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Mark my words... Halak will not finish the season in Montreal! He will be traded!

I agree 50% to that assestment

he will finish in montreal but will be traded on Draft day or in the summer

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I vehemently resist the idea of trading Halak. Why eliminate your depth in the one position that matters most? The Habs are likely to be at least slightly weaker next year due to UFA losses, etc.. This year is probably our best chance to win in the short term. So, we trade Halak...what happens if Price gets hurt? We win the Cup with Marc Denis?

No. Keep two good goalies. Then sort out Halak after this season is over.

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WOW who's your starter ?? Gerber ??

Cam Ward, but Halak is #17 among goalies, so there are at least 13 starters whom Halak is better than. In terms of average points per start he's 6th, ahead of Price. Bench Price! Start Halak! Haha, kidding of course.

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Halak at $775,000 for 2 years is a dream scenario. I don't know why we'd give up over a year of that sweetheart deal. Keep him for another year. The guy is very happy with this team right now and isn't rocking the boat about anything. He went to the AHL last year, got offers from Russian teams and turned them down to wait out his turn. Then he signed a 2 year deal at a backup's rate.

Right now our goalies are our #1 reason we have a stingy GAA. Our team defense is our weakness right now.

Halak definitely deserves another start soon, but so does Price. A 2:1 ratio for Price and Halak isn't out of the question here.

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Halak is on pace for about 25-30 starts this season, against about 50-55 for Carey Price... that seems pretty fair to me, and it's not exactly like being the backup for Marty Brodeur or Evgeny Nabokov. Jaroslav Halak gets to make a name for himself with a decent number of games for one of the top teams in the NHL, in my opinion that could be better than playing an extra 10-15 games for a team like Los Angeles. And in case of injury, Halak would get a huge opportunity.

In my opinion, this relationship could still work very well for another season or maybe two... or at least until we get a solid offer for Halak (not a 2nd or 3rd round pick). I think it's good for Halak, and Montreal gets a very cheap backup and insurance policy on Carey Price. After that, we'll need to let him go so he can become number 1.

What surprises me so far is that Don Lever is riding Marc Denis while Deshardins didn't even start once. I know he's pretty hot right now, and it's good for the other kids to win, but I thought he was hired mostly as a mentor for Desjardins while at the same time getting his career back on track. If Gainey is thinking of possibly trading Halak, it would be nice to know what Desjardins is capable of at a higher level (especially since he's played on powerhouses ever since his junior days).

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I agree 50% to that assestment

he will finish in montreal but will be traded on Draft day or in the summer

To Colorado.

Mark those words

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he will finish in montreal but will be traded on Draft day or in the summer

Good argument. Let me rephrase that: Halak will not start the 2009-2010 season in Montréal!;);)

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The guy is very happy with this team right now and isn't rocking the boat about anything.

"right now" are the key words in that sentence. Halak is content at the moment, but as the season goes on, he will want to play more and more. If he ever becomes unhappy about his playing time he might start to cause some sh.it in the dressing room and that is not good. Halak is already good enough to be a number 1 goalie in the NHL, he knows it, his agent knows it and so do the Habs. If they don't want any trouble from him in the near future, they will have to let him go soon enough. NOt in 2 years but within the next 10 months!

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I vehemently resist the idea of trading Halak. Why eliminate your depth in the one position that matters most? The Habs are likely to be at least slightly weaker next year due to UFA losses, etc.. This year is probably our best chance to win in the short term. So, we trade Halak...what happens if Price gets hurt? We win the Cup with Marc Denis?

No. Keep two good goalies. Then sort out Halak after this season is over.


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Who's in net for tomorrow? Has it been announced?

I think you meant to say Saturday? I do believe it's supposed to be Price!

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I think you meant to say Saturday? I do believe it's supposed to be Price!

Oh yeah Saturday, for some reason I thought we played Ana Friday and someone else Saturday, but thanks for correcting me.

Edited by MMPL
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"right now" are the key words in that sentence. Halak is content at the moment, but as the season goes on, he will want to play more and more. If he ever becomes unhappy about his playing time he might start to cause some sh.it in the dressing room and that is not good. Halak is already good enough to be a number 1 goalie in the NHL, he knows it, his agent knows it and so do the Habs. If they don't want any trouble from him in the near future, they will have to let him go soon enough. NOt in 2 years but within the next 10 months!

Keep Halak until it get's to be a problem, I do not think it will be, I seriously doubt that he does not know that the plan is for him to back up price. Hey he could be riding a bus in hamilton. However having said that if we get a really good offer for him then it will have to be "best of luck see ya later" but we do not need to trade him at this point. And giving him away in a trade for gaborik would not make sense. His value will only increase.

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Keep Halak until it get's to be a problem, I do not think it will be, I seriously doubt that he does not know that the plan is for him to back up price. Hey he could be riding a bus in hamilton. However having said that if we get a really good offer for him then it will have to be "best of luck see ya later" but we do not need to trade him at this point. And giving him away in a trade for gaborik would not make sense. His value will only increase.

totally agree. He's worth more to us now with the team than anything he could bring back, and he'll only get better. J.T. on habsinisdeout has a really good post about why it's better to keep halak here:


Also, looks like Price is still under the weather with the flu and Halak will be playing tomorrow night...

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I vehemently resist the idea of trading Halak. Why eliminate your depth in the one position that matters most? The Habs are likely to be at least slightly weaker next year due to UFA losses, etc.. This year is probably our best chance to win in the short term. So, we trade Halak...what happens if Price gets hurt? We win the Cup with Marc Denis?

No. Keep two good goalies. Then sort out Halak after this season is over.

Yep, I agree. It would be silly to trade Halak. There is power in numbers. Look at all the recent teams that were powerhouses. None of them are anymore and the trend is that all gave up their insurance goalies. i.e. Ducks - Bryzgolov, Sabers - Biron, next Hasekless Wings? Detroit wont repeat this year if Osgood gets injured.

I've always said Biron > Miller and most people on this board laughed at me. A lot of people have the impression the Flyers knocked the Habs out of the playoffs last year. I beleive it was Biron. :P

I wouldnt trade Halak untill his contract is nearing an end. Hell I would even consider trading Price with the way Halak has been playing. Bob should get together with their agents and sign one of them long term. Whichever one values themself the least is the one Habs keep. :lol:

Seriously though Price would definitely get way more return than Halak. Price could probably get 3 1st round picks and I'm not sure at this point if Halak would get 1 1st.

Personaly I would even start doing the baseball percentages routine as to who starts each game. Play the numbers game and use their stats to decide who gets to start which game. i.e. with a left handed batter put in a right handed pitcher. In regards to hockey crunch the stats and know which goalie is better at what and play them accordingly. ex if Halak is better against teams that drive hard to the net he gets to start against teams that do that, or if Price is statistically better under prolonged PK situations play him against teams that get the most PP's or teams that at really good at keeping the puck in your end, etc. Whichever goalie has any statistical adv to give Habs best chance at a W gets to start.

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Yep, I agree. It would be silly to trade Halak. There is power in numbers. Look at all the recent teams that were powerhouses. None of them are anymore and the trend is that all gave up their insurance goalies. i.e. Ducks - Bryzgolov, Sabers - Biron, next Hasekless Wings? Detroit wont repeat this year if Osgood gets injured.

I've always said Biron > Miller and most people on this board laughed at me. A lot of people have the impression the Flyers knocked the Habs out of the playoffs last year. I beleive it was Biron. :P

I wouldnt trade Halak untill his contract is nearing an end. Hell I would even consider trading Price with the way Halak has been playing. Bob should get together with their agents and sign one of them long term. Whichever one values themself the least is the one Habs keep. :lol:

Seriously though Price would definitely get way more return than Halak. Price could probably get 3 1st round picks and I'm not sure at this point if Halak would get 1 1st.

Personaly I would even start doing the baseball percentages routine as to who starts each game. Play the numbers game and use their stats to decide who gets to start which game. i.e. with a left handed batter put in a right handed pitcher. In regards to hockey crunch the stats and know which goalie is better at what and play them accordingly. ex if Halak is better against teams that drive hard to the net he gets to start against teams that do that, or if Price is statistically better under prolonged PK situations play him against teams that get the most PP's or teams that at really good at keeping the puck in your end, etc. Whichever goalie has any statistical adv to give Habs best chance at a W gets to start.

Overkill much??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carbo has yet to decide who will play which game. The columbus will be as low pressure as it can get. compared to TO at the other end of the media spectrum.

Who should play who should play what game? I have always like halak so i think it would be cool to get him the greater exposure of the HNIC game. its not like TO is any harder an opponent than columbus...

What do you think?

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Humm, both Columbus and Toronto are underdogs who played well recently because of their youngsters. Voracek, Brassard, Grabovski, etc. are on a roll. I don't know. I think I would go with Price at CLB and then Halak against Toronto. After that, we face OTT, BOS, PHI : 3 games where I would play Price depending on how well is Carey. Maybe Halak could be back against St-Louis ?

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