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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. he called his wife and said "Ill be late home for dinner" and then said it was a "no goal" Killing my nerves
  2. what is the problem... they say the whistle was blown before... shouldnt even be reviewed if CJAD are right.
  3. RYDER RULES!!!!!! 2-1 habs. WEEEEEEEEEE :ghg::hlogo::ghg::hlogo::ghg:
  4. I think this game will end in a tie... 1-1
  5. Im not sure but I think Yashin is injured still and if thats the case maybe the isles are intrested in Perreault for Scatchard?
  6. LOVELY!!! when did WE last destroy another team like this? Im so happy now even if it was the pens I LOVE SHELDON SOURAY... Norris: Souray Calder: Ryder (this is my hopes and my dreams)
  7. I wouldnt say no to modin... He and Andreas Dackell formed one of the best lines in sweden about 8-9 years ago. Put them with Koivu and it might spark. Other swedes can confirm it if they followed the swedish elite league around 94-96.
  8. I wouldnt blame to much on Garon... Kölzig played a great game. Otherwise we wouldve had a easy win earlier. The biggest problem we had was clearing the puck. Like when Gratton tried to do it just before Jagr scored. He shouldve threw the puck out at once with his backhand instead of turning and looking for a pass. If the puck would have been cleared a lot quicker we would have won this game. But it still was a great game played by the habs offence. I love Dagenais, Ryder and Koivu
  9. thanks for the christmas present Dmen... I think Ill send u to iraque to live the Saddam way for a while... in a dug up hole.
  10. I just saw my second Habs game of the season and I have only one thing to say... I would trade this Defence for anything... just to get rid of it I might even add money and the D-men for just plain nothing. Bouillon - Rivet must be the worst Defencive couple who have ever played in the nhl-history. We are lucky our offence is this good caus I have to say Kölzig saved them as well as our crappy defence. BENCH BOUILLON, RIVET, DACKELL, JUNEAU, QUINTAL, MARKOV.
  11. Swedens biggest newspaper Aftonbladet had a big picture on Mats Sundin today in front of Theodore cheering and of course it filled the whole ######ing page. I hate Mats Sundin... he has allways played for my hate-teams no. 1 In sweden he played for Djurgården who are for the swedish elite league what Toronto is for NHL... the medias favourite team. And Sundin played for Djurgården before going to the NHL. (I think Sundin is good when he playes for team sweden though... )
  12. ghost busters might even help... I mean... get rid of Audettes ghost so he starts playing like in atlanta. Get rid of Koivus injury ghost so he can get back in top shape and play like he did 96-97. There are many ghosts to get rid of in the bell center so CALL GHOSTBUSTERS!!! :hlogo:
  13. Id love to hear why they cant lose normal so I dont get su upset... why do they allways have to lose in the last minutes of the game. Buljong suger lur. I will never call him Bouillon anymore... now he is Buljong... the liquid that meat lies in in soups.
  14. his name is not mäts sandin... its mats sundin
  16. just caus of that they tied it... damn
  17. hey folks GO HABS GO... any point tonight is good since the leafs are HOT right now. Nice to have the lead.
  18. I bet if this deal happens I can predict the future right here. 1. the trade... Koivu dominates in NYI Peca plays so and so 2. Gainey thinks Peca has too high contract and gets into a dispute with him ending with a trade for a pick. 3. The pick is used to draft another french-canadian player that never becomes a nhl-player. 4. Montreal stinks for another 10 years and it all ends with empty bell center and a move to USA.
  19. good point huzer... therefor I pick him as the winner Joni Pitkänen wins the calder... other nominees are Fleury and Ryder.
  20. Id say it was thanks to Hackett... and Leclair... allways former habs players and swedes that ruins for the habs... Kim Johnsson, Marcus Ragnarsson, John Leclair
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