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Everything posted by SAKS-AVENUE

  1. Boy, Murray's doing everything he can to prove he's worth staying with the big club
  2. I've got sound, only in the right side. Pretty good picture. I really like this so far
  3. It should be on. I'm watching a camera angle right at center ice as the zamboni's are cicling the ice
  4. I think I had the same problem as you. I'm on a mac so I had to update my flip4mac and windows media player and then it wouldn't work in Safari but it did in Firefox. So download all updates and go to the portal click on Center ice and you can log in there. Everything comes up.The games scheduled and other media. Question for the guys watching Sopcast? I used to watch that on my windows laptop. I've since upgraded to all APPLE in my house. Does Sopcast support Mac systems?
  5. Right here http://canadiens.nhl.tv/team/ You just need to sign up for the free pre-season
  6. I'm all hooked up and ready to go, I just can't find any schedule or guide. Where do you guys go for that?
  7. Oct 3rd is just around the corner but it's only the second game. Carbs made the schedule 2 1/2 squads deep for 6 games in 7 nights so he can get a good look at everyone make cuts and then have a bunch of time before the season starts with what will most likely be the full team, in order to get a little chemistry going and a game plan. So no reason to get impatient EasyRider things are under control and going according to plan.
  8. Thanks dude, not working, tried different browser, Good game?
  9. You're getting cjad, I can't. French comes in but I don't speak french.......anywhere else to get a link and listen?
  10. Who' going to stand up to George?that extra D, Chips?,D'Agostini ?they won't be around for very long if that's the answer. Who knows what the right thing to do is. Plus having a tough guy on the bench will make guys like Komi, Laps Begin play tougher. There are a lot of benefits that come with a goon. Gainey needs to find one that can play.....that's all.
  11. We need a police-man no doubt about it. The instigator rule is not irrelevant but last year it was changed from, I think , 3 to 5. Basically the NHL said alright 3 is too little, you can have a few more passes on starting fights. The door is creeping open for a few goons to do some damage. Crosby getting a policeman is a sure sign of this as well. I personally love fights. They are a part of the game. I don't want to waste space on our roster with a jug head but I do want some muscle before someone hurts Higgins, Komi, etc..... or even worse....when we play the Pens we start to let Crosby get his way because we are afraid of Big George. No-way! If I ran this team, I'd go and get the biggest monster on skates I could find just to deal with these situations. It's a must.
  12. On one side I'm so happy how Komi acted in the whole Crosby thing yesterday. What's going to happen tonight? Is Larauqe going to come after him? Komi will stand up for himself,but George is huge and just might break his nose or orbital bone. We can not have that happen. That would screw with our entire season and Komi's head in his willingness to be aggressive kind of way down the road. We need someone to take those shots. Even if they are bench warmers until called upon. The NHL has changed, but this year it's changing again. We play the Pens too many times to let Crosby act the way he acts. If George starts putting our guys in the hospital Crosby will have his way. Not good. Colton Orr anyone?
  13. DUDE! That is so funny. I have a friend, and in certain situations while we're hanging we pull out the " Maybe a little ......., ......,....." When I read that I heard his voice and it just cracked me up. Nice one
  14. That meat head does that all year long and in every city. I have to give him credit though. He pulled some emotion out of our boys and I'm digging that. That wasn't even our team ..two more squads are raring to go. It's going to be an exciting year. Our kids want to play. I feel sorry for the Leafs. Their old timers won't have the drive this club is going to have. Komi stood out for me tonight. He is coming into his own. Maybe it's that Yoga guru at work. Can't wait to see what Higgins will be like. I'm going to go out on a limb and say 50 goals for Higgins this year
  15. I love it. I feel that this year Komi has finally arrived. Strong, confident, hitting like a train, and yapping his mouth all good shit. We nee to start referring to him as THE Komiserik. Nice work boys.
  16. It doesn't feel like pre season to me......that was a fun ending
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