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tomh009 last won the day on July 2

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  • Favourite Habs
    Gainey, Koivu, Lehkonen

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    Kitchener, ON

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  1. 12th in the league is not bad at all, I think, especially as we don’t know whether either Montembeault or Primeau have reached their ceilings—and we have some decent prospects in the pipeline.
  2. That was me responding. I just pointed out that, in addition to the bad contracts, he did leave the Habs with some very cap-efficient assets, too.
  3. At the moment Columbus has lots of cap space to do a retention, but we don't know what their plans are for that space. Getting them to take Anderson (with the hope for a rebound) would be beautiful but I expect they would also need some significant additional asset. Laine at 25% retained for a young LD?
  4. Habs ranked fourth in the league in terms of gloaltending strength,
  5. On the other hand, we do have Suzuki, Caufield, Guhle, Harris and Montembeault, so there is that.
  6. There is also the Laine option in play, but he is still in the assistance program. Hughes seems considerably more patient than Bergevin, and less likely to make a Dvorak-type desperation move.
  7. Fans do what fans do. But I'm quite confident that Hughes is not making his plans based on all the players reaching their ceilings.
  8. Vanya is a typical nickname for Ivan, similar to Sasha and Alexander.
  9. THN proposing that Xhekaj has a second-pair ceiling: https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/montreal-canadiens/latest-news/canadiens-xhekaj-a-second-pairing-defenseman-in-the-making
  10. I would like Xhekaj to use his size and fighting ability as a threat, to keep other teams from trying to bully the Habs—the sheriff is an apropos nickname for that. What I don’t want to see is him dropping his gloves with every two-bit goon that is trying to make a name for himself. Sitting in the box for five or more is a net loss for the Habs, and risking injury even more so. So, not suggesting that he never fight, only that he use some discretion on when to do it.
  11. I'd like to see him restrain from too much fighting to avoid further shoulder injuries.
  12. EPL has no playoffs, championship is decided on regular-season standings.
  13. Shootouts are only done in elimination games. Otherwise, it's three points for a win or one each for a tie.
  14. If we had Dach, Roy and player-to-be-acquired on the second line, Newhook-Armia-Gallagher would actually be a very nice third line. An expensive one, yes, but can't change that.
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