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How to avoid RDS ?

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I dont care about RDS's Canadien's games coverage. Its not the language in which it is done, French being my first language, but my divergence with their ways on how a game should be covered.

The play by play description of the match by Pierre Houde is very chaotique and anti-climatique....... the man continually indulging himself in unnending petty talks parrallell to the game,.. always a step or two behing the action....annoying,..stifling.

And dont get me start with analyst Yvon Pednault which would have the perfect voice to torture legally into submission the illegally detained suspects of Guatano Bay.

Of course I watch the CH games whenever possible on CBC, TSN, Sportnet and NHL cable.

When I am stuck with RDS I usually mute the sound and listen to CKAC radio for the description........but alas the syncro is off by a second or two... enought to be annoying.

Is there a better way out there to do it ?

Or to avoid RDS alltogether ?

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Yes. There is a "bypass" function on your digital terminal.

The gap is created by the digital conversion. If your use the "bypass" function, you will still be able to see RDS, although in analogic (which eliminates the lag). You basically have to shut down the terminal but find a way to get the signal.

I know how you feel. I've been doing this for a while now and I won't revert to hearing rds's stupid staff ever again! (CKAC's game descriptions are much better!).

-Houde: Do you know Crosby used to be a crossworld puzzle champion at 15?

(the image shows crosby entering the canadien's zone on a 1 on 1 with rivet)

Pednault: Yes, this man is very talented. I think he gets it from his mother, Mary, whom I encountered in a golf tournement three months ago in moncton.

(Crosby dekes Rivet like a maniac and is alone with theo)

Pednault: I had the unique chance to taste her apple pie, and trust me, it was quite the "hat trick"... hahaha

Houde: hehehe

Pednault: haha

Houde: he

(Crosby scores a top corner goal)

Pednault: ha

Houde: Oh! And Crosby scores a goal!

Pednault then goes on to state evidence, on how we can see that crosby is "very talented" has "increadible hands" and is a "very speedy yougn guy"...

Just writing about it makes my ears bleed.

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I am living in the US now for 6 years and didn't get any coverage at all woth a damn until I ponied up for DirecTV sateilte and the NHL Center Ice package, worth every penny I might add.

But the US market still sucks for hockey coverage in general, maybe OLN will change that for the better. There was no coverage whatsover for the World Juniors this year. I ended up watching the games live via online streaming video. I found a site www.mediazone.com which saved me and allowed me to watch the games live. Its good for international events that aren't available in your home country.

I got a little off topic there, but I hear your pain of not being able to enjoy a hockey game.

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Originally posted by Capt.Crunch

-Houde: Do you know Crosby used to be a crossworld puzzle champion at 15?

(the image shows crosby entering the canadien's zone on a 1 on 1 with rivet)

Pednault: Yes, this man is very talented. I think he gets it from his mother, Mary, whom I encountered in a golf tournement three months ago in moncton.

(Crosby dekes Rivet like a maniac and is alone with theo)

Pednault: I had the unique chance to taste her apple pie, and trust me, it was quite the "hat trick"... hahaha

Houde: hehehe

Pednault: haha

Houde: he

(Crosby scores a top corner goal)

Pednault: ha

Houde: Oh! And Crosby scores a goal!

Pednault then goes on to state evidence, on how we can see that crosby is "very talented" has "increadible hands" and is a "very speedy yougn guy"...

Just writing about it makes my ears bleed.


too funny!

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Originally posted by JeanLucPilon
Originally posted by Capt.Crunch

-Houde: Do you know Crosby used to be a crossworld puzzle champion at 15?

(the image shows crosby entering the canadien's zone on a 1 on 1 with rivet)

Pednault: Yes, this man is very talented. I think he gets it from his mother, Mary, whom I encountered in a golf tournement three months ago in moncton.

(Crosby dekes Rivet like a maniac and is alone with theo)

Pednault: I had the unique chance to taste her apple pie, and trust me, it was quite the "hat trick"... hahaha

Houde: hehehe

Pednault: haha

Houde: he

(Crosby scores a top corner goal)

Pednault: ha

Houde: Oh! And Crosby scores a goal!

Pednault then goes on to state evidence, on how we can see that crosby is "very talented" has "increadible hands" and is a "very speedy yougn guy"...

Just writing about it makes my ears bleed.


too funny!

Ya, thats was good, very realistic for RDS :D

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Now CAPT.CRUNCH your play by play description of the couple's incongruity as it happens game after game on RDS is just too real that am affraid am gona get sick too,...chapeau !

As you said, CKAC is doing a fine job and complemented by Dany Dube as analyst, its just great.

Thecnically speaking, are you saying that if the RDS feeding is obtain via the analogue version of the cable that no sound sincro problem will occur as I listen to the CKAC via conventionnal radio....or the CKAC via the Illico digital terminal ?

[Edited on 2005/9/14 by PB]

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Thx everyone... lol.

When there were games on radio-canada at least we had other options.

I picked up the ckac trick during the strike. I always enjoy my game more with an oldschool uptempo description that ends with:


You are right with Dany Dubé. He frequently brings new things upfront as far as game comprehension goes.

For PB:

When I listen to CKAC AM radio (on my walkman) with the match playing on an analogic signal with my the offending TV sound off, there is no sound sincro problem.

I am not an expert on these things but it seems that the "digital" diffusion incurs a 1 to 2 seconds delay from the image to the live radio broadcast. When I listen to RDS with Illico all plugged in, I can actually hear the goal announcement on CKAC before the shot leaves the player's stick.

When I "bypass" the illico box, there are no more surprises.


[Edited on 2005/9/14 by Capt.Crunch]

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Thanks C.Crunch, this is all good news as I can now look forward for a pain free hockey season.

Yea, I feel Dany Dube offer more insights into the game than annyone else I know of,... and compare to most silly scoops gatherer of the media, he also seems to entertain a closer rapport with the players as well as the organisation....which

ad even more dept to what he as to say.

If this was not enought to switch to CKAC, than you got Ron Fournier with the after-match....and you just cant get a more colorfull and sympathetique fan than Ron...and the guy got tons of experience as an NHL referee as well....I never listen to sport news or sport talks but this Ronny guy is for me a jewel in the genre.

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  • 1 month later...

u can always watch the game and MUTE it and turn on ckac (corus québec) 730AM and listen to the game description :D

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Yes, using Videotron analoque or by-passing its digital Illico boxe will provide the correct sound syncro with CKAC AM radio......just as CPT.CRUNCH rithgly sugested earlier......many thanks.

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Just a related comment.

Last night, when I watched the montreal/boston game, at the end of the game, I passed the clicker over to my wife with about a minute to go and opened the CKAC connection on my laptop.

By the time the game finally ended on TV, my connection to CKAC opened and I listened, get this, to the last 10 seconds of the game all over again. I even heard the announcer, a while into the internet feed say: "cinq secondes à faire...".

That kind of delay is wild. It would have been a howl to watch the game with the sound off and listen to the web feed at the same time. :lol::lol::lol:

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Originally posted by shortcat1

It would have been a howl to watch the game with the sound off and listen to the web  feed at the same time. :lol::lol::lol:

I've done that before. It's not that bad a problem. If the announcer is late you have the picture in front of you anyway. I like watching RDS though so I don't mind.

43 for you.

60 for me.

[Edited on 2005/10/20 by Bulis_the_Habbie]

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I used to watch the games on french cbc back in the 80's because the english cbc always carried the stinkin' leafs.

I like RDS, but then all i can understand is 'la rondelle' and 'le premier etoille de match ce soir est GUY CHARBONNEAU!!!!'

TSN: If Healy loves the laffs so much, why doesn't he friggin' marry them? And I find the colour commentator guy sounds like he's talking into a boot (mumble mumble mumble mumble).

CBC: My first impression of Harry Neale was that he is an idiot (a long time before it was fashionable to call someone an idiot). He always got the names wrong or described the play using baseball analogies or had something really assinine to say.

If it weren't for RDS, I'd never get to see a game unless it was against toronto or ottawa. Be thankful that you're not like some of our unfortunate comrades who only hear of the game via this website.


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Speaking for myself, I AM thankfull for RDS's diffusion.

As a matter of fact, I am a more than happy to pay for RDS's broadcast. If it weren't for hockey, I would probably not subscribe to cable in the first place.

However, I am not simply content of receiving the signal. The audio portion of the game is, for me, an important part of my hockey experience.

I have some friend who would be just as happy to watch the game on mute. Not me.

Play by play comments brings me into the match. While I may not need a guy telling me that there is a big check, an increadible goal or a spectacular save going on, it just brings that much more intensity to the game I'm watching.

The best play by play guys will change the tempo of their voice as the game goes on, basically screaming like maniacs when the game gets frantic. While it may be a fuss for others, great play by play helps me zone in on the match.

As for the analysts, it may be important to note that I haven't played a lot of hockey and that I have definitely never coached. Furthermore, I have started to follow the habs pretty recently (in 1998-1999).

Having someone who knows the game better than me give timely comments and pointers during a match just brings another level of enjoyment.

It helps me to look for other things than the obvious plays, like how the players position themselves without the puck, the work habits of opposing teams, the kind of judgement the coaches make, backchecks, different ways to work along the boards, how different players learns to roll with the checks (I remember Dany Dube noting that Ribeiro had a better time rolling with checks because he kept his skates parrallel to the boards more... I never even tried to notice something like that).

Good analyst will also know when to shut up, letting the play by play guys go on with describing the play.

In any case, I am happy if some of my doodling with digital cable and AM radio helps fellow fans listen to a better game (as opposed to a bitter game... yuck yuck yuck)...

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i see. i was spoiled with free signals (southern ontario in the 80's and we'd get 20 channels from london to cleveland). so i just take it for granted. and i got used to crap analysts and play by play, so the sound doesn't really add much for me besides a distraction.

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