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Habs "Jamboree 2005" Review + Pix (18/09/2005)


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hey hey hey!!!

as i said in few previous topics, i went to the habs jamboree day today~ i finally woke up at 6h30am and finally reached the bell center at 8am~ there was a little line up already but it was ok :) i went there ALONE coz my budz all gave up on me :mad: but i dunt mind!!! i went there for my own pleasure :/)

ok so as i was waiting for the clock to reach 9am, the line up started to get longer and longer~ lots of lil babies and kids were dressed with habs jersey and cap~ they were so cuuuute!

ok so we finally get in the bell center and the security guy told me and other people to get in the 101 section~~ wahoooo~ right in the middle of both benches... in the RED~ haha~ so of course, i was happy coz i wanted to take nice pix (well... try to take hehe)

OFF TOPIC : we were waiting for the players to get on the ice and then, a goaler showed un on the bench (i'm not sure ut i think it was Price) and everybody was sreacming and applaused his presence... then he turned his head -- looking at us -- and he went back in the locker room hehehe~ it was so funny to see his reaction~ :king:

ok so at first, they sent the rookies and young players on the ice for the first part of the practice~ so we had the chance to see them skating and shooting and powerplaying etc~

then the zamboni came to do his job on he ice... and then the other players -- veterans -- came on the ice~

note : they were wearing a new practice jersey~ there's 2 white lines on it and the lines are VERY flashy (i just noticed it once i looked at the pic on my laptop) oh well so it was the 2nd practice for us to watch~

question : anyone knows who #40 is??? it's certainly a young player but i dunno who!! he impressed me and some 3 others guys who were sitting next to me~ he got a really nice shot and scored 2 times against Dannis~ it was 2 really nice goals!!!

then we saw Ryder showing uo at the bench for a few seconds, he said hello to the public and get back in the locker~

note : i had the chance to get a girl staff who was giving out free tickets for tonite's game~ all we had to do it's to be 2 persons - since it was a pairs of tickets -- and answer to a lil survey about the habs~ a guy asked me to answer the survey with him so i accepted~ then after that, i gave him my ticket since i was not planning to go to the game anyway (tooo tired coz i went to see football yesterday and also coz i have to catch up in my readings for skewl + i'm working tomorrow :o ) ok so the guy got his pair of ticket hehe~

after that, we went outdoors and there was some activities for kids and other promotion stuff~ but my goal was to get in the autograph lineup!!! hehe so i reached the line up... it was NOT that bad~ we waited for the players to showered so i waited from 12pm-1h30

it pissed me a LITTLE bit coz i REALLY wanted to get José Théodore's autograph. But there was only 5 players at time on the autograph stage~ so the first 5 players were theodore, markov, ryder, and 2 other ones >> look at the pix, i'm not sure for the other 2 hehe -- ok so as i was close to get on that stage -- i was about +/- 10 people to get up there -- and it was time to switch for new players -- so the other could go and play hockey-ball in the outside rink --

note : u'll see in my pix that koivu was the one who came and told theo to leave grrrr grrrrrrrr :mad: oh well... i finally calmed myself down (hey hey) and enjoyed that lil moment with the players on the stage~

i had the chance to get Alexei Kovalev - Saku Koivu - Richard Zednik (hey!!! the FIRST line!!! hehe) - GUILLAUME LATENDRESE (!!!! yay yay!!! happy about this one hehe) and finally... where koivu is... rivet is too hehe so yeah~ the 5th player to give out autograph was rivet~ i had the chance to ask them to sign my habs' scrapbook that i started to decorate~ so yeah~ i had 2 autographes from each of them :-^

after that, i went to take a picture with... YOUPPI!!! hehe~ well i'm not showing the pic of me and youppi! hehe~ ;)

note : on his habs jersey, we could read *YOUPPI* as his name and for his jersey number... it's... "!" hehe~ and when i asked him to sign his name in my scrapbook, he signed a "!" hehe~ so cute from him!!!

ok then it was the end of the jamboree for me... so i went back home~ so here's some pix of what i took during the day~ hope u guys r going to like it :)

NOTE : if u guys were at the Jamboree and took nice pix... please post them up and share them with us!


Pix of the day... the best ones...

(note : i used html tags for the pix so hope there'll be no problems for u guys since some people said that html tags doesnt work for them :S)

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This is my habs scrapbook with today's player autograph and the *card* they gave us once we reached the autograph stage...

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Originally posted by ~moeman

Great post/pics. (BTW, no babes?!)

HAHAHA~ well the reason why there is NO BABES on MY pix : it's all bcoz i'm a GIRL and that my attention ALL goes to the PLAYERS!! :-^:-^:-^

sorry guys ;)

hehe~ that's why i was asking people who went to the event to post some pix so maybe there'll be a larger point of view (of the camera) hehe~

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