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Posts posted by sbhatt

  1. Other players that stood out for the wrong reasons tonight:

    Plekanec: was back to looking somewhat lost on the offensive half of the ice tonight.

    Ryder: CRAP! USELESS! But Carbo was giving him a heckuva lot of ice time?!?! Trying to get him to play through the rough patch maybe? I didn't like the strategy in a close game at all!

    Didn't you find that he was getting himself in scoring position and taking shots tonight though? I can think of several good scoring chances he had off of the top of my head. I think he'll get on a roll soon...

    I found he coughed up the puck a lot and was the reason for several agonizing moments in the defensive zone tonight. He just didn't look confident out there. I wish he could go back to playing like he did in the first few games of the season, when he was playing aggressively and really showing some speed.

  2. Rivet was a darned solid D-man in the old NHL...the new NHL is too fast for him to be anything more than a 5-6 pairing dman seeing spot duty. As for the comment about it not being about the 3hrs we see on TV during games...I don't care how good he may be for the dressing room, you can't pay big bucks for a 'character guy' in the salary cap era. If he can accept a reduced role and less money, then great...I'd be glad to see him back with the Habs. But if not, that money is better spent elsewhere.

    Oh, and another thing....that little play between Koivu and Kovalev that resulted in a goal tonight....is it just me, or does that look like it has potential to be a set play that they should try often on power plays??? Koivu dishes, Kovy draws attention to him, delays, until Koivu bursts out in front of the net and turns quickly with his stick down for the deflection. I think it could work quite a bit...just like that damn down-low play that Sundin and Tucker run.

  3. Kovelev and Samsonov have been hurt by the lack of a decent center.

    Johnson I'm not worried about...he's doing what he was brought here to do, and I suspect his points will pick up if Radek Bonk keeps playing as well has he has been lately.

    Ryder: yeah, he's stinking it up and needs to start producing

    Perezhogin: some consistency will pick up his points...he has played very well at times and probably deserves more goals than he has (there were quite a few posts hit if I remember correctly early in the season)

    Plekanec: I don't expect much from this guy, as I have percieved him as a 4th line player for quite awhile now.

  4. I think that as long as Huet is playing this well, it shoud be three games Huet, one game Abby. Of course, if Abby stands on his head in that one game...you roll it over and give him the next start to make it 2-2. I like the idea of playing Abby more than a regular back-up...because I want Huet to be fresh for the playoffs.

  5. Habs must win this to forget such ugly lost but I'll admit I want them to lose >.< Overall just wanted to show Carbo & Company that Abby is not the problem ... the whole team is actually without defence goalie can't make it without offence we can't win, I'll admit Abby wasn't that good the other night... but he needs another chance to prove himself hope he ain't going to wait that long ... and being bench =[

    btw nicely made Spider Man NL with all the flags and summary for every habs game =)

    Are you kidding me? You want the Habs to lose just so Abby can look better?!?! To hell with Abby, we need a win.

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