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Helmethead last won the day on June 26

Helmethead had the most liked content!

About Helmethead

  • Birthday 05/21/1976

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  • Favourite Habs
    Juraj Slafkovsky

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  • Location
    Cheshire CT

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Helmethead's Achievements

NHL Hall of Fame

NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. No such nonsense in euro soccer leagues.
  2. This is exactly the reason why I took my kids to Vegas again this year after attending the draft in Nashville last year. IMO having the team delegations there is the biggest part of the allure as you feel as if you (the casual fan) are in the war zone with your favorite team. You run into team reps in hotel elevators, industry insiders on the street. It’s actually quite magical. On our way back from the sphere yesterday, while we were on the strip my kid turns to me and says “I think I know this guy” so he went up and asked him..
  3. Traded at 9:50am local. 10am autograph signing session for the golden knights at the Draft. Can’t make this up.
  4. I mentioned that in the thread. That is exactly what happened as I was watching the table from my seat.
  5. Looking at the table. As soon as the islanders picked they grabbed a jersey from under the table.
  6. I have a Birds Eye view and don’t see anything right now.
  7. Great draft so far. let’s see some fireworks at 21!!
  8. Next up is whether NJ keeps their pick.
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