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Everything posted by simonus

  1. the sarin gas found in iraq was in a 155 milimeter capsule rigged with a non-standard explosion device meaning that it was not very combat ready and was not capable of wide dispersal. Even administration officials are loathe to do more than imply that it is from a current stockpile of iraq army weapondry. Considering that sarin gas and mustard gas both have relatively short shelf lives it is not even certain whether these are active weapons rather than useless relics of an older stockpile. Fanpuck, even fox news didn't heavily report these findings which really brings your whole leftist bias theory into question. Also the mustard gas was not reported earlier because the story was originally released in the form of an administration leak directly to fox news on May 16th and which did not take great advantage of the head start before other agencies began to become informed. I obviously see that Israel has done much in recent history that is embarrasing and at times horrible, but to call them a terrorist state is really a misnomer. [Edited on 5/23/2004 by simonus] [Edited on 5/24/2004 by simonus]
  2. i don't know if I would necessarily trust any goaltender in our system aside from Garon to be theo's backup next season.
  3. quick note - Israel there ain't no liberal cabal. US news channels trip over each other to find good stories about iraq... there arent very many. I seem to remember a lot of coverage over finding sadam husein.... [Edited on 5/19/2004 by simonus]
  4. unfortunately I do not think that things such as these will have the detrimental effect to the bush re-election campaign that you predict.
  5. saw that... did you see that ulf samuelson is running for leadership of the social democrats?
  6. quick note - the history of how native americans and blacks were treated in North America has everything to do with today. The permanent change in the lifestyle of native americans is incredible and much of the wealth,education, and rights disparities between whites and black can be traced back to slavery and racial persecution. The US government was implicitedly involved in racism for a long time during and after slavery.
  7. not to say that the signings you meantion are impossible, but some of our rfa's will cost more next year such as ribeiro, ryder, and garon.
  8. it really is a godsend for san jose because after last season attendance was really falling. Going far helps solidify the strongest hockey market in california. Tampa Calgary Calgary Calgary I just want to see a cup north of the border.... as long as it isn't TO
  9. in comparing the perezhogin incident to the bertuzz incident one must remember that bertuzzi is a veteran player and perezhogin is young and a newcomer to the more physical north american style.
  10. scarlborough and oberman also have their own shows on MSNBC. Both are conservative, scarlborough is a former republican congressman. I was wrong about sustren, she was hired away from cnn from Fox. NYT is really the paper of record, and is usually attacked as a liberal bastion, which is why i mention it. To argue that a guy (actually 3) get a show just to prove that a network isn't completely liberal is a little disengenuous - for what ever reason MSNBC has conservative broadcasters controlling the discussion for many hours a day, therefore their broadcast day is not completely liberal. It is true that kerry supporters are not as familiar with their candidate as bush supporters, but that is mostly because bush is the incumbant. For three years we have had pretty constant coverage of bush's policies and opinions, not so for kerry. It was the same for dole when he ran against incumbant clinton and clinton when he ran against incumbant bush I. In american politics it is common on legitimate to vote against a candidate as much as to vote for one. In canadian political system it is a bit different because of the relative importance of the party platform. People have a general understanding that NDP is NDP, Tory is Tory and Liberal is Liberal (although Martin is progressively altering the Liberal position). Even in the case of Gore v. Bush, people who voted for bush overwhelmingly chose him rather than "4 more years of clinton/gore". As governor of Texas, bush had neither the opportunity nor the desire to make well known his stance on many national issues using the famously vague "compassionate conservatism" his autobiography and motto. What the hell does that mean? I live in Massachusetts, so I guess I have been made more familiar with kerry, but as to his opinion on international relations (the major occupation of our commander in chief) I have little idea - he's a senator! He votes on certain bills, his position based on the politician that brings up the bill, the legislative math of the congress and minor pork that surrounds the original issue. Following the voting record of any senator is decidedly complicated and often misleading, one reason that senators are rarely elected into office. BTW - its kinda funny for a mass resident to hear kerry bashed because of his liberal tendencies. We do have a very liberal senator in mass, but it ain't kerry - its Ted Kennedy (another character who is loved within mass and hated outside). Kerry aint that much of a liberal - he's against most gun control!
  11. Let's see here, most of those people are on FoxNews. You listed a bunch of people who work primarily on 2-3 media outlets as their main way of getting their messages out. How about MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.? Some are more left than others, but all I consider to have at least a small lean to the left. At least other stations exist to show there are two sides to an issue. And Dennis Miller is a conservative? Ugh, I can't stand him. But is he even in the media displaying political views? His show on HBO years ago couldn't have reached the masses since it was on a premium channel, then he was on Monday Night Football. I haven't even heard of him since then. He was awful. Miller is on CNBC, Buchannan is on MSNBC, Safire and Brooks are on New York Times, Sustren is on CNN, Coulter makes the rounds on all the major networks. Frum and Rubin are on National Review. http://www.angelfire.com/ok/funwithunclejim/bush.html Sure, I see that this is a conservative forum, but the facts seem to be there. And what, do you want Bush to lower your cable bill and give you ESPN Classic? And interesting that your taxes are so high, mine hav remained about the same, and I enjoyed my rebate quite a bit. (Actually, I used part of it to buy a Habs jersey . ) I'll check out those conservative sites after work, but I do blame Bush partially for my cable bill - he helped, through Michael Powellm, to deregulate the cable industry and allowed for higher media consolidation. Payroll taxes are up and I didn't get a rebate check. I definitely blame bush in part for my gasoline bill. Bush is not completely to blame for all these ills, but he has a hand in many of them.
  12. is schneider a ufa? Wouldn't mind seeing a homecoming on that one...
  13. way to go marty gelinas! He's becoming mr. clutch for calgary. See ya later red wings
  14. i never even thought to change my opinion or my poll response based on admin sentiment. I barely even notice who is admin on this site anyways.... not to say that I don't appreciate the work that they do, it just doesnt figure into my postings.
  15. pat buchannan, william safire, david brooks, newt gingrich, buckley, coulter, gretta van sustren, david frum, stephen moore, dennis miller, michael rubin, new york post, fox news, clearchannel.... man, I hate that pinko liberal media.
  16. O'reilly, hanity, coulter, and limbaugh only disagree with the president and the republican leadership when they run to their right. I have never heard any of the above columnists espouse a single left leaning view. O'reilly claims to be anti-death penalty, but he has never spoken against a particular instance of it. He is pro drug-legalizations only from the libertarian argument. o'reilly constantly cuts off his guests when they try to make points and when he is a guest on a show he is pouty and childish. See his interview with terry gross on NPR where she asked him to make a rebuttal against charges laid down by Al Franken in his rather incindiary book about him. O'reilly walked out of the studio. If any of you listen to NPR you know that Terry Gross isn't really a "tough interview", he just can't stand to have anyone else moderating the debate because when he loses that advantage he loses the argument. The same can be said for Anne Coulter et al. I never saw rather as such a liberal and I rarely see him do any sort of editorializing on the stories of the day. O'reilly is really beyond the pale. Moore is jerky and I dissagree with him often, but at least he can be funny. Limbaugh just makes me ill, he hates people, many people. He hates homosexuals, he hates liberals and brands people such as myself as evil anti-americans. His vitriol renders his arguments null and his hypocrisy, most recently evidenced in his drug use, is awe-inspiring. His practice of placing voice-overs on sound bites is stupid and childish and allows him to cut the bites to the point where all original meaning is lost.
  17. out of curiosity - what is the average response rate on habsworld polls?
  18. Not that it matters that much, but my birthday is in july and I seem to remember it snowing a little bit on my 10th birthday (in Montreal....) maybe.... As far as the draft is concerned, I am a naturalized american and I would like to think that I would report. Of course, this is all very theoretical since I am old enough that only a WW2 style draft would call me up. If you want to talk about in-depth statistical analysis of the economy during the Bush administration you have to check out Paul Krugman, an Op-Ed writer at the New York Times. A lot of his stuff is available on their website at www.nytimes.com You can also check out the severly right rebuttals from William Safire and David Brooks, also Op-Ed writers at the times. Unlike Fox news they are both erudite and balanced. Safire's a punk. I really would like to hear about the good things that Bush has done during his tenure, because I am quite unaware of anything. Please post links to where I can find some info. My taxes haven't gone down, my insurance premiums keep going up, I want to move but I cant find jobs anywhere, my cable bill is soaring and I have to buy fox sports in order to get ESPN classic, my telephone coverage sucks, my flights are always late, most airline coverage to my parent's small town in the midwest has been cut and my gas is $2.00 a gallon and my wrist hurts from repetitive stress from my non-osha workstation.
  19. dunno... the "he started it" defence never seemed to work for me.
  20. soooooooooooo close! That could have really set souray off.... hopefully it does anyway.
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