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Posts posted by Electron

  1. Oh please explain how these are "my" rules and how they benefit my team in any way. I definitely proposed some rules that made life easier for the simmers, but that's it. I don't want this to become a big issue or a personal battle, but I don't appreciate the implications your post make towards me.

    It was no assumption, I did a quick search on suspensions and only found a couple for you. Sure, I could have missed some, but I didn't just make it up off the top of my head. Still, for BTH to say the suspension rule was built to punish guys like you was ridiculous. I was on the Commish team when the idea was first brought up, hurting certain GMs didn't even occur to me.

    huh.. IT was built to punish guys like me.. It was put in place to make a more even playing field so shitty teams that are on the cusp of making the playoffs could have a chance against teams that have a great chance to make it every year. However thats all it did.. It didnt even out the top teams.. only the middle. Its completely unfair to have no chance at getting 1st because The man is holding me back. Whats the point of playing if im going to be 2nd in the division every year because the league is self-imposing suspensions to hold me back. Im sick and tired of it, and assholes like you fail to realize why its a badidea so you get your big mouth in here and start jabbering about how there is no issue with the rule YOU wrote with no thought to the concequences.

  2. More like they complain because they know those moves are BS and wouldn't do them themselves because they don't want to be cheap. Saving your playoff hopes by dealing your best injured player isn't creative or gutsy, it's lame. Trading players back and forth may be a creative way to boost morale, but it is still lame. I don't care how well someone knows the game or how much guts they have, those types of moves go against the spirit of the game. They are the types of things those GMs know should be illegal, but they do them anyway because they know they can get away with it.

    Yeah, the suspension rule was brought in to punish people with strong players. Give me a break. It was brought in because it was a fun way to deal with discipline. How many suspensions has San Jose had? No more than any other typical GM.

    I won't disagree with you there, the TC and I have always had a fundamental difference of opinion on the purpose of the TC. I've always felt it was there to simply prevent people from either getting TOTALLY ripped off or making trades that ruin a team. In defense of the TC's view of things, though, there are examples of teams that have made lots of little uneven trades that were all passed, but the teams ended up in total disarray.

    actually I could have seen 5 or 6 suspensions already.. plus 3 ingame suspensions for too many fights in a game ect.. If you look at the schedule browser you will see that the only time my team losses is when ive either had 1 or 2 suspensions at one time or I had to use 4 x rg because of a mental error. Dont make assumtions and brodcast them to the entire league without even looking up what your belittling. This is easily keeping me from 1st in the league... its so frustrating im ready to leave the league.. Ive been nothing but perfect this season.. yet to you its nothing.

  3. :clap: I also think you're doing a good job. 1 thing you may want to look at: I got a 3rd rounder for Mike Grier. You got a 4th for Morozov. Now I know you haven't seen the draft file yet because it isn't made, but trust me when I tell you that no one from the 4th, or 3rd round for that matter, will be making the nhl. And you traded Morozov for a 4th. Nothing against anyone here, but I think the TC should step in on this one.

    I'm by no means a veteran, but remember to shop before you trade someone away. In other words, someone (including myself) would have given you better than a 4th for Morozov.

    Other than that, I think you're doing very well.

    I think your misunderstanding. How is Morozov any differnt than Cajanek?? Aged Vetern filler. Cajanek has been traded for similiar picks in the past how is this different? Morozov is my 13th forward.. and wont get much ice time. I think your just upset that you didnt look around and do the leg work to improve depth before the playoffs. Id say when I trade cullen im sure ill get similiar value.

  4. San Jose Sends to Atlanta

    F Pavel Brendl - (27) - 81/69/75 Con 72

    F Cy Cody - (19) - 35/46/47 Con 79

    SJ 2010 4th Rounder

    Atlanta Sends to San Jose

    F Simon Gamache - (28) - 84/67/75 Con 81

    F Aleksey Morozov - (32) - 77/71/77 - 81 Con

    San Jose Confirms and Accepts.

    I believe I get a solid player for the cup run that will take some pressure off of my limited offensive style. Cody will turn into a great player if he is trained on Attack to improve his stickhandling.

    We got talking about Morozov after our last trade and it became apparent that there was no longer a place on Atlanta for the Winger. In his last 10 games he has 4x 4 ratings, 4x 5 ratings and 2x 6 ratings. I believe on the Sharks he can have a chance to turn his game around and help contribute.

    Very quick and easy negotaiations, im glad I read your trade block :)

  5. I ditch David Tanabe for a pick and I'm under the cap comfortably. Why would I trade Tanabe? With this deal I'll have 8 NHL dmen.

    Oh and if we do it that way, then why can't we just not count Vanek against my cap seeing as he would belong to Minny and not me?

    because vanek is injured and you cant trade an injured player. Thats why he has to stay on your roster.. your cap space.

  6. Looking to Trade Gamache


    Simon Gamache - 84/68/76 - F - 81 Con (28) - 92 Play, 79 Pos, 90 End, 81 Con

    Ivan Khomutov - 65/74/71 - F - 71 Con (24)

    Ronald Petrovicky - 71/77/74 - F - 74 Con (31)

    Stephane Yelle - 63/75/74 - F - 79 Con ®

    Dave Carlson - Proj - 54/73 - 86 Con

    Simoen Varlamov - 84 Pot 80 Con Prospect - G

    2nd Rounder

    Bernier - Carter - Kaspar

    Gaborik - Marleau - Brassard

    Straka - Gamache - Swanda

    Petrovicky - Yelle - Smolenak


    Hannan - Martincov

    Vaanenen - Lydman

    Wakaluk - Tallinder



    Bold = Untouchable

    Italics = Available

    None = Not Shopping

  7. Looking to Trade:

    Brendl - 81-69-75 - 72 Con + Prospect Cy Cody C/RW (83/72) 78 Con

    Looking for a more consistant forward with Similar skill

    1 Of Bochenski(78-79-77) OR Smolenak(79/75/75) + Petrovicky (71/77/73) + 1st in 09

    Looking for a Talented 1st line Forward that isnt too old. Looking for more of a 85-90 OF 75 DF player rather than 85-85

    Michalek 77/83/79 - 83 Con + Bochenski OR Smolenak + Petrovicky OR Cody + 1st in 09

    Looking for Gagne, Thornton, Ruutu ect.

    Wont Trade:







  8. Ya know its vinnys own fault for getting vanek injured.. He could have sat his weakling players.. For all we know vanek was day-to-day at the end of feb and got knocked out for an extended amount of time due to vinnys own doing.

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