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alfredoh2009 last won the day on December 10

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    Guhle, Barron, Hutson, Xhekaj, Suzuki, Gallagher, Beck, Kapanen

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  1. I would keep him, rotate him on the 3rd pair. RDs with tenure have usually a higher trade value that 4th liners and bottom pair LDs. I still remember how Kulak and others played earlier in their career and how much value they gained after a couple of years, just from experience
  2. the kid made a horrible turnover on his first shift and seemed to be fighting the puck most of the evening. He had some flashes when in the offensive zone but was definitely not comfortable on his own end. L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G is tough
  3. it was me. And someone reminded me the difference in salary. I was referring to how similar their style of play is.
  4. he has been 🤩 tremendous 😍 this season. Way better NHL projection than Condotta, RHP, Roy, etc, etc, His goals this weekend were just amazing and hos forechecking and awareness on the ice was evident. I hope they do not rush him to the NHL. At least until Dvorak is gone to take that spot.
  5. Of the top of my head: Newhook, Dach, Armia, Slafkovsky and the following to rest them on back to back games: Laine, Gallagher, Evans
  6. I would rotate a player out of the li rip to give Pezzetta a game every week (on busy weeks) or two. To manage minor injuries and to keep all on their best behaviour That is what traditional coaching would do
  7. I hope he does not become this year's Scott Gomez
  8. Hard to understand for me, but that seems to be the case
  9. I forget which coach said it long ago, but seems like some big-body players take a while to get going, December is when some of them start "humming". It may be a case of that
  10. I like Anderson, and I tried to defend him last year. This year I haven;t had to do that because he is playing mush better. Still not scoring but he has become an effective bottom-6 player, ad 4th liner on a Stanley cup contending team
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