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Everything posted by han_dyl

  1. OMG...That PK was terrible. They were running around the whole time. Price is being hung out to dry.
  2. Gill and Weber so far apart on that goal. Kessler didn't have to split the D, he only had to skate though the big gaping hole.
  3. Hmm Laraque with his second straight shift on the second line.
  4. A full 60 minutes is all I ask for. Although it seems like everyone has been asking for that since last January. Aside from Luongo who will be looking for a big game to get his season on track, the Canucks don't worry me as much as the flames do, and we showed we can play with them last night (at least in the first and 3rd)
  5. +1 Another top 6 winger, hell even Sergei (he always seems to play well with Andrei) would make the second line look better. Max-Pac isn't ready to play on one of the top lines and I wouldn't want to break up the third line.
  6. Anyone have any news on metro? He makes the 4th line bearable. Maybe throw in Dags instead of Stewart, he was terrible tonight.
  7. Well really he didn't kick the pad out until after the puck was behind him. Anyway Halak isn't to blame for the loss he held them in it, in the second. A hat trick by a 4th line player is the real killer. They showed great heart in the third when last year they may have rolled over after the early goal. Shots were 13-4 for the habs. Can't really complain, although a pp or 2 would have been nice. I counted a few plays that could have been called.
  8. Well if they had played like they played in the third during the second there could have been a different outcome.
  9. A late pp would be nice because I think they're gonna have a tough time getting another one by Kipper
  10. It was tipped twice and that could have thrown him off a little but the puck barely changed direction. But I'm sure the change of speed could have had something to do with it.
  11. Yeah one penalty so far to the Habs and that's it. Ok how was that not interference?
  12. Wow, after a second period like that to come out of it 3-3, I'm not sure they could ask for anything better. All we need now is a good 20 minutes of effort.
  13. Pleks.....i dont know how it went in but we'll take it
  14. Andrei looks so disinterested out there.
  15. Now a pk...sigh. Watch out for Phaneuf.
  16. Someone needs to tell them that the second period has started. Halak playing great so far though.
  17. Good job by Halak. Horrible start to the second.
  18. Can't complain about too much that period. There wasn't much Jaro could do on the Flames goal. Great work By Cammy along the boards to set up Gomez, what a shot! And Lats...that's where he needs to be parked in front of the net and cashing in the garbage.
  19. Interesting...Lats usually plays better with Max centering him. If he goes to the net and parks his body there it could work because Pleks has been shooting more lately, only thing is the goalie has saw every one of the shots.
  20. I doubt it, it's probably just so price wont have to play back to back nights. But you never know.
  21. Hoping for a better defensive showing tonight. I don't think we can afford to give up 40+ shots to the flames and hope to come out on top. Halak getting the start tonight means Price will start tomorrow at Vancouver I'm guessing. He should be pumped up for that game with a lot of friends and family in the stands.
  22. So has anyone heard anything on Markov as of yet?
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