows.

I have season 1 of The Wire on my computer. Was told that it's just amazing. Is it ?

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I'm watching Chuck. For the third time. And Castle. That's it.

I just got done watching all 5 seasons of Chuck with some friends who hadn't seen it before. Such a good show. We drank to drown our troubles the night we finished the show, haha.

Is it just me or is this a bad year for new shows? The Blacklist is good but beyond that, I have very limited interest in any of the other new network shows. Are there other new ones out there that actually aren't half bad?

The Blacklist is freaking awesome, as is Sleep Hollow. I've been watching Agents of Shield, but have been pretty disappointed. It's not bad, it's just not that great either. I'm not sure if I'd still be sticking around if I didn't like the people behind the show, Joss Whedon's brother and sister-in-law. I also just tried Ground Floor which premiered on cable last night, from the creator of Scrubs. It was pretty decent, but the laugh track made it very tough to watch. They used it more than JJ Abrams uses lens flares.

I'm also looking forward to Almost Human this weekend. After that, there are a handful of other midseason shows that I'm looking forward to, mainly Believe, Crisis and Intelligence.

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I have season 1 of The Wire on my computer. Was told that it's just amazing. Is it ?

It's very good in terms of long-arc storytelling and giving balanced portrayals of cops as well as criminals, but it can never live up to the amount of hype it was given. Expect a dark, gripping show, but don't be disappointed if it's not the greatest thing you've ever seen. Probably still as good as you can get in terms of cop shows.

The only show that could consistently deliver on the hype for me was Breaking Bad.

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Blacklist has been enjoyable so far, and agree completely on Agents of Shield. Not bad, but not amazing.

On the comedy front I've been watching Brooklyn 99 and The Crazy Ones both of which are pretty funny.

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  • 5 months later...

So 24 returns tonight. Given how far I'm behind on my PVR recordings (I blame NHL and NBA playoffs for this), I suspect I won't see the first episode for 3-4 weeks. The season is being billed as a one and done but apparently it was written so that they could go beyond this year if Fox is interested,

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  • 4 months later...

Is it just me or is this a bad year for new shows?

New year, same question. There aren't a whole lot of new shows that have piqued my interest (but I'll give a few a try). Anything catch anyone's eyes?

By the way, I'm thrilled that Utopia is falling flat on its face. I haven't watched a second of it but anything that involves a bunch of loudmouths looking for their 15 minutes of fame trying to 'start a new civilization' is a disaster waiting to happen. The more these reality TV experiments fail, the better chance we have of seeing more new scripted shows...and hopefully in time, more quality new scripted shows. One step at a time I guess.

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