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Posts posted by Jean

  1. Yeah but the SNES isn't getting any new games, now is it?

    And I have the LOTR version of Risk. It friggin owns. =D

    So what? Those already avaible are awesome :D

    And I like Risk too, altough my friends dont take it seriously enough :D It takes forever to complete a game because they're busy chatting about anything but the game, doing stuff on their cellphones , go to the convenience store to buy more beer , etc

  2. Hmmmm...... I raise a question concerning the Hudson area of Quebec and what do I get?....... rural Missouri.

    Habsworld, I salute you!

    :king: :blink: :king:


    That's to be expected when talking politics with people comong from all over the world ;)

  3. And Pierre does the same thing than Duceppe does, instead of putting two provinces against each other tough, he put 2 areas of the same state against one another

    His message basically

    Rural Missouri = bad

    Urban Missouri = good

    In the same way than Ducepep want us to think than

    Québec = good

    Alberta = bad

    I hate such attitudes :angry2::angry2::angry2:

  4. I used to have a good opinion of Duceppe too, but when he realised than the Conservatives would make gain in Québec City he went on a Alberta bashing rampage and that left a very sour taste in my mouth , even tough I'm 0.000% albertan

  5. hehe some Ovenckin quotes :)

    "If I win the bonus, I'm glad. If I didn't win this bonus, it's okay. I came here for my dream. If I want money, I could stay in Russia and make three million bucks."

    "When I see a little boy, I remember when I was little and I used to stand and wait for some guy I would go to after a game. They are fans, and they want my signature. They live in Washington, and they are fans of our team. I think if I signed 10 signatures and there were 20 more fans waiting and I didn't sign for them also, they would want to know why, and I would feel bad. If you have time, why not sign them all?"

    I love his attitude :)

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