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NHL.com feature: Gainey aims to bring success


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That's just some more of the generic fluff that the NHL puts out in it's PR stuff.

The best example of that kind of thing is the NHL season preview magazines that come out every year. They say a whole lot of nice stuff (which, I suppose they have to be careful to do) about each team.

By the way, I've been collecting them for several years (collector's items?). Every year, the cover player was one who won a major trophy or a leader of the previous year's Stanley Cup winning team.

Now, get a hold of this... in 1993, the Canadiens won the Stanley Cup, Patrick Roy won the playoffs MVP trophy and who was on the cover picture? Steve Yzerman! The next year, it reverted back to the usual thing. What a joke!

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Welcome to Habs World ATHLÉTIQUE.CANADIEN!

Let me guess -- are you a Ryder fan?

Maybe this is a stupid question, but can you tell me which team is overall more popular in the Maritimes, the Habs or the Leafs?

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Well, I actually grew up all over Canada (military brat) but I was born here. You always seem to come home I guess. Ryder fan? I'll be a Ryder fan as long as he is a Canadien for sure.

Anyway, as far as Les Glorieux go, I'd just like to say to our detractors - WE ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN YOU THINK!

In case anyone is wondering about my Moniker, it's the 1914-15 Canadian Athletic Club or CAC. I just like the way Athletique sounds. In a manner of speaking, due to history we have the right to refer to our team as the "Athletics" as a 2nd name - it's in our history.

That is, until Gary expands and some team owner is an Oakland A's fan lol


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