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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/17 in Posts

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Bergevin just gave a press conference to select journalists. Among the highlights: He's "always looking" to improve the Zamboni driving situation. But finding that elusive #1 Zamboni driver is "tough." Zamboni driving schools "aren't just giving them away," he explained. "I'll make a move if it makes the team better. But right now, if you look at the asking price - it's tough." On the ice surface situation, he said, "we're comfortable where we're at right now. You look at our leadership, with guys like Max and Weber and Carey, they don't need a full sheet of ice." Discussing the large turnover in the Zamboni-related staff this summer, Bergevin said that "you look at this league, if you want good ice, it takes leadership. The Zamboni guys we added this summer, they're character guys." He'd have liked to re-sign 80-year-old Zamboni mechanic AndreI Makharoonovic, he said, but "it didn't work out. We wish him the best as he fixes zambonis in Europe. But at the same time, it's exciting for other Zamboni mechanics in our organization." Bergevin said he understands that fans are frustrated that the ice at the Bell Centre is always great in October but melts the minute the playoffs begin. "We don't like to see our players skating on the concrete floor, any more than fans do," he said. "Mr. Molson doesn't like what it costs him in skate blades. But you know, to have ice in the playoffs, you need a little bit of luck. We do what we can to provide them with shovels and chemicals. You want to blame someone, blame me. Sometimes," he quickly added, shrugging, "it's up to the Zamboni drivers, too."
    3 points
  2. Do we know if the entire surface will be covered though? Or is Bergevin planning on entering the season with a bunch of open Ice space
    1 point
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