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GHT120 last won the day on July 24

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About GHT120

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  • Favourite Habs
    Terry Harper, JC Tremblay, Dryden, Savard, Mahovolich (both), Gainey, Robinson, Odelein, Naslund, Rucinsky, Koivu, Malahkov, Markov, Kovalev, Gill, Pleks, Gorges, Gionta, Gallagher, Suzuki, Romanov

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NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. NEVER said 12th was bad ... just that the prospects are rated higher, and logically what elevated the overall ranking.
  2. It would be interesting ... I kind of like both ideas ... might throw Harris, Barron or Struble in if necessary ... but Laine is coming off shoulder surgery, so in addition to wanting to talk to him vis-a-vis player assistance experience he would need a physical-medical review. I guess Don's reaction would depend on the level of interest across the league ... is anyone willing to offer actual assets in a "hockey trade", or does everyone want to either offset Laine's contract with their own problems or maybe just take Laine "off their hands"?
  3. The initial MB reference (mine) related specifically to a ranking of NHL teams according to "cap efficiency" that placed the Habs 16th ... I noted that the three prime drags on that ranking were contracts given out/acquired by MB ... then the "BUT he did this and he did that" defences initiated the broader discussion.
  4. Tough break (in-poor-taste pun intended).
  5. Largely based on Fowler and Dobes' potential.
  6. I guess two technically is "multiple" ... although it might more accurately be expressed as one Eastern Final (13/14) and one Stanley Cup Final (20/21) appearance ... IMO the one other first round victory is not "a run".
  7. The post I responded to was SPECIFICALLY about cap efficiency ... if you think Gallagher, Dvorak and Anderson are not a strain on cap efficiency then I have a bridge to sell you.
  8. Thank you, Marc Bergevin ... Gallagher, Dvorak, Anderson are quite the drag on cap efficiency
  9. Well, vehicular homicide was crime in the specific example I cited ... I have no interest in writing an essay on "where the line is" for barring athletes from their professional league.
  10. Apologies ... my opinion seems to offend you for some reason ... not the AHL, ECHL or any other NHL related league ... and I would hope non-NHL related leagues would have higher standards as well. Being a professional hockey player is I-M-O a privilege, not a right ... there are other ways to "make a living".
  11. I do somewhat "fear" that the absence of trades this summer may reflect that other teams don't see the same ceiling that we fans do in our young defencemen not named Guhle, Hutson or Reinbacher (maybe Mailloux), who I don't see HuGo moving unless the return is BIG.
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