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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. Sportbladet are stupid. They dont know anythink about the NHL. They didnt even know that Sourays last name was Souray... they thought his full name was Souray Sheldon for a week. Then the big question is if they know anything at all about hockey. Theo played a good game in net. Better than Kiprusoff.
  2. Theo was not that good but he did his job. Timrå played really bad and Theo didnt really have to make any big saves and the goals he let by was the only good chances Timrå had in the game Djurgården played a superb game defensively.
  3. I have to ask you other swedes here... will Ryder and Bouillon play in Leksand all this season or do they have that contract type that will see them go back to america soon? Hopefully Leksand makes it back to the top league. BTW. I cheer for Theo in the playoffs.. But somehow im beginning to hate Souray... He is whining about everything in the games ive seen him. Its all Färjestad's fault. Why didnt Souray go to Finland or something.
  4. I think a big problem is that some players get WAAAY to much money after only playing one good year. I cant think of someone right now but some players get to play with superstars like Forsberg, Lemieux and get alot more points becaus of it. I bet even I might be able to score a goal if i played a season with Lemieux but am I worth a million dollar contract becaus of it? I am also kind of hoping that a few teams will dissapear during this lockout. 24-26 team nhl would be better I think. [Edited on 2005/2/18 by Dalhabs]
  5. Linköping fired Christian Huselius and Henrik Tallinder becaus of the rape-incident before sweden hockey games. The rape-accusation was dropped. Andreas Lilja wont play any more games this season but if the next season is also locked out he might return to Mora.
  6. leksands... they say it all the time in nhl2005 "Leksääänds and link op ping" its more like liin shö(ö is pronounced like e in english "the") ping.
  7. this jersey is one of the best looking jerseys in sweden. but I HATE adds on jerseys but they look alot better now than 10 years ago. MODO's jerseys had a little logo on the shoulder and a BIG UGLY add in the mittle.
  8. Hey couldve used horseshit as a jersey and it wouldve looked better :puke:
  9. Im not going to answer everything caus I cant... BUT the best dynasty of all time is Soviet 60s 70s 80s I dont want the games to end in a shoot out... rather play overtime until a team scores.
  10. Sweden's future aint looking bright.
  11. I wish for Theo to have his worst season ever
  12. Souray in Färjestad (feels like Toronto) Theodore in Djurgården (feels like NYR) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH DAMN THEO if he punishes Mora!
  13. Pavlikovsky wont go to the NHL. Mora would not have played so good without horcoff and the others.
  14. ah... thats right. Never though of it that way but it still feels like a thorn in the eye. Feels good though to have 3 habsplayers in dalarna.
  15. And I hate that Souray is in Farjestad... It feels like he signed with the leafs. ARGHHH
  16. late answers here. Pavlikovski is better than you think. He had a hat-trick earlier this week against a top team. About cheering for Mora and not Leksand... I cheer for both (Allways been in different leagues so I havent found a reason not to) But I think I cheer a little more for Mora since they are closer to where I live.
  17. Both had a GREAT game last night against the league leader in swe div.1. Ryder scored 2 goals and Bouillon had 2g 1a. Ryder seasonstats gp13 g12 a12 pt24 dont know Bouillons stats though. [Edited on 2004-12-29 by sakiqc]
  18. aaargh... the lockout is building a crack between habs-fans... I hope Mora IK will make enough points to stay in the top league in sweden before the NHL begins again.
  19. You say that all the big names and arenas are in NA. You are right at the moment. But since Europe can pay our soccerstars ALOT more than any NHL-player earns I bet that if hockey got more popular in countries like France, Germany and England we could start a League that could be better than the NHL for the european stars. Yes I know all canadian hockeyplayers dream is to win the Stanley cup but the other players? But until that time comes I'd love to see the NHL start again.
  20. I wouldnt mind the NHLers to stay in Sweden. Its just fair that we europeans can go see the best hockeyplayers in the world without having to pay a flight for 1000$.
  21. I would like to see what would happen if u eliminated offside and just used redline offside, Think of a powerplay when the teams cannot go offside... GOALS!!! about ending games with penaltyshots... no thanks they have used it in sweden a few years but stopped using it this year. [Edited on 2004/11/22 by Dalhabs]
  22. With that I mean that they got both Marian and Marcel Hossa. Marian will debut on thursday I think against Peter Forsbergs Modo. DAMN thats a great game. Will be the best game ever played in the small town (big village?) Mora.
  23. is my team. And now they got Marian Hossa. Mora's first line Hossa - Pavlikovski - Hossa Taste that! [Edited on 2004-12-29 by sakiqc]
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