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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. put Hossa in that line and we have a 3rd scoring line.
  2. Sundström with Bonk... that doesnt sound too bad. Maybe that line could be good offensively as well as defensively.
  3. Former penguins coach and czech republic coach. Died from injuries from a car crash. R.I.P.
  4. rogers sportsnet has got the rights to send 1 or 2 games / week from sweden.
  5. Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet says that they will send swedish elite league games in canadian tv. 1-2 games / week
  6. I bet Sundström could get as many points as zednik have this far in a season on the first line with koivu. Zednik have had a 50+ season and a 30+ goals... Is that really that great?
  7. The only signed photos I have is 2 leaf players.. Salming and Inge Hammarström. Then I have Johan Hedbergs autograph on a flag.
  8. I hope tellqvist gets traded to a team I like more caus I dont want to wish him bad luck.
  9. Why not do it like some soccerteams do.. Goalie!!! Theo as camptain? I mean... it sounds like all others doesnt fit so why not? He is our most important player, He has showed that he is great.
  10. 1. Adam Deadmarsh 2. Paul Kariya 3. Vinnie Damphousse(I'm sorry but I miss the guy)
  11. So Leclair is paid 9M a year? scary!!! How can Clarke still be GM of that team? Didnt he trade 3 first rounders for Oates? Im glad Im not a Philly fan.
  12. Since we dont know how long this off season will be its hard to tell. I bet Gainey knows alot more than we do and somehow I think that if Kovalev is resigned there will be a next season. pls agree so there is a next season.
  13. I wonder how many more points koivu would get playing with players like Hossa, Bonk and those guys? Maybe we saw the right Koivu with Kovalev this playoffs. pls keep Kovalev. But you are right at the moment. Best #11 = Alfredsson I remember a WC-game a few years ago when he fooled the goalie by tiping the top of the goaliestick when the goalie was going to clear the puck and then stole the puck and scored an emptynet goal.
  14. Im not sure I want to see any new ufa players right now. Resign some of the ufas we have and then let players from hamilton fill the rest. btw. about Sundström to modo... swedish press stink! they write "news" as facts when they really are just rumours. IF there is a season this autumn and if sundström is wanted he will play in the NHL next year as well. SIGN KOVALEV NOW! :ghg:
  15. Seriously... do u guys want hockeyjerseys to look like football jerseys? I dont want to hear "goal scored by #97, assisted by #84 and #110" Sure... honor them by raising the jerseys but dont lock the numbers away. skip the number... use only the name on the jersey raised.
  16. If we resign Kovalev Im very happy with that addition. Then if we could get another good Dman it wouldnt hurt. Otherwise Im kind of happy with our team.
  17. damn.. you beat me to it puck
  18. Does it really matter who are from Montreal and who are not? That poll stunk becaus there werent any options like (they are NOT a fluke). Its like posting a poll with 2 answers... 1. yes 2. yep . It doesnt have a point. Tampa was the better team and btw. Why dont you call us a fluke as well since we make the playoffs now and then and makes it into the 2nd round just to miss the playoffs the next year?
  19. something wrong with leaf-fans cheering for team sweden? Im a canadiens fan that cheered for team sweden. At least until Belarus came.
  20. ROFL LOVELY picks. I love that saddam + Domi pick. McCabe mustve had at least -5 last night. Giveaways all the time. I wonder if McCabe is benched next game and Johansson will play?
  21. I think he should be suspended but not thrown out of Northamerican hockey like that bozo of a coach wanted. Just hope that this wont slow down Perezhogins developement to much.
  22. I hope he takes the suspension however long it may be and then returns to hockey and fulfills his potential and becomes a star of the habs. This was very ugly but he doesnt deserve to be banned for alltime.
  23. I cant agree. It was stupid to retaliate like that. If he would have threwn himself on that guy and smack his head with fists it wouldve been a fair deal but to swing a stick like that to his head is insane.
  24. I predicted tampa on the top 3 in the east before the season and they were even better than that. They are far from a fluke.
  25. Can someone post a link for the movieclip?
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