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Everything posted by DON

  1. I agree PK will likely be in the teens in goals, especially if Markov stays healthy. Markov makes everyone better. I think Subban will be an All Star soon and love his game and he is making progress, especially in own end. But 1/2 his shots from the point hit his own players in front of net, i bet Cole and Pacioretty took more shots in the back and mid section from PK than all the rest of d-men combined. He has a good 1-timer, but still wild and with his big wind-up slapshot, even he couldnt tell you where it is going. If he can crank it back a notch or learn to keep a bit lower, i think would be more effective. But like you say, diff of opinion, agree to disagree, and just a minor criticism of a super player.
  2. Jagr? i would say we more like dodged a bullet with that old timer. Doan is a different story and would like to see it happen.
  3. No Hjalmarsson and Kane is weak rumour, that might not be too far-fetched if Bergevin wants to put his stamp on team and PK is not his type of player? I wouldnt do a seemingly Chelios deal revisited, but maybe Bergevin really wants Kane and sees glut of young d-men on farm? The swede would give you top 4 minutes and Kane is almost point/game. The sooner Subban gets signed the better i will feel, till then who knows if he is being shopped?
  4. 2010-2011-2012 were probably fairly similar in quality and will likely play out to be "average" drafts. But when weak draft is brought up, 2004 seems to be a perfect example.
  5. Markov-Yemelin Gorges-Hjalmarsson Kaberle-Bouillon Diaz
  6. What the hell do i know? I see him as an Archambault the 2nd type, small and skilled but..even make the NHL? I just see so much more NHL potential in a Darnell Nurse or others i noted and havent been that impressed by Domi. He was the 1 in the top ten i question and would have more like 20th or later.
  7. No question, either of the 2 swiss d-men, until Subban can learn how to hit the net and realize the huge telegraphed slap shot is unnecessary and inaccurate. And also that a well placed wrist shot is just as effective (maybe more so?).
  8. OK; Subban 5 goals on PP in 82 games, Weber 4 goals in 60 games, with a tad fewer PP minutes/game also. So really no comparison who is more efficient on the PP point.
  9. Subban shooting % was 3.4%, the only lower on team was Gorges and Gomez, he cant hit the broad side of a barn and the showboating wind-up is useless. i am sure Pacioretty and Cole just dread trying to screen with him shooting over the net, or 5 feet wide. Funny how any criticism of Subban at all, gets people all excited. and statistically i think, the 2 Swiss were both way ahead on actually getting pucks to the net with shots.
  10. Sure Domi may be a good prospect but; not top ten is he? Domi was on a stacked OHL team; whereas, say a Josh Morrissey had 40 points as a d-man on a shit team, as a 16 year old Rychel had 41 goals Roy 53 points as a d-man and Nurse will be a solid big d-man most likely, with a bit better bloodlines than a goon. Should see how they all play in next months tourny's eh.
  11. Seems a nice cheap signing and i expect an improved version with a full season of training and no having to rehab shoulder and miss training camp, same as Leblanc will come in to camp a bit bigger, bit faster and a bit stronger.
  12. I would say the exact same about PLakanec/Desharnais, as both suck on faceoffs, but someone has to play there.
  13. Good for the big guy, SJ should be a nice low-stress place to work.
  14. Have no fear, no new top 4 is on the way via trade, it aint happening. I still find it hard to believe Weber wasnt traded, unless Kaberle is being shopped, whic might move Weber from the 8th to the 7th d-man slot? Weber is better defensively than MAB, which aint saying much, but MAB is still on NHL roster, so Weber is not hopeless yet. Diaz has similar deficiencies along the boards and front of net, but seems a bit smarter with the puck and both are very good on the PP and their shots are a lot better than Subban's, but that aint saying much.
  15. Not a big fan of Domi. Take away the name and he is only in 20 -to -40 range isnt he? Wouldnt Josh Morrissey, Eric Roy, Darnell Nurse or Kerby Rychel be better looking prospect than a Domi? How big will that Russian d-man, Nikita Zadorov, be come draft time? He is 6'4" and still growing they say.
  16. He also typically gets 25 goals/year, which cant be said for anyone else on team except 67-72, and is relatively cheap, big, young and no problem being a bit on the dirty side when he also is willing to drop the gloves. He will do fine is my guess on either 2nd or 3rd line, Leblanc-Eller-Bourque may be a super 3rd line?
  17. You know where he is going as well as rest of us, Moscow-Siberia or one of those places and will make big bucks. But i simply said, if he would take a lower salary and tossed out $3/year (anything less than $3.25), i know it aint happening, but at that salary i wouldnt hesitate to resign him. And would be much preferrable to any old timer who is one good hit away from retirement. And as you see some critics still flog Kostitsyn for only "showing up for 1/3 of games" and say he should do better; but again i say, get over your expectations, he is what he is, take it or leave it, he will score as much as Cammalleri does and toss alot of hits; unlike a Cammalleri/Jagr who are as soft as they come and if arnt scoring are as useless as a Kovalev out there.
  18. Blame for what? He is averaging 21 goals/82games for career, what is the matter with that? He is leading hitter of forward group as well and has been at a reasonable salary. The blame, if there is any, is on goofy overexpectations by many, he is what he is; a 20+ goal scorer who hits like a truck and may be the most absent-minded and clumbsiest player in the NHL, who will likely never be confused with a rocket scientist. So like i said, i would resign him at $3/year long before i would sign a 19 goal scoring old-timer like Jagr at $4.55.
  19. Yes likely a super fit alongside Eller, on 3rd line, but i still think he will come into camp a lot better shape physically and i dont think anyone doubts his Hockey IQ is above average. He and Eller are destined for top six, may still not be a couple-few years yet.
  20. I am all for resigning Kostitsyn, would be cheap i would guess?
  21. If true, good for them, nice to see small market team attract talent. I still think Suter overrated, but both are quality players and Minni has a ton of solid prospects coming as well.
  22. Cammalleri? evryone needs a sub 20 goal scorer for $6/year, we will really miss him.
  23. I think i would trust Markov's knee over 40+ year old guys cashing in just before retirement. I like Whitney and Jagr fine, but not at $4.5/year. I would sign for Semn before one of these guys, and i wouldnt even bid on Semin. Anyways, i assume Bergevin aint quite done, with all the d-men, he is gonna have to trade someone. But am totally pleased with the 3 signings anyways.
  24. so what does that Assistant GM actually do? Is he in charge of the timbit and coffee orders?
  25. Why stop at 10 years, do a Dipietro! The only good 10 year contract i have ever seen is Alex Rodriguez's,. if it wasnt Price i would say 6 is a year too long already. One of few things i agree with Brian Burke about. Stupid cap salary game, but at least gives that Larry Carriere guy something to do i suppose.
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