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Everything posted by Commandant

  1. Its gonna be especially bad if we play a wide open game and can't make a damn pass. It worked for a period and a half, but once the devils adjusted to the longer passes... game over.
  2. Won't happen unless Price gets hurt IMO. No matter how bad the team in front of him is, he'll steal enough points to get us to like the 6th or 7th pick.
  3. Long pass on every breakout is not working; the Devils adjusted in the second intermission and our transition game is toast.
  4. Game over.... What were Subban and Emelin doing?
  5. I agree on Darche... but 17 minutes of Blunden or Weber wouldn't be better.
  6. If Campoli is a top 4 defencemen on most teams in the league... why was he available in September?
  7. Early in the game the forwards were going for longer passes on the breakout than they had been before. This worked pretty well early. However in the third period its obvious that the Devils have made an adjustment and the long distance between the Fwds and Dmen is no longer working.
  8. I agree, I'd like to see Subban open up his game a little more. He isn't rushing enough right now. That said, the player he was in junior is not gonna work in the NHL, and there isn't a single defenceman in the entire league who plays like that. The things that work in junior don't always work in the NHL. There needs to be a happy medium where he rushes but he picks his spots at the same time.
  9. Announcers are saying thats gonna be a suspension... but it feels like Larsson lunged forward after the puck putting his head into that spot.
  10. It hit about 3 things before going in...
  11. Darche has seen like 2 shifts on the PP in the last 6 weeks... Its clearly overstated.
  12. Just like we heard about the Kaberle trade in advance Just like we heard about Erik Cole Just like we heard about Scott Gomez in advance Just like we heard which team was after Halak. The Habs under Gainey first and now Gauthier are like fort knox... shit doesn't leak from them. The only reason the Vinny trade leaked was because the lightning had 2 owners who were fighting over whether or not to trade him... one of them wanted him traded, the other wanted to build around him. The guy who wanted to build around him, leaked the proposed deal to try and get the Tampa fans to go crazy and kill the deal. The rest of our trades.... we hear nothing in advance. For all the rumors in this thread... find me the Kaberle rumor before it happened???
  13. We keep assuming that Gauthier hasn't tried.... why? How do you know he hasn't made a trade offer that Shero hasn't rejected? The whole discussion is built on a straw man.
  14. I think they sent a guy who can appease certain members (and I don't want to name more names, as these guys don't deserve the attention) of the French Press and do the press conferences in French for them (or help Cunneyworth with the French questions). At the same time they put a guy there who certain members the French Media can't credibly claim that Cunneyworth should be fired and replaced with his assistant after every loss; even though they still might like to try. If they put a legit head coach candidate there, it would happen.
  15. Great other GMs have made mistakes. Why do you think Shero is dumb enough to make a mistake and take your offer? It doesn't make any sense to say... hey some GMs got ripped off before, so why can't we rip off the Penguins today? And again, before the league got re-aligned why would they trade one of the best players in the world to another team in their conference. It still doesn't make sense. Heatley was traded for Milan Michalek, the guy who was leading the league in goals until he got concussed earlier this week. Plus a draft pick. Cheechoo was nothing more than a throw in to make the salary cap situation work. On top of that, Lindros, Jagr, Heatley, Roy, all demanded to be traded, forcing their GM into a significant position of weakness. And as you said, Gretzky was never anything more than an Owner whose other businesses were driving him bankrupt so he made a desperate move that was bad for his hockey team in order to get 15 million in cash. Heck Sather didn't even have any input into the deal, it was all Pocklington.
  16. What is this based on? If you or I on a message board can figure out that these guys get more as UFAs than they do signing long term extensions early, don't you think the players and their agents can figure out the same? We have no idea what they were asking for. Any guesses are baseless speculation and/or wishful thinking.
  17. Okay, so that said... how much money is Gorges worth, and how much is too much? There has to be a line of what he is worth and what is too much.
  18. Whats a columbus Seriously though, rookie was the only thing that scares me... now that dlbalr and yourself have pointed out that he has about 140 games under his belt as an NHL coach. I'm all in with this guy as our next coach (assuming the French Rule remains in place). I like him better than all the other candidates mentionned.
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