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zumpano21 last won the day on November 13 2021

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About zumpano21

  • Birthday 05/27/1978

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    Guy! Guy! Guy!

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NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. We just did a huge favour to Calgary. What did we get for it?
  2. I keep seeing Puljujarvi’s name being linked to us. My only question is why would we be looking at this guy. EDM wants to move him for good reason.
  3. Coming to Montreal in a week. Looking for a good night spot. 30+, maybe some live music, low pretension crowd. Your suggestions are appreciated!
  4. Nothing quite like reminding the Leafs they can’t close. Coffee is for closers.
  5. Still looking for JDs first game under the new boss. Excited to have Byron and Evans back though.
  6. I’m guessing we’re on pace for 8 goals against Smith. 5 of them might count.
  7. Time to start watching again. All hail MSL.
  8. Tire fire on rue de la Gauchetiere.
  9. All hail the GDTers. Not easy to get fired and then shake it off every night. 👏
  10. Anyone find it fitting that Bertuzzi is a blood relative of that other ape Bertuzzi?
  11. Anyone else here just f’ing love watching someone get burned at the stake for bad behaviour followed by organized institutional coverup?
  12. FLA might be F’d here. Powerhouse team with a legendary coach - except that legendary coach is now in the eye of a hurricane. Have to wonder how this affects the team.
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