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Return of the Handlebar Playoff Moustache?


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Last time we were in the playoffs, the entire team attempted to sport handlebar moustaches (I could not find any quality pictures, so feel free to add them). Maybe it was cursed, who knows, but with another playoff run beginning next Thursday, you have to wonder what facial hair the team will be sporting on Thursday?

I know it's a young team, and as many are clean-shaven Europeans, we may not see much of a 'stache at all. Still, there are enough hairs to go round, and as the core of the team will be looking to keep the team looking and feeling like a team

Any guesses? Do the Habs have it in them? Or is it totally 2006, and therefore out of fashion? Will our idea be stolen by other teams?


(A little old school, but possible in the later rounds)

A guide to playoff beards

Edited by TheAussiePosse
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Last time we were in the playoffs, the entire team attempted to sport handlebar moustaches (I could not find any quality pictures, so feel free to add them). Maybe it was cursed, who knows, but with another playoff run beginning next Thursday, you have to wonder what facial hair the team will be sporting on Thursday?

I know it's a young team, and as many are clean-shaven Europeans, we may not see much of a 'stache at all. Still, there are enough hairs to go round, and as the core of the team will be looking to keep the team looking and feeling like a team

Any guesses? Do the Habs have it in them? Or is it totally 2006, and therefore out of fashion? Will our idea be stolen by other teams?


(A little old school, but possible in the later rounds)

A guide to playoff beards

Beards/Goatees will be fine. Please please PLEASE no handlebar moustaches!

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I get the impression that because we have soo many yougsters on this team, we won't be seeing many Foomanchu mustaches or beards.

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I rocked the handlebar with them in 2004. Got to do what I can to please the Karma gods :lol:

I also refused to cut my goatee on their 2006 surge to the playoffs until they made it, then revised it

until they were eliminated. It started after the Olympics and got huuuuuge.

I looked the Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart by the end.

I am still trying to decide on beard, stache or goatee. I will go with what they decide

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I've been growing the playoff beard since Montreal clinched against Buffalo. It's already started to get itchy lol. I already went to an interview with it, and they asked me about it. I probably got the job because I'm a such a diehard Habs fan.

Edited by fromage
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Any predictions? Maybe they'll try the neck beard, or the jawline-beard, since they're all pretty young?

But to quote Rusty Venture, "A BEARD IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A JAW LINE".

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I've been growing the playoff beard since Montreal clinched against Buffalo. It's already started to get itchy lol. I already went to an interview with it, and they asked me about it. I probably got the job because I'm a such a diehard Habs fan.

I doubt my interviewers would be so positive.

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I've been growing the playoff beard since Montreal clinched against Buffalo. It's already started to get itchy lol. I already went to an interview with it, and they asked me about it. I probably got the job because I'm a such a diehard Habs fan.

I had to going since we clinched as well - but I actually shaved it off for an interview...

Working it back now though.

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What is it with everyone doing interviews around here?

I coincidentally stopped interviewing for jobs and shaving when the Habs clinched (and fortunately got an offer, or I'd look like a fool).

But I don't think it'll pass for long. I'm so glad we had that thread before about shaving, I've forgotten what it's like not to catch food in my goatee. Flavour-saver, it is.

Urgh, O/T


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What is it with everyone doing interviews around here?

I coincidentally stopped interviewing for jobs and shaving when the Habs clinched (and fortunately got an offer, or I'd look like a fool).

But I don't think it'll pass for long. I'm so glad we had that thread before about shaving, I've forgotten what it's like not to catch food in my goatee. Flavour-saver, it is.

Urgh, O/T


school is almost over...

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I can't remember where I found this wallpaper, but here's Saku with the foomanchu mustache.


I personally hope they don't return to this look.

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I like Scott Neidemayer style.

Chips had a rank beard during the calder cup run, along with Price who had a pretty good beard.

Can't wait to see what Parros has in store :lol:

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Komi said hes going with the "Ugly, scruffy full beard".

Price wasn't sure on what he wanted, he joked that the team should go with Stashes. :lol:

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I already rock the full beard. If I don't trim it this playoff run I'm going to start looking like I grew up on Kashyyyk.


I love Star Wars references.

I'm debating growing a beard myself. BUT there's work, the possibility of interviews, and the fact that some of my friends say that I look like a terrorist with a beard. Personally, I tend to think it's the crazy in my eyes.

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