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hab29RETIRED last won the day on June 14

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  • Favourite Habs
    Markov, Price, Subban, MaxPac, Galchenyuk . All-time faves are Dryden, Lafleur, Robinson, Savard, Gainey (the player - Hate the GM), Roy, Chelios, Muller & Saku

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  1. I think the Habs will match at $3 contract. Not sure if Xhekaj would sign - I think he was making more at Costco😁
  2. Jarmo was fired more for the Babcock debacle - that's what broke the camel's back. Friedman talked about this. Ownership left mgmt do their thing, but didnt like being embarrassed. After that, jarmo was not going to stick around if they lost.
  3. If that's the case, it's a good thing we turned it down. I had read earlier that Philly made an offer. Friedman also said in one of his podcasts that a team offered a first for wifi.
  4. The year before he was injured, but still scored 22 goals and 52 points in 55 games. The year before that, he was also injured, but still scored 26 goals and 56 points in 56 games. Those are the numbers I'd expect from him. So I would say that Vincent MAY have been an issue the same way DD was an issue with Caufield. Gaudreau also had a significant decline under Vincent. Kent Johnson and Bouquist also regressed. so no, I don't think it was bullshit. Read and listen to some Terry Ryan interviews on what he said it was like playing for Therrien and how it affected his mental health.
  5. Do we know if Michkov had to pay to get out of his deal, and if he did, how much it cost? ordinarily, my preference is to have an 18 year old play another year overseas. But if Demidov is kept out of the KHL again, I'd rather bring him over to be with us, or even in the CHL (but that obviously won't be an option). Are we allowed to do a Laval only contract? If so, is that still capped?
  6. I think it was reported Philly had offered that. If that was the case, and had we made that deal, we could have drafted Buium!
  7. It's really a captain obvious article, with no real insight or support from anything that anyone on the Habs said that Barron has the inside track. Barron is waiver exempt. Mailloux is not. Therefore, Barron most likely to stay up and will be given a chance to prove he belongs. No shit!
  8. We don't know what he went into the player assistance program for - but I imagine frustration over his performance and play probably played into it. Most of the Columbus media are very negative on how he treated/handled his players - Handling of Laine is one of them. So if he's asked I pretty sure he would have a negative view of Laine.
  9. Oh, I agree he walked into a tough position, but pretty much all the skilled guys struggled under him. I actually went to a game in Columbus last Fall (beautiful arena!), and that was a team that had zero structure and the only guy who looked good was as Werenski.
  10. For me, whatever he did as a player was erased during his tenure as a coach. Roy wasn't the only one moved becuase of Tremblay. Turgeon was moved becuase of Tremblay as well. We went from having Turgeon, Damphouse and Koivu to not having any centre depth until now.
  11. Or he could have been part of the problem and be biased against him. Most Columbus media are very disparaging in their comments about Vincent.
  12. I still hate and always will hate Tremblay. The guy is, was a d d always will be a dick.
  13. I'd rather have Michkov/Leonard and Demidov.
  14. I want another scoring winger - which would probably necessitate moving at least one Dman.
  15. I know he isn't with the Habs, but I guess this signals that we probably won't be pursuing Laine.
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