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Everything posted by lazy26

  1. Decent period... the shots don't relate quality chances though... Let's keep it up, and stay out of the box!
  2. Solid effort all period long. I'm not gonna jinx anything, so I'm shutting up now... BTW, BG and Jacob Two-Two... separated at birth?
  3. WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! RDS took over the French channel! No 'sweet home alabama' for me! :hlogo:
  4. So close... I"m on ON, but I don't get SRC! Why? Is Ryder not playing?
  5. Looks like the game isn't on TV for me tonight... GRRR... You'd think CBC would air it, based on the importance of tonight's ceremonies... right? Oh, wait.. CBC loves the Laffs... I almost forgot...
  6. I express my sympathies and condolescences to the Geoffrion family...
  7. Let's hope it works... In Bob we trust.
  8. It's go the potential to be a bittersweet night at the Bell centre, what with Boom Boom falling ill, and José's departure... but this can be alleviated somewhat with a solid defeat of those pesky Rangers! Let's hope the tangible emotion will fire up the boys, and that they take it to them right from that start! And man, I want another 102 mph slapshot goal from Souray.. especially tonight! GO HABS GO!!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Boom Boom... :hlogo: Theo's not exactly making it easy for me to hate him... Despite everything, I am sad to see him go...
  9. I didn't break out the protractor, but I thought 45 degrees was a pretty safe estimate... not a full swing.. just a little one.. likely close to 8-10 inches... 45 degrees really isn't that much of an arc...
  10. And we know that Aebi will fight as well! As Souray would say "that's old school hockey!" GO HABS GO!
  11. We know Kovy and Zeddy play better near the end of the season/playoffs *jinx*, and Dandy's had some success. However, Bonk's inability to perform in the post-season got him traded from OTT.. So.. it's hard to say... I also think that Ribs should be added to the subject heading. And I think if BG rewards him and keeps him with Kovy, he'll come through...
  12. Definitely not a dive... It wasn't a severe spear, I'd say Boynton swung the stick around maybe 45 degrees.. and i don't even know if the tip of the blade fully caught ribs in the stomach... I'm not sure what provoked him, but Boynton made a throat slitting gesture as he was being led off the ice by a linesman... which leads me to believe that the spear earned him the game misconduct, not the gesture... Hope this helps... Leaf fans suck...
  13. Yeh, it think this was a good bonding experience for the Habs. Ribs has been on record for doing/saying some pretty stupid stuff, but lately he's gone a far way in turning that around.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one... I keep expecting Aeby to start prancing around a la Gob....
  15. I think we might see the newly-acquire Simpson filling in for Dandy a couple times before the playoffs.
  16. Boy am I glad that this one turned out to be complete BS. Great game by Plex last night.. glad he's back!
  17. I think the problem people have, if any, is that Ryder's level of intensity has seemingly decreased since the last season. In his rookie year, Ryder wouldn't always make an impact on the scoresheet, but he was always hustling, almost every shift, and making himself useful in that manner. Now it seems that he has typed himself as a goal scorer, and is waiting for other to make his chances for him. There's nothing wrong with that, so long as he rounds out the other aspects of his game as well. Don't get me wrong, I like Ryder, and I don't want him to be traded, etc... I just know that he can play better.
  18. I guess that all depends if we're playing the Laffs..
  19. Describes the reasons for my bittersweet emotions perfectly... Well written, Dave!
  20. Better effort from Ryder tonight. I think once him and Koivu play on a line with each other more, his performance will increase drastically. You can already see how Higgins and Koivu have learned about how the other plays. It's only a matter of time for Ryder.
  21. Yeh, but it was another 3rd game in 4 nights deal, so I"ll forgive them this once!
  22. I agree. Both are pretty hot right now though, so it's gonna be hard to decide.
  23. LOL Just a bit, eh? I thought the team played well together tonight. Komi had a couple brainfreezes, and we took some dumb penalties, but all in all, I was impressed. Particularly with Ribs (that monster) and Zeddy. It's so nice to say good things about them again. Huet was outstanding AGAIN, and I think all lines generated excellent opportunities. That Thomas was the difference between taht game and a blowout. Also, great work by both the PK and the PP (mostly) Great work, boys! :hlogo:
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