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Pierre the Great

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I suggest an official ID voting card with a laminated fingerprint for these people and have the voter give a print before voting. A little annoying but it would make it work. Mind you, next we would hear about how it's discriminatory to do this instead.

It's the least painful solution that still protects the persons religious right. Some may think that having only 50 people in Quebec who it involves makes it a non-voting problem issue. But, it doesn't. When is it enough? 50? 100? 1,000? 10,000?

Will it go to the courts? Should section 1 override? Hmmm?

That creates a whole other privacy issue of the government using fingerprints from this in other areas...I know people that would not submit fingerprints or DNA for exclusion from a crime if the police did not have a warrant. A lot of people are very protective of their privacy, the principal of their rights, etc.

It's very simple. You have to prove who you are...that includes visual identification. If people of a religious denomination require special treatment then THEIR religious community should step up and their religious leaders should be on hand to help in the identification process, or in helping to find a workable resolution. It's up to their community, not the government.

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It's over for Dion if he loses Outremont. If the Liberals lose Outremont on Monday, we won't see an election until October '09. Dion will be out by Christmas and it will either be Rae or Iggy as leader of the Liberals.

So Harper's stay of execution is on hold. Its going to be a weird 2 years. Expect nothing. Conservatives have no vision, Liberals have no leader, BQ is in the emergency room. Only party that will be making noise is the NDP. Especially if they take Outremont.

Edited by Pierre the Great
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Woopise CTV did a big mistake here

That riding is located in an area where the provincial Action democratique du Quebec made big gains in an election last March.

(speaking about Roberval)

Sorry guys but this isnt true, the ADQ has got only 21% of the vote in Roberval last time. They won St Hyacinthe with 36% tough.

Thats what make it a bit odd, the provincial and federal votes do not match

Roberval : Provincial - PQ Federal - Conservative

St Hyacinthe : Provincial - ADQ - Federal - Bloc

Outremont : Provincial - Lib Federal - NDP

O well as long as the federal liberals get trounced as they deserve to be, i'm happy.

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NDP leads in Outremont bye election



I really don't mind that. I live in Foutremont and I normaly vote independent just cuz, but now I may have a chance to give my vote to someone that could not only win but piss off a lot of them polishittyans in the mightty Wa :lol:

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yeah '93.

Still think a '93 could happen again due to the goof balls out here in the west.

its crazy how long this riding has been Liberal. Ever since the Liberal party has existed this riding was Liberal except for two other occasions until today.

Now on to Mount Royal! lol

Edited by Pierre the Great
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How so? They only have 12 seats in Quebec. Next election its going to be worse. Liberals time has gone and passed. Until they get rid of their smug entitlement they'll continue to fall.


As an analogy I will say when it comes to driving, this too is "unacceptable"

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This is awesome, both Liberals and Bloc are bleeding support on their right to the Conservatives and to the NDP on their left.

Finally maybe this country and this province will have another debate than wheter to separate or not.

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This is awesome, both Liberals and Bloc are bleeding support on their right to the Conservatives and to the NDP on their left.

Finally maybe this country and this province will have another debate than wheter to separate or not.

You mean actual policy discussions? OMG I'd have died and gone to heaven if this actually happened.

I'm sick and tired of the bullshit separation crap and on the other side you can only vote for us because we represent 'federalism'. It gets Quebec nowhere, the country has mainly moved on and Quebec is still stuck in the 80's. Its 2007 people!

Stop bribing Quebec!

Only way to do that is to eliminate the BQ and the Liberals. Because that's what those parties only do, freaking bribe. Highway robbery.

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Pierre, I'm surprised you haven't noted Calgary will be having another municipal election in a couple weeks yet.

Who's in the running?

Honestly when it comes to municipal elections I only care about getting rid of the scam artists in Vancouver (Sullivan) and Nanaimo who is so bad 15 other people ran against him, split the vote and the scum bag won with 10% of the vote. :lol:

He still lives with his mum.

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