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Esprit de Corps?


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I have to say that in the many many years I have been following the Habs this looks like one of the better teams in terms of potential.

But there is a little subject which seems almost taboo, anyway I have not seen it addressed here in the preseason, and I hesitated to bring it up but maybe now is a good time to clear the air. The subject is locker room chemistry.

There was the well-publicized incident involving our Captain and our second-line center last season, and supposedly the team may be somewhat divided along these lines.

Yesterday I read on another board (I know, second-hand info, sorry) a post from someone who was at the Atlanta game coupla days ago, and they thought maybe Ribs kept the puck from Perezhogin, that Mike was less than thrilled to be playing beside the fellow some say may replace his long-time buddy Dagenais.

I hope all players on the team put the team first, you guys are closer to what's happening than I am, can you offer your thoughts on this? Has management done anything to improve the esprit de corps? Do they even need to?

As you know, chemistry can make or break a team, so that's why I bring it up, I don't want to stoke any rumors please don't take it that way, and I'm not taking sides if in fact there are 'sides' on the Habs. I'm just wanting to take an objective look at this important aspect of the team.

(Maybe a certain amount of internal tension is unavoidable and even healthy, I mean the rock band the Ramones didn't even talk to one another for decades but put on kick-ass shows!)


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Originally posted by JeanLucPilon

Yesterday I read on another board... a post from someone who was at the Atlanta game coupla days ago, and they thought maybe Ribs kept the puck from Perezhogin, that Mike was less than thrilled to be playing beside the fellow some say may replace his long-time buddy Dagenais.


I'm going to keep in mind the words 'thought maybe' in mind. Till the whole thing proves itself to be accurate, then it still belongs in the realm of speculation and/or rumour.

Even if there is a grain of truth to it, I'm quite confident that Julien, with full support from Gainey, will put Ribeiro in his place like he did last season when he felt that Ribeiro wasn't getting off the ice when he was told to. He got sent to the pressbox for a few games. It can happen again.

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Mike Ribeiro is a smart hockey player. As a smart hockey player Mike would know that with the quality youth that Montreal has right now he is in no position to pick and choose who he plays with. As long as Ribs has wingers who bury the puck I don't think we'll find him too picky this year!

I think it's amazing what healthy, young competition can do for team morale. The locker room troubles last year were well documented- but so far I see every Habs player IN CAMP and in top knotch shape from a heavier Ribs to a 229pnd. Kovalev to a more fit Boullion, the list litterally goes on... all of the young Habs knew it was going to be a dog fight for the 3-5 available roster spots and have responded - I think this is an excellent step in recovering team morale...

Go Habs Go!

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if in fact ribeiro is having any problem with the idea of perezhogin on his line, I imagine that will change when/if ribeiro sees his point totals go up. Loyalty and friendship are fine, admirable qualities, but in the cold light of day, it is what helps you win that you stick with.

[Edited on 9/20/2005 by simonus]

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Originally posted by puck7x

Mike's a professional, I doubt he'd go out of his way to not pass to Perezhogin....

Took the words out of my mouth. Ribiero needs all the friends he can muster. In my opinion, he's still a wanted man after his drama in the playoffs a year and a half ago. It doesn't bode well for him if his team mates look at him as a selfish player.


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We of course can't be sure that there is any factions within the Habs, but I don't think that we can infer from the fact that Ribs (or any other player) is a "professional" that he acts based on the objective best interests of the team and not based on his personal preferences. I see all kinds of petty behaviour in many so called established professionals in my field -heck even see it often in people of very high office- and don't really see why that would be different with 20 something year old hockey players. Not saying that Ribs is smallishly trying to promote his buddy over the team's interest (not saying Koivu is doing the same with a Rivet), what I'm saying is that the fact that these guys are "professional hockey players" doesn't at all, in of itself, preclude that.

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WOW.... very good point.

Here's something from Montreal Canadiens official website which offers a different perspective.

REACHING OUT TO RIBS: When Mike Ribeiro first broke into the NHL, he found a friend in Jose Theodore. After Ribeiro’s performance in Sunday’s game, Theodore could see how much his good friend has changed since his NHL debut six-and-a-half years ago.

“I saw that last night, he played with confidence," the goaltender said of Ribeiro. "Every time he was on the ice, he was creating something; he wasn’t afraid to make some nice plays and I think he has improved his strength. I’m not worried about Mike - he’s smart out there and he wants to improve and get better. I’m really happy to see that he’s in great shape like that.”


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Great info MNSF. I just hope that it's not simply candy being given to the media.

We'll see.

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