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parksville habsfan

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Everything posted by parksville habsfan

  1. I wonder how far into the playoffs we will get before the cbc and tsn crews will stop talking about the laughs!!!!!!!!
  2. CBC on high definition, hope we get more hd Habs games in the playoffs and next season.
  3. Take it from someone else who has been there. I had recurring episodes of vertigo, turned out to be Menieres disease. I lost the hearing in one ear and it rings constantly. Haven't had vertigo for years now, thankfully, it is very unpleasant. :puke:
  4. I got a tv stand a habs mouse for my computer and a hot tub.
  5. I agree, too many Europeans tend to disappear in the playoffs. Give me Canadian players who grow up dreaming about winning the cup!!!
  6. All four games tonight were a reversal of the first games. Hope that trend changes for the Habs.
  7. Ha... in figureskating they use steel pipe to the knees!!!
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