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Posts posted by Howie_Morenz

  1. Originally posted by dark_faerie87
    Originally posted by Howie_Morenz

    I am glad to see I am not the only Habs fan excited about the team this year.  It is like christmas morning and I am a little kid all over again before every game.

    Montreal = Excitement!

    Now having said that, please be up by 10,000,000 goals before teh third period please.....

    Hahaha, lovely! But I'm sure they'd find a way to blow it in the third and win 10,000,001 to 10,000,000 in OT.:lol:

    I think I used a too high number; it sounds like shortcat1's post count by the end of the month.

  2. For some reason i just don't hate the leafs. I totally hate Leaf fans and media, but not the guys on the team. I used to hate Domi but he did us a favor by getting Leaf management to sign him and actually give him money. Stopped a good player for making the team.

    I hate Boston. I hate the city, fans, players and just the team in general. They talk smack yet produce a whimper. Bosox won a pennant by the sure streak of pure luck. Celtics won't win anything any longer and I think this is the year that the Patriots(I know New England) goes down.

    Toronto does not win anything and Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment have destroyed my basketball team the Raptors! The Bluejays my favorite BBall team has no hope against big spenders in their division. I feel pity for the teams which makes me not hate Toronto. But the fans...Oh the knowledgeable Tdot Leaf fans...


  3. Originally posted by mathieug

    Dumont will be in that box alongside Briere, Miller & Noronen. We're up six points on them Sabres, make that 8 tonight. Allez-y. The game winner for steve begin? Sounds nice. Go Habs Go.

    [Edited on 25-11-05 by mathieug]

    Wow, thats a lot of guys not playing for Buffalo. Briere in particular as he is great around the other teams net.


  4. Originally posted by TheAussiePosse

    to tell the truth, I'd try to acquire Sturm over Sykora.  

    a solid LW who's underachieving (strangely enough) on the SJ Sharks whose coach, like that of the NYI, thinks it's best to keep players on their toes by changing lines between games, and often during.

    not too old, 27, with great speed and puck control, perfect wing to compliment Ribeiro and Ryder.

    A bit like Zednik, actually, without the lower body strength and concussion history.  $2 million a year is affordable, and solidifies our top 2 lines.

    Sure, it takes time away from Higgins, Perezhogin and Plekanec, but if they're not scoring at the same pace as Crosby, then they don't deserve to be here.

    Sturm is yesterdays news... NEXT.

  5. Originally posted by option+

    I too desperately want to beat Ottawa.  I have too many friends who are Leafs/Sens/Bruins fans and love to tell how overrated the Habs are... well, beating the Sens would probably cause a few mouths to shut up, wouldn't it?

    option+ , I think we all have a nemisis with those other teams.

    At least my buffalo friends and I get along quite well. Probably because I was more vocal than them when Hull scored and Dallas went on to win the cup. NO GOAL!!!! In the crease penalty. That is why when big mouth Hull opened his yap, I flick the channel.

    Leafs if we lose, no big deal for me because 1967...hehehehe I cannot help it. Only Toronto media and fans I cannot stand. Sundin and the boys are ok and the young guns there are playing well.

    Bruins are the team with the biggest mouths. From the past crybaby Ray Bourque (I MUST BE THE HIGHEST PAID PLAYER ON THIS TEAM) through Cam Neely, Bill Guerin and the rest of these jerks. I just think boston is our natural rivals, biggest jerks, think they are the greatest. When they lose I cheer very loudly. Probably Don Cherry has much to do with my hatred for Boston.

    All in good fun though or rivalries would be boring....

  6. Didn't Wayne Hizinga owner of the Dolphins once own Florida?

    I know Loria is killing this club by letting management sign Carlos for such a high price to start with. Personally, I like Delgado, and yes he does not hit the most important home runs. I could never figure out why Florida paid so much money. His contract is also strange. From my understanding the state of Florida has very little or no income tax(State, not Federal). If he gets traded, the team taking him has to make up the difference in the tax rate he has to pay. This is probably why Florida gave NYM $7million.

  7. Originally posted by Mont Royale
    Originally posted by Bulis_the_Habbie

    If we beat Ottawa I don't mind losing to Toronto.

    Are you out of your mind? Be careful, Bulis... they banned beckham, but all he did was be racist, derogatory, and disrespectful. He NEVER said he didn't mind losing to the Leafs! The admins are watching you...


    hehehehe I think the correct spelling of our misfortunate friend is beckham banned. Hey I did not make up the name.:)

  8. Originally posted by Mont Royale
    Originally posted by classical

    From the Nov. 22, 2005, edition of The Hockey News, in the "Snapshots" column:

    If the Montreal Canadiens need any material to post on the bulletin board for motivation, they may want to print J-P Dumont's Nov. 8 entry on the Buffalo Sabre's blog.  After suffering back-to-back losses to the Habs, Dumont writes of the upcoming Nov. 25 rematch:  "It's going to be payback time, not just to win, but to destroy the Canadiens.  We have the talent and the players to do nothing less."

    Wow - tough words! Anybody can write tough words, but can they back it up? Or will they fall to 0-3 against the Habs this year?

    The latter. THN is right - this should provide great motivation. I'll look forward to J-P's comments after another 3-2 loss.

    I just read on RDS that Dumont is hurt, and won't even be playing! Nothing like not having accountability for your bold predictions. I wonder how his teammates feel about that?


    [Edited on 2005/11/25 by Mont Royale]

    He's injured and shoots his mouth off???? hahahahahahahahahaha ... Whats a JP Dumont? Never heard of him.

  9. Funny on the Fan590 right now. Waaaa Waaa you can hear the baby Toronto media crying. The Argos should have won Waaa Waaa. TORONTO fans and media, you are LOSERS!!!!

    Montreal kept in that game in the first half then took the ball away when it counted and kicked A$$! Time to go turn the radio off as I used to like this station when they talked CFL. Not no more...

    [Edited on 2005/11/25 by Howie_Morenz]

  10. I am starting to like what the Mets are doing. Delgado can hit, Pedro is a good pitcher and if they sign Wagner, well they are almost respectable. I don't really vote for any team other than the Jays, but some of my favorite players are making their way to the Mets....

  11. Originally posted by heet_150

    Greetings All,

    Been a Habs fan since 1975/76 season.  Yes, I was originally a band-wagonner.  Can you blame me, I was only 5.  

    Anyway, there looks like a pile of interesting reading and some some people that I recognize from other boards, so I think I may enjoy it here.

    Welcome heet_150

    There is much to read here, including the articles from the front page. I think overall we are realistic habs fans here and know one day soon we will all be cheering for a Stanley cup championship soon.

  12. Originally posted by Peter Puck
    Originally posted by Howie_Morenz

    Good Thread JMMR!

    I hope Montreal can get 3 wins and 1 OT(Whatever that is) for a total of 7 points.  If Montreal loses games against non-conference teams then I dont care as much.  Must win in our conference.

    IF montreal stays out of the penalty box, they should get 6 points.  They proved early on that they could defeat conference foes so I expect wins....

    Do you mean conference or division. The first non-conference game of the season will be December 3rd when LA visits. I am guessing you meant we must win in our division.

    However, I don't see why it makes much difference, except that we play the majority of our games within the division. Of course, by some unexplainable fluke the games within the division are also against our traditional rivals. If we thought we could win the division then it would be important but no one is going to catch Ottawa.

    I think it is more important to win our non-division games since these tend to be against weaker opponents. I hate losing to weaker teams.

    Mr. Puck you are right. I meant to say division. Conference is next in importance as it gives us a feel of how Montreal matches up against Conference Foes we might see in the playoffs.

    I don't care as much about non-conference teams as these games are not as important in the standings. I would like to see Montreal get a first round Home series advantage though. That is why I put more importance on division games and then conference games.

  13. Good Thread JMMR!

    I hope Montreal can get 3 wins and 1 OT(Whatever that is) for a total of 7 points. If Montreal loses games against non-conference teams then I dont care as much. Must win in our conference.

    IF montreal stays out of the penalty box, they should get 6 points. They proved early on that they could defeat conference foes so I expect wins....

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