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GAME THREAD: Wings @ Canadiens


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Especially considering the injuries the Habs have right now.

I agree. In OT the 4 on 4 play really allow Gio, Cammi and Gomez the space they need. They can use their speed to gain the blue line, and skill to put it home. With only 1 of the 3 in the line up, our OT system is gonna be hurting.

Tough luck on the SO aswell. Did Datsyuk's shot go off the post and off Price?

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I was listening to L'Antichambre at RDS. Michel Bergeron, Bob Hartley, Alain Chantelois and Normand Flynn were the "experts". One of their "best" comment was to say that the absence of Gomez did not make a difference tonight.

Ridiculous, I know that he doesn't have a great season so far, but I would have like him to be in the line-up. IMO, he would have been a great help.

Quite a band of idiots, anyway.

BTW, how did you like the new sweater?

I like it very much. Cool!

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Good gutsy game with all the guys out of the lineup. Cammy is sure is worth every dime!

I sure hope we get some guys back soon as this won't last. Too hard to play at this level so short handed, it will catch up to them if they don't get some help soon.

Still, never thought we would get 3 out of 4 points this weekend.

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Who says they haven't, oui?

One of Pierre Lebrun and Darren Dreger said that they hadn't started talking yet. I would give Plekanec 16 million / 4 years.

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One of Pierre Lebrun and Darren Dreger said that they hadn't started talking yet. I would give Plekanec 16 million / 4 years.

Unfortunately, his agent will extrapolate this season and say... over 5 is needed.. he is a number one centre (he isn't, he would die under the constant coverage of the top defensive lines, see last year).

I hope people remember when Gainey doesn't "get it done" that it takes two and unfortunately I don't see Pleks signing for $4M. (which is also all I would pay)

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They'll probably split the difference and pay Pleks 4.5 mil. And how the hell we'll manage the cap going forward beats me...but I don't think we can let Plekanec go.

it is going to have to involve unloading Hamrlik and hopefully Laraque.

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Unfortunately, his agent will extrapolate this season and say... over 5 is needed.. he is a number one centre (he isn't, he would die under the constant coverage of the top defensive lines, see last year).

I hope people remember when Gainey doesn't "get it done" that it takes two and unfortunately I don't see Pleks signing for $4M. (which is also all I would pay)

I agree. Gio could have screwed Bob in that regards. i.e. if Pleks gets more points than Gio, he's most likely going to want equal or better salary at par with Gio.

Its a shame that the strike did nothing to stop inflating player salaries. The NHLPA needs to get smart and get rid of player agents and their greed. Whats the average salary of an agent anyway? There is probably at least 1 agent is making more money than the highest paid player. If that is true, its definitely a huge problem. The player agents arent looking out for the players, or whats best for the sport, they are out for the most money they can extort out of the NHL.

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Now let's hold on a minute. Are we now up to 4.5 million for Plex? I love the player, in fact, I love all our players, but that's alot of money. Take that 4.5 million, add, say Mara's money, now we've got over 5 million for a bigger, built for the playoffs type of player. Assuming of course one is available. I see alot of similarities between Cammalleri, Gionta, Gomez and Plex. No salary cap, no problem, sign him long term. Bob doesn't have that luxury, as we all know.

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Now let's hold on a minute. Are we now up to 4.5 million for Plex? I love the player, in fact, I love all our players, but that's alot of money. Take that 4.5 million, add, say Mara's money, now we've got over 5 million for a bigger, built for the playoffs type of player. Assuming of course one is available. I see alot of similarities between Cammalleri, Gionta, Gomez and Plex. No salary cap, no problem, sign him long term. Bob doesn't have that luxury, as we all know.

It's yet another tough call, as were Souray, Streit, and Komisarek - all players that I personally wavered on when it came to re-signing as UFAs. But ask yourself: could Plekanec make $4.5 mil on the open market? I'm pretty sure he could. If so, then that's his "market value" and the Habs have to consider paying it. If Pleks has a strong feeling that he wants to stay here, he'll take less...but probably not too much less. I could see $4 mil working. But experience shows that inflation is the norm in these matters.

Not sure about the Gionta parallel, though. In the first place, Gionta is overpaid. So it doesn't follow that Pleks also should be. Secondly, Plekanec has never done a single thing, not one single thing, in the playoffs. Despite notching a run of 20-goal seasons has never come close to the 48 goals the Gionta scored that one season, and he has never come within a country mile of Gio's two (?) Stanley Cups. Gionta is therefore NOT a comparable. (A more disturbing comparable might be Mike Ribeiro, a more productive but less complete player making major dollars).

Like everything else in the Gainey era, it all comes back to our crappy player development. We ought to have somebody like Maxwell (or, if Gainey hadn't flushed him down the toilet, Grabovski) knocking on the door, clearly ready to assume 2nd-line C responsibilities; just like we should have had someone ready to supplant Saku Koivu, which would have removed the need to acquire Gomez and his ridiculous contract. As it is, it seems to be Pleks or bust. (Maybe we could sign some other UFA, but are they gonna be better value than Pleks?)

Simonus mentions unloading Laraque and Hammer to cover the increase. Laraque, sure; but the loss of Hammer would cripple our already-shaky blueline (in fact, *he* might be worth re-signing at a reduced rate after next season, that's how good and ageless he seems). Mara has been a huge contributor too. It's not going to be easy either to lose Pleks OR to re-sign him and manage the salary situation in a way that doesn't have the perverse consequence of making our team worse. (My preference might actually be to move Spacek - a good player, but more replaceable than Hammer, I think - and cross your fingers on an O'Bryne or some other young D-man stepping into the breach).

The other option is to let Pleks go and cross our fingers on a young C in the system. With Gomez out it's a prime chance to call up a young C and audition them. Worth a try.

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I liked those lines.

Remember during the preseason, Plekanec and Camm were a good duo.

with Gomez back, we should NOT put him back with Camm.

Gomez Max Pac and whoever (eventually Gio, when he'll be back)

That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm sure Plek has assisted more of Cammie's goals than Gomez, and they don't even play together regularly

CC...I have a very good feeling about O'Byrne. It would be great to see him play with Markov.

Markov O'byrne

Hammer Spacek

Mara Gorgez

Gill Bergeron playing right wing on the fourth line.

That's depth. Add to that the fact that Spacek is not playing his natural side and the hopefull developement of Carle, Belle, PK, and Weber, and I think there could be room to unload those two guys. I think Spacek could take Hammer's place if he was on his natural side.

Edited by BCHabnut
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