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huzer last won the day on July 10

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About huzer

  • Birthday 08/19/1971

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NHL Hall of Fame

NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. Thanks! I've noticed a difference, and appreciate the improvement.
  2. I'm on a mac, using Safari. Going between pages, a full page ad pops up nearly every time. I don't have an adblocker installed on this device, though.
  3. Not gonna lie, I have found the ads here a bit more intrusive than other sites.
  4. Fans didn't expect Slafkovsky or Reinbacher. Curious if we'll be surprised again.
  5. I think "character" + injuries lead most fans to devalue his time with the Habs. He is inextricably tied to Subban, and I think there's still the debatable question, in some eyes, did the trade make the Habs a better team? Once he went LTIR for the Habs, he disappeared off the face of the earth. The fact he's show in Preds colors for all of the HHOF press probably won't endear him to more fans, either.
  6. I propose the following rule changes: If a player: Hasn't played in 3 years Elected to hockey hall of fame Is on LTIR with an active contract Their contract no longer counts against the cap. (Price is eligible next year) Call it an archived contract.
  7. Reading the article, I also don't agree with rating Guhle below Struble and Kovacevik, regardless of the arbitrary number assigned as a rating.
  8. Stand pat at 5th. Let's see if Chicago gets two in a row...
  9. You and me both! There have been two times in my life that I've randomly hitched on to a playoff season and went along for the ride. While still a huge fan, 92-93 season was especially so for me. Senior at university, had a job, bought tickets for every single home game that year. The retail store I worked in (Radio Shack) had a touch tone phone, so I'd go to the store to make the call to purchases tickets from the box office the second they went on sale. My boss was an avid fan too, and she'd be on the other line, and would hand me the phone if she got through first. (I mention this because my home phone was still a rotary dial. For round 1, it was so slow to dial that I was only able to get standing room tickets). That was a magical year for 20-something year old me. 2 years ago, we decided to jump on the Avs train and missed only one home game (the first one). We bought tickets for every game afterward. We even went to the watch party at the rink when they broadcast the game from TB on the scoreboard. While a very cool feeling to be part of that Cup run, it still doesn't match the raw emotion of the '93 playoffs. For me, nothing in the sports world, as a fan, will match the Habs winning a Cup.
  10. Watching the Avs/Jets series, one player I've never paid a ton of attention to has stood out to me. Josh Morrisey. He seems to me like the best player on the ice for the Jets thus far. MacKinnon quietly has 5 points in 3 games, but if that second line gets going like they did last night, I think they'll make it through. Mittelstadt seems to be getting comfortable.
  11. cough *Sergachev* cough. Bergevin was decent at the trade table, but I don't think he was terribly stubborn about not trading prospects.
  12. Maybe the Oilers sit a few players and let Arizona ride out of the desert with a win. The Yotes won last week in OT vs the Oilers, but with no McDavid in the lineup.
  13. I'd have Erik Cole and Toffoli on my wingers list, too.
  14. It was a fun game to be at last night. First time in eons the Habs came away with a win in Colorado. There was a nice tribute video for Newhook, and he interacted with a few fans wearing his jersey during warmups. I was a bit surprised at the amount of "give me a stick" type signs that folks were holding up during warmups, I guess pictures or pucks isn't enough anymore to satiate some greedy fans. The Habs have a strong skating defense. Guhle and Matheson are fun to watch.
  15. I only caught the first period. I will say, I wasn't as impressed with the early "miraculous glove save" as most. It was predicated by a really bad rebound on what was a mediocre save on the shot from the face-off dot. He basically cleaned up his own mess. Nice push to get there in time, but in reality, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Of course, Anderson was complete crap on his back check, so Texier shouldn't have even been able to get the shot off, either.
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