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Game Thread | Panthers vs. Habs | 12/18/07

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What we have to accept is that this team, it's youth and our ability to bring in a strong veteran isn't going to truly bear fruit until probably next year or the year after. And Bacchus, I do agree that Savard was a turning point. However, his roster imbalance was a step backwards and his prospect acquisitions were a step forward. Basically we haven't really moved yet. With Gainey it is full steam ahead but what needs to be done is going to take some more time.

It's going to take time. And, Habs fans are the MOST IMPATIENT fans. We have been after all; spoiled rotten. Maybe not lately but a spade is a spade

Any fan over the age of 30 has been spoiled rotten. But 20 year old fans were barely able to enjoy the Cup win before the team was stripped and became a laughingstock.

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With 20/20 hindsight, Milan Lucic was picked by the Bruins right after we chose Maxwell. Lucic seems like exactly the type of guy that we need, a skilled enforcer...

Ah well, we'll be watching him beat up our guys/our guys skate away from him for the next several years.

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Hey, i know we played like shit, i'm just saying.. i don't think that's a reason for us to start turning on each other the way we did a few pages back.

Excuse me for trying to be positive.

Besides... we all know how it is, right. Habs will go on to win 2 games in a row and this one will be totally forgotten. Then they will lose another game, and the 2 game streak will be instantly forgotten.

A habs fan's memory is limited to 2 games, tops.

I know you're trying to be positive, but being positive doesn't excuse the fact that the habs DID NOT SHOW UP for Tuesday night's game against the Panthers. It was a pathetic game by our boys! They did not deserve any praise for that game!

As far as turning on each other, i did not participate in any discussions until this morning!

Any fan over the age of 30 has been spoiled rotten. But 20 year old fans were barely able to enjoy the Cup win before the team was stripped and became a laughingstock.

I'm 31(born in March 1976) and unfortunately i have absolutely no recolection of the 4 stanley cups of the late 70's.

I do remember some bits and pieces of the 86 cup, and I clearly remember the 93 cup, but anything before 1982 is pretty vague to me!

I wouldn't say that I was spoiled rotten! ;):(

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With 20/20 hindsight, Milan Lucic was picked by the Bruins right after we chose Maxwell. Lucic seems like exactly the type of guy that we need, a skilled enforcer...

Ah well, we'll be watching him beat up our guys/our guys skate away from him for the next several years.

Bruins can draft the next coming of Jesus for all I care, we will still beat them. If there is any team in the NHL the habs love to inflict pain upon it's Boston.

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I know you're trying to be positive, but being positive doesn't excuse the fact that the habs DID NOT SHOW UP for Tuesday night's game against the Panthers. It was a pathetic game by our boys! They did not deserve any praise for that game!

As far as turning on each other, i did not participate in any discussions until this morning!

I'm 31(born in March 1976) and unfortunately i have absolutely no recolection of the 4 stanley cups of the late 70's.

I do remember some bits and pieces of the 86 cup, and I clearly remember the 93 cup, but anything before 1982 is pretty vague to me!

I wouldn't say that I was spoiled rotten! ;):(

I was 13 when they won in 86 and 20 in 93. But my first vivid hockey memory was Al McAdam scoring on Dennis Herron and stopping the drive for 5. But between that game and the 93 Cup run the habs made the Semis 4 times, the Cup twice and lost in the Finals once. They finished with over 100 points 6 times (when 100 points was not helped by OT/SO freebies for losses), got out of the first round 10 consecutive years and won their division 7 times.

I would say that I was pretty spoiled.

Edited by Wamsley01
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Savard's tenure would have looked better on the 'player management' end if Donald Audette had not had his arm sliced off after only five games with us. Audette was, at the time, a point-per-game player who was on fire in Montreal. After the injury he basically never played again. A broken-down Brunet for Audette was a major heist pulled on none other than...Bob Gainey! :lol: And a team as thin in talent as the Habs that Savard inherited could not afford to lose a player of that calibre. That was really, really bad luck.

However, I do appreciate the 'long view' introduced in this thread. This season has been especially painful for me - I keep coming back to the mantra, "it's been TEN YEARS of this garbage and I can't take any more!!!" But when you discount the Houle years and add an extra 2-3 for the necessarily labours involved in reconstructing a franchise from the ground up, it's not that bad.

You could almost think of us as an expansion team. We got started in 2002. Now we have a raft of promising young players on the team and more coming down the pike, and we've made the playoffs a couple of times. Seen that way, it's not so depressing and in fact even looks rather hopeful. (Although the fact that I'm even doing this exercise just underscores what a sad, sad state of affairs it's been.) :hlogo:

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Savard's tenure would have looked better on the 'player management' end if Donald Audette had not had his arm sliced off after only five games with us. Audette was, at the time, a point-per-game player who was on fire in Montreal. After the injury he basically never played again. A broken-down Brunet for Audette was a major heist pulled on none other than...Bob Gainey! :lol: And a team as thin in talent as the Habs that Savard inherited could not afford to lose a player of that calibre. That was really, really bad luck.

However, I do appreciate the 'long view' introduced in this thread. This season has been especially painful for me - I keep coming back to the mantra, "it's been TEN YEARS of this garbage and I can't take any more!!!" But when you discount the Houle years and add an extra 2-3 for the necessarily labours involved in reconstructing a franchise from the ground up, it's not that bad.

You could almost think of us as an expansion team. We got started in 2002. Now we have a raft of promising young players on the team and more coming down the pike, and we've made the playoffs a couple of times. Seen that way, it's not so depressing and in fact even looks rather hopeful. (Although the fact that I'm even doing this exercise just underscores what a sad, sad state of affairs it's been.) :hlogo:

LOL. When you rationalized the Habs as being an expansion team I was like yeah...if you look at it that way.

Then I thought. Wait a minute....how low have they fallen when I need to rationalize things like that.

Introducing the Kansas City Canadiens :o

As for Audette, he had 1 goal 4 assists in his first 5 games. On that team, that is pretty good.

The Habs had some strange shit happen to them during those years. Koivu seemed to blow his knee in the first 20 games

every season. Trent Cleary had a crushed larynx from a slap shot, Audette had his tendons severed. I think the year Vigneault

won coach of the year they lead the league by a mile in games lost to injury. Shitty times to be a habs fan, that is for sure.

Edited by Wamsley01
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Any fan over the age of 30 has been spoiled rotten. But 20 year old fans were barely able to enjoy the Cup win before the team was stripped and became a laughingstock.

Does that make me the least spoiled fan on here? :clap:

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Does that make me the least spoiled fan on here? :clap:

Possibly. I will feel more shame for you than others. And when you don't like one of my arguments you can

yell at me "You don't understand!!" :)

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Everyone keeps saying "be patient, give it time", "yatta yatta" and "so on" But really you can accomplish anything in enough time. You could say be patient for the next fifty years and eventually the stars will align and you'll win one.

To me this is unacceptable, these are the years this teams rookies pay off and we make a run for the cup. What about 25 by 100? I don't hear people saying that too much nowadays because this team hasn't changed much in 5 years. We got some mediocre role players for the 3rd and 4th lines, a rookie coach who calls out players at the drop of a hat and the same weak undisiplined work ethic that leaves our above average goaltending flapping in the breeze.

This is going to be a keystone year for the future of the habs. If we lose Huet and Ryder for nothing I don't see this team competing for a long time. It's not that they are that valuable but their value needs to be capitalized on so that we can replace them with already talented players.

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Poor young-uns on the board, don't remember much winning. I remember pretty much everything from 1986 to now, maybe even 85 and 84 too. (Things get out of sequence.) I remember years where the Habs had made the playoffs with something like 20 games to go during a 72 game season. So, I remember some of the good years. And now I am really hopeful that good years are again around the corner with this new crew in town!

The Houle, Tremblay, Corey years were sooo painful to me, that now, even if they lose some, if feels good. I know better things are just around the corner!

By the way, Audette wasn't really a fleecing of Gainey. Audette had one or so good years on an expansion team where he got lots of playing time. Then he moved to a better club and didn't do so well with reduced ice time. So he was traded to the Habs who had no talent, and start to put in points. He may have had 5 in 5, but who knows how long that would have continued.

Yeah, the Habs had bad luck during that period, but it was more like insult to injury, after the garage sale Molson held!

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Now I haven't read all the posts... and im not one to express myself this way but

would all y'all n###### shut up, turn off your egos. Habs lose big deal... its not the end of the world. Hey and guess what!!! What if the NHL isn't around forever... what ya gonna do then eh? Think back and contemplate on who should have been traded, who should have played better, whos a better goalie or whos not a good captain... omfg i dont even wanna get started with that one. RAWR!

This world is ######ed!

Go Habs Go!

I still love ya

Edited by simonus
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Hey Simonus, I don't think you ever had to do so much editting without me being involved!!

Alot of people need to take chill pills. The team is what they are and will improve with time. It is the season to have faith, so please do.

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Hey Simonus, I don't think you ever had to do so much editting without me being involved!!

Alot of people need to take chill pills. .

maybe just a sip of that sweet nectar you have as an avatar !!

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Like I said before, with 10 players on this team who are UNDER the age of 25, we have to be patient with them. THey will lose their fair share of games.

What really pisses me off is when the boys dont show up for a game(like they did on tuesday night). If they play hard and give it all they got, and still lose the game, at least I can say that they tried and got beaten by a better team.

But to lose they way they did against the god damn motha phucking Panthers is just unacceptable!

Edited by Habsfan
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Bubble team bubble team bubble team...

Everyone here knows we need a true number 1 centre and probably a top line winger too. It hasn't happened and it won't come easily. We have a good young core, but they are not a bunch of Crosby's, so don't think they are going to fill those missing roles. They will fill the other lines in rather nicely, imo.

Until we get those missing pieces, this is a bubble team and guess what, they play like it. All teams in this league can have a great game and look unbeatable. Few teams can do that with any consistency. The Habs are not one of those teams. They are probably right about where they should be in this parity pack called the east. Somewhere between 12th and 5th. :)

The only comfort we can take is that at least we have a young core. If Gainey had managed to get Briere, we would be in the race for top 6 in the league. We didn't, so get over it already. :) Maybe next year.

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