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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. Hackett IS a ghost as it sounds... YIKES... let one in damn it
  2. As it sounded on CJAD habs outplayed Philly in the first. My prediction is that the habs will win this as long as Hackett doesnt act ghost all night. GO HABS GO
  3. jävlar anamma... Jag som trodde jag var det värsta och enda svenska montreal-fanet. Tydligen kommer jag inte ens på andra eller tredje plats. Jag orkar inte va uppe sent med mitt jobb. Konsum i sälen under vintersesong e lite drygt. Jag har en del gamla minnen från canal plus matcher.. har bara sett några matcher totalt i år (includerar 1 montreal match. 0 - 1 toronto) men annars brukar det bli många.
  4. I agree totally. Ryder shoots much and Koivu can pass. Could be a nice line. I think we will win tonights game Nucks - 1 Habs - 3
  5. before I break the gamecd into 20348743 pieces and piss on them. GAAAH I HATE THIS ######ING GAME!!!
  6. to be honest I still remember winning a playoff game 2 years ago against boston 2-1 while being outshot like this last game. Maybe Theo is getting in form again.
  7. to be honest I still remember winning a playoff game 2 years ago against boston 2-1 while being outshot like this last game. Maybe Theo is getting in form again.
  8. thanks for the 2 points Theo. Poor Ottawa. VICTORY!!! :hlogo:
  9. a thing I hear on the radio is this... allways when the habs have a scoring chance they say (couldnt pull the trigger) while when the other teams have scoring chances they say (SAVE BY THEODORE!!!) We need people who can make the other goalies touch the puck.
  10. how about that... we choke another lead... fantastic defence system we use... The system works like this... if we are lucky... we tie and get 1 point. GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH WE SUCK
  11. maybe something is wrong with the habs tonight... 2 goals in 30 seconds... scary... GO HABS GO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YEAH HAHAHAHA
  12. prediction: Habs : 2 Sens : 5 I will leave the computer in period 1 since the sens will be leading 3-0. Zednik with 1 goal Koivu with 2 assists Markov with 1 goal Theo will be yanked in period 2 after allowing 4-0 just 30 seconds into the period. I hope I am wrong but I think its a possible scenairo :hlogo::ghg::hlogo:
  13. Juneau on first line? What next, Gino Odjick as head coach?
  14. Why not try Koivu and Hossa on the same line... with Kilger. That would almost be a big sized line with a good passer (Koivu), a good shooter (Hossa) and a guy in front of the net (Kilger)... at least Hossa had a good shot earlier. I would trade almost everything on this team for a thomas Holmström. He rules in front of the net.
  15. How can a team start so good just to start playing like last year a week after? Is it because the other teams hadnt woken up? Someone tell me please.
  16. Two struggling teams facing eachother... Could be a good game... if the habs wants to show up. Kilger might help. GO HABS GO :swe: :fin: :swe: ps. hope the flags worked.
  17. lovely... feels good to be a habsfan nowadays... gnight all
  18. 3-0 HABS Andreas Dackell (Juneau, Bulis)
  19. 2-0 HABS Marcel Hossa (Ribeiro, Quintal)
  20. 1-0 HABS Perreault (Ryder) :hlogo:
  21. well... gametime... HABS: 2 Isles: 4 Its time to lose... sorry... I hope not though.
  22. richard plays with Leksand now... the same as Rastislav
  23. I think this guy played in St. Louis last year. He has signed a deal with my swedish team Leksand for 6 months (remainder of swedish season I think) Anyone know if he is any good? /Dalhabs
  24. night all... I dont feel like getting very tired tomorrow over this team...
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