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Everything posted by Commandant

  1. With Mitera soon to be an RFA, and all the D about to go pro next year; Beaulieu, Tinordi, Ellis, Pateryn... and possibly Fishel (is one great NCAA season enough to get an offer) and Nygren (more likely 2013); plus the return of Nash not too far away, I think he really needs a strong second half to even get a contract offer.
  2. It is strange that we have so many Right Dmen... but not a bad problem to have as they seem to get a small premium in trades.
  3. I think Beaulieu's future still lies as a top 4 Dman, who will be the left hander beside the righty Subban on the PP. While its true we have a lot of D in the system most are righties, with only Bennett, Tinordi and Beaulieu on the left.
  4. Engqvist is 24 years old and had a full season of North American hockey. If he isn't ready now, he better be ready very soon or he'll be just another Ben Maxwell.
  5. Hemsky is also a pending UFA, for that reason, the move is lateral at best. I don't see it likely from either team. Oilers and Habs would both need future assets not UFAs.
  6. I have to disagree on Beaulieu being "schooled" by junior forwards. That doesn't seem an issue to me. His play defensively without the puck is fine for a guy his age. Again, I think the real issue are the bad giveaways at inopportune times, and that is why he's a 7th. His ability on the boards, protecting off the rush, covering his man, etc... Are all fine. He's not at Gormley's level obviously, but he's not bad either. I do agree he needs time in the minors, but so do almost all 20 year old Dmen. I feel that given time he'll be a top pairing guy with a two way game.
  7. This draft is very deep... but of course the top 10 is better, and the top 2 in this draft are outstanding. 3-5 or 6 are pretty good players too. </p>The other thing is you'll also get a high second rounder which will be like a late first.
  8. I got a Belt with a big Habs logo as the buckle. But that was it for this year, one of my lower hauls as far as christmas habs stuff goes, but I have so much from previous years that I didn't mind (7 jerseys, tons of hats, t-shirts, pictures on the wall, signed pucks etc...).
  9. For option #3, is the veteran we traded for a rental.... or is he say a 25-27 year old guy who we sign to a long term deal. If its just a UFA rental, I'm totally against such a move this season. If its someone who will be sticking around to be part of the core going forward, then I could get behind it.
  10. 3 would be best because in order for that to happen we'd need some excellent play for half a season from some players who are currently underachieving. This would show that those players are still capable of being NHL stars in future years and would show the team only needs a minor tweak or two going forward. I'd love it to happen, but don't see it as likely so I'm hoping for Grigorenko.
  11. Tinordi added an assist last night too.
  12. Gallagher has been elevated to Team Canada's top line.
  13. Gallagher with a beauty pass to Schwarz who scores on the breakaway. Adds a SH assist to his PP goal.
  14. Gallagher scores!!!! Knocks the puck out of mid air into the net on the PP for Canada.
  15. Jarred Tinordi scores a breakaway goal for Team USA tonight. Future Shootout Specialist (if we hire Marc Crawford as coach).
  16. They weren't getting worse... they played a good game against philly and were a bit unlucky to lose that one; getting completely jobbed out of a goal.
  17. I really don't want McGuire. Like really don't want that guy. Too reactionary.
  18. If Gainey comes back, its probably only to finish the season and to trade guys for draft picks. Then the new GM starts in June.
  19. Wait... you want a top 10 pick for a guy with a career high of 26 goals, who will be a UFA in July... and then another conditional first on top of that if he re-signs? Dreamer......
  20. Pribyl makes the czech squad and is named Alternate Captain. Tinordi is named Alternate Captain of the US team.
  21. The players can pay lip service to the change all they want... it clearly isn't working. And 9 pts in his last 7 games isn't trending towards columbus... quite the opposite.
  22. Why would they offer up Semin. That does nothing for us. Its another UFA to be in the summer.
  23. crawford made the single worst coaching decision in the history of sports, and i'll never forgive him for it. Revisionist history at best. The team started off 1-5-2 and was still above 500 when Martin was fired.... I'd say the trend was going the other way.
  24. I don't know... i kinda think that both Cammy and Cunneyworth are right on this one. Cunneyworth is right in that the PP needs more shots with more traffic, and more crashing the net. Cammy is right in that the PP needs a little more creativity too... right now there are too many guys standing still, not moving their feet, and as such it easy for the other team to close off shooting and passing lanes. Use both in conjunction (cammy's more movement) and Cunneyworth's more shots and crash the net... and you'd have something.
  25. Martin got a point against the Stanley Cup finalists and lost by one goal to what was then the hottest team in Hockey in Philadelphia, who was first in the East and had won 7 in a row at the time. At no point was Martin ever blown out by 4 goals, never mind back to back nights. And the only time his team went 0-5-0 was in October 2009 There is no way you can tell me we haven't played worse this week than we have all season.
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