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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. Look for there to be less shots on goal when Halak plays. As mentioned earlier, Halak will really help the transition game by clearing and making those beautiful passes. Dump and chase is not an option with this guy. So this gives Halak an edge even before he has to make a save. Also now that dump and chase will be difficult, forwards will be forced to carry the puck. That's Ok if they go in against Dandy or Rivet, but Komasaurus and Cube should definitely get some more big hits now. That's what I expect to see anyway.
  2. I hope he can do the job. The Semin goal was little shaky. Man can this guy handle the puck though!! I love watching him behind the net. His passes are acurate as hell too.
  3. I have an hour commute home. I wish I could listen to this game. Go :hlogo: Go
  4. Thank You Lord for giving the first line some strength.
  5. Koivu is the only forward who has been a habs for 3 seasons Bruins 1-0 over Leafs
  6. I liked Grabovski better. He seemed to want it more. Kostitsyn didn't impress me with the Habs.
  7. Might see a lot more of Halak. Huet is going for surgery. Could be out for the season
  8. I am happy to see the Habs score the first goal for 3 games in a row.
  9. I found a really old Habs hat I thought I lost. I started wearing it today.
  10. Help me Halak...You're our only hope...help me Halak...you're our only hope
  11. We suck, and I'm done caring about it. I'll still watch, I guess...
  12. I know why we call him Dandy. He has legs as strong as a dandelion. He falls all the time when he's defending in our zone.
  13. I'm listening to CJAD and I swear these guys read our forum. They are talking about what the fans want...ie: trade souray. This has been a common topic on this site.
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