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Habs Fan in Edmonton

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Habs Fan in Edmonton last won the day on July 4

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    Nick Suzuki, Arber Xhekaj, Cole Caufield

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  1. You could very well be right. When you look at all the players that were supposedly on the trading block, Necas, Zegras, McGroaty etc and none of them have moved yet, it makes you think teams aren't happy with the offers they are getting and are prepared to wait. Columbus can afford to wait.
  2. Campbell has been bought out and I think signed with Detroit.
  3. That's not unreasonable. Laine is more attractive at 6.75M as opposed to 8.75M, I find it very hard to value Laine given the injury history and other issues. A trade could turn out great or terrible. I think teams will be interested but cautious.
  4. I love both ideas but suspect Waddell wouldn't. To get back anything meaningful in a trade Columbus will have to eat part of his contract. At 40 or 50% retention I suspect there would be significant interest. If Columbus isn't willing to retain or take back another bad contract then Laine's value is pretty much zero in my opinion.
  5. I would pay to see Waddell's reaction at an offer like that.
  6. I can't believe I am getting into the MB discussion again. MB left Hughes with some good pieces and some bad contracts. My biggest problem with MB is that he didn't embrace a full scale rebuild when it was required. He tinkered with it, called it a reset, retool or whatever. Bottom line is that I prefer to look forward and am very glad Hughes is in charge. I think the future looks bright.
  7. I tend to agree, you make a good point about all the bad contracts coming off the books in 2-3 years. It's not a bad thing if we can delay Demidov burning a year of his ELC as it might give us more flexibility in signing free agents when we are a legitimate contender.
  8. I agree. I think Hughes is likely offering some combination of Harris/Barron/Struble + while other teams are asking for WiFi/Mailloux +, I don't think Guhle, Reinbacher or Hutson are in the conversation at all as I don't think those guys are going anywhere.
  9. That's what I think. I have no doubt Hughes would like to add a top 6 forward as evidenced by his pursuit of Marchessault but he is a patient guy and there is no panic here. He can wait for the right deal.
  10. I don't want to beat this to death but I don't see why anyone should be barred from their chosen profession (whatever that may be) if they have served their punishment and have taken appropriate steps after. Being an NHL player is a job, pays more than most jobs and is a little higher profile than most jobs but it's still a job. I think you need to leave it up to the organization they work for to show proper judgement in determining whether that particular employee is fit to return to work. Some organizations might decide to permanently ban an employee for life for bad behaviour but I think there is a difference between a hockey player who has made 1 mistake, served their time and has taken the proper steps after and a professional in a position of trust (ie. lawyer, accountant) who has continually stolen from clients. In the latter example being banned from their profession is a more appropriate response.
  11. And we are all entitled to an opinion. It can be an emotional topic.
  12. I certainly don't question Barron's offensive ability. As you said, it's the defensive part that's the question. It's also a big year for Barron coming up, will be fun to see what kind of progress the young D can make. Xhekaj is 23, Barron will be 23 soon after the season starts. They are not young kids any more.
  13. Not really a stretch to say his ceiling is of a 2nd pairing D while his floor is likely that of a 3rd pairing D. I think Engels main point was that of Harris, Barron, Struble and Xhekaj that Xhekaj has the best chance of becoming a top 4 D which I agree with. This year is a big one for Arber, like Dach, hopefully he can stay healthy and we can get some answers on what his potential is.
  14. You didn't think people deserve a second chance to make a living? It does depend on the individual and the steps they have taken to show remorse/make adjustments to their life etc. Some are deserving of a second chance and some aren't.
  15. I think it was correct to give MacTavish a 2nd chance (similar to Rob Ramage), as I think he has been an exemplary human being since.
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