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BCHabnut last won the day on May 13

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About BCHabnut

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

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    Victoria BC

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NHL Hall of Fame

NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. Problem is, you have to pay these kids. I just want to avoid the sabers, coyotes perpetual rebuild.
  2. It's fine. If it pays for the site, so be it.
  3. Haha. Ya I guess there's a covid bubble team too. I want to be a playoff bubble team in the next 2 seasons.
  4. So Slafkovski got his ticket. Ghule is probably next. We're starting to see some of the youngsters get their contracts and that's gonna continue. It's time this year to start winning some games. Competing in the bubble. The last thing I want is to become the next buffalo Sabres. Constantly accumulating talent and never doing anything with it. This year I want to move from 22-32 to 15-25. Let's start learning how to win.
  5. Ya I hate that he isn't on his strong side this early in his career.
  6. I think a big swing is worth it for every pick. Mid level players are always available. Strike out on talent 7 or 8 times then hit a home run. Back fill the failures with trades and free agency. Never take a safe pick. Unless it's a steady defender maybe.
  7. His talk about his dad brought a tear to my eye. Lifelong habs fan with a heartbreaking story. Love him already.
  8. The tank is on. No flames pick for us. Hopefully fla has a massive cup hangover.
  9. Part of me wants the Panthers to win so they can't sign their depth and start sucking. Having said that, my emotions tell a different story. I'm on the oilers bandwagon. Especially with the comeback.
  10. He seemed to be playing defense a lot last night. Quiet offensively, but he was pretty solid in his own zone other than the penalty.
  11. It was the right call imo. Their pk has been incredible.
  12. I don't see Ghule exploding offensively. The Nurse contract is over the top overpay.
  13. Thank you. Not to mention he played all of last season on the right side. I don't want to come off as a fan boy, but ghule is not a player I would want to trade unless the return was proven. Ghule will probably be a 30 point guy earning a reasonable percentage of cap hit and playing in the top 4 for a decade.
  14. Yep. Better than the Orr jump or lemieux borque deke. I watched it 5 times at least. Magic.
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