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Everything posted by DON

  1. Which 2 RDS guys are moving in behind the bench with Crazy Mike, to fill the 2 Randy's spots now vacent?
  2. I totally agree and wouldnt bother trading up to #1 at the cost of the #3 + a Subban/Kristo type player. I could see maybe trading the 32nd/63rd and stuff to try and grab a Gaunce/Collberg or the like if they are still available after 20th pick. But would be happy to just pick at 3-32-50-63 with zero trades. I also would be quite happy to hear Dumba's name called at #3. Should be interesting and Bergevin/Timmins have 1000 options to pick from.
  3. They say Yakupov is most skilled and #1 prospect. But Galchenyuk was the #1 OHL selection and only trailed Yakupov by 20 points or so when played togeather. So if take Galchenyuk at #3 and add in an early 2nd rounder like Tim Bozon (who was a 30 goal scoring WHL rookie of year canditate). I would argue it is slightly too high a price to pay, 2 skilled forwards for 1 who really isnt far and away that much better than #3. Commandant may see different, but seems everytime Timmins mentions his stockpile of 2nd round picks over next 2 years he seems quite excited to add numbers to farm system and restock, for first time in several years with 2nd rounder choices to make; and likely why he interviewed 65 prospects to see what will be available at 32nd-50th and 63rd slots. I would bet Timmins and Bergevin will make at least 1 swap of pick (s), but not for a high 1st rounder? Should be very interesting to see in 2 1/2 weeks.
  4. We all know an Englishman could easily do the job, especially if have a winning record, but we all know he would be chased by lynchmob much quicker than Therrian if not winning, that is a given. You say they dont need or want to be under the media gong show in Montreal, maybe true for some and maybe not for others, some would for sure see it as the greatest challange and take the job with both eyes wide open. How did Bowman get the job? But for me i argue just on principle, Hire the best coach period, fremch/english i could care less. And i could also care less if language thing has been beaten to death, it is wrong basis to hire a coach, if winning is priority #1. Sure they can find the best fit to appease media and politicians, as they just have done and get by with same mediocre results we have had for past 20 years. But; it seems french coachs are being shuffled on a fairly quick rotation through Montreal with no success at all. So maybe, just maybe a smart GM might have the balls to hire, simply the best person and media be damned, for a change. As Gauthier did when shipped out Halak, even when he knew the shit storm it would cause. It was the very tough, but likely correct decision
  5. What is an expert? A failed GM? An analyst? Don Cherry's? Out of work coachs? Ex-players? And i doubt you dont care, you may be a bit fed up with this or that but..
  6. Sorry to disagree 100% with info above. GM/coach of teenagers is not the same, Roy has zero experiance coaching pro athletes and we all know a player's career has little to do with coaching ability. And it is the grinders and plumbers of league who tend to be best coachs and all-star player are usually flops as coachs. So we dodged one bullet but got smoked by another in a retread.
  7. Great to hear positive spin and hope you are correct, but as the coaching polls i saw, Terrian was at bottom of list, even amung just the french guys. But maybe Berevin sees something the public dosent, maybe RDS is building him a new pool of some other kickback, or just blackmailing him? haha
  8. I appreciate you actually seeing as a super hire and somehow seeing the positive. And you could rant all you like, wouldnt change my opinion one bit. A sports organization managed to placate/pander to whims of media and politicians, as the first priority over team success; is doomed to struggle, or at best be handicapped to compete with 29 other teams who can actually have a rational and modern hiring process, unhindered by bigotry and 19th century language laws. My expectations for 2012-13 just took a kick in the nuts, but will hope for best as always, but seems just another Martin hire all over again, cept Terrian is a kookier dude isnt he? But, I really got nothing constructive to say on hire, so will get off my soapbox now.
  9. And who said Carbo or Crawford are good coachs? No one cares who loses finals; but to lose finals and then get fired the next year, with your replacement winning cup and not coaching since; maybe he is not a loser (defitinely a Cull) but he aint a coach at top of my, nor any of 29 other teams list for any of a couple dozen hires since he was fired.
  10. Bergevin "seemingly" has backbone of a squid ? very disappointing unless mediocrity is goal?
  11. Murray, McTavish, Sutter, Gallant, Wilson, Quinn, etc etc, the list of better canditates is actually quite long...cept the all-important cup-winning necessitity of pandering to media. Must be one big party at RDS today, what a joke. Hope tis a quick fire. With this hire the odds of drafting Mackinnon or Seth Jones just increased; but cant see many other positives?
  12. Back to back bottom of barrel choices, yee-haw. hopefully a quick fire JUst lucky the Habs got him before some other team snapped him up!
  13. Habs are pretty bare in goalie department and seems to be numerous good tenders this year. Will Timmins burn a 2nd round pick to pick one, or wait till later round most likely?
  14. 6'0" or 6'1" Bigger than Plekanec and Desharnais or Big Enough. I would guess he may be Pacioretty sized down the road, as they say he is a gym rat and hard worker?
  15. Can i quote a post from someone named "Habsy" from a day or 2 ago.."the whole lanuage thing is ..ZZZZZZZZZZZ Boring!" Funny eh?, or Ironic maybe how that dead horse now is fit to arise again. haha (no offense, just had to get that jab in there) Sweet Jesus i hope Therrian is not the man. Maybe he would be fine, but he just seems a bit "out there" and even Crawford would be preferrable wouldnt he? But as with picking a GM i really dont have a clue who is most qualified. We will see next week i guess?
  16. Why is that? Cause media and politicians demand that, is that the one main reason, will it help win games or make a better team? Will it negatively impact the 200+ million french speaking people around the globe in some way? Do soccer/rugby teams in France demand french speaking coachs? just questioning logic is all
  17. Minuta of each prospect seems relevant for this thread. Cant agree with your proverb and most threads on this website tend to centre on the minuta of Hab stuff, or am i off-base? Some can argue against info overload, but i think is great and is easy enough to ignore threads you havent an interest in.
  18. Has Sutter been contacted by Bergevin yet for interview?
  19. i know, just with he and Heatly, i have nothing good to say about (even if they do have one positive aspect worth mentioning)
  20. ugg... Rat Boy Cammalleri! Winther back checks and aint a total egomaniac floater scared to take a hit, so not fair comparison, more an insult. (i aint a Squid fan at all)
  21. Good breakdown, he is a shifty kid and as you say was on a crappy team, but i think would be a smart pick. Everyone seems so hung up on size stats, but i think are very overrated for skilled forwards and could list so many Hall of Famers who would of been smaller than 170lbs as a 17 year old, which would easily show "Size aint Everthing", and why i would stay clear of Tom Wilson's/Jamie Oleksiak's/Biggs type in 1st round. Exactly where Lucic got taken, at 50th, seems bout earliest to take a big bodied forward as one should, unless the offensive skills are there as well.
  22. That is good, he is a very nice player and would be a dandy 32nd pick.
  23. You stuck with program and dont have any "off the board" picks and seems pretty good? But there are always at least 3 or 4 2nd rounder ranked guys who sneak into 1st round eh; I think Sieloff/Kerdiles/Nieves or maybe Hart being taken by Rangers/Kings. And Tom Wilson as a 1st rounder? He will likley go 1st round but shouldnt (another Biggs type, who the Oilers used to pick in looking for that power-forward with zero luck) and Canucks would take the big Swedish-American before him i would hope. Just a couple diff of opinion is all.
  24. So the combine has started eh? Do the Habs release a list of whom they interview or plan to at combine? I see some top prospects already know how many interviews and which teams want them and some, they say already have requests for 2nd interviews? Anyone know much about this?
  25. Hockey central is reputable? You mean with that ol Super GM, Doug Mclean, he was a shrewd hockey guy and led Columbus to great things. Not sure if he or Milbury is brighter and has more insightful info? I just hope Therrian is voted off the list of canditates ASAP, he is just creepy.
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