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  1. Agree if u are responding to someone personally perhaps.. But to write in media where All are reading. My GF was quite pissed at hearinge reas outloud Gelinas RDS reporter state that he too has a daughter etc. It's like saying I to have a gold fish, a cat a dog and that's why I relate....
  2. Another thing. Stating that one has daughters and sisters and wives etc ....as a reason to be ashamed and upset about this is in itself Wrong and outdated misogynistic vocabulary. Any human any being with legal and moral rights should be respected and treated with decency.. ( this is what pisses off feminists and humanists the most... That the basis of having loved ones that are women justifies why now you are upset.)
  3. I'm trying to understand the difference in terminology and language used by different mediaon this Mailloux. Luc Gelinas stated in french on RDS that he is a "sexual abuser" Mailloux has been charged . I need to see the term used in Sweden but in the English articles it says "defamation" & "violation of privacy" I think the kid needs to be made an example (unfortunately for him) but to put him side by side with a sexual abuser and drag the Habs organization to the depths is in my view irresponsible and perhaps even lawfully punishable
  4. Greetings Guys This thread should return to discussing Lord Perry He's a mentor for C Caulfield (when the camera shows them talking you see how CC listens to him attentively) => Resign Perry for at least another year if not 2 Ok and now for my shamanish BS: 1- We "Sacrificied" a Q born Player in Drouin for the Habs' Ghosts (just in c... j'suis Quebecois) 2- We got "extreme" rookies in playoffs (i.e. a la P. Roy) 3- We Got the Big 3 (4) 4- We have "THEE" Goalie 5- Haven't seen Youppi....anywhere! When we win this cup with Perry we will have to retire his 94 Now forget all the above .....Not to be discussed until parade day
  5. I said it once before (years ago) As well as that hockey players should be able to shoot left or right .(thats the future) But The Habs had too few right shots. first goal was with all 5 RH shooters More RH please! you're welcome
  6. Hey all been lon time For PLD I think Drouin +KK + Pick is too much IMO I would lower it to R.Poehling instead of KK. Although Id keep Drouin on the team until his value rises. But like most have said here... I would wait for a mid-end season if not summer, and hope the value of our players increases
  7. speaking of worsening trend.... If the Islanders keep slipping out of reach of the 8th spot, then Tavares' chances of being traded or going UFA will grow. Therefore the rebuild/retool from the Habs management needs to be maximized at the draft date - or come July first at the latest. This means two things: the present top wingers/forwards need to come out of their shells. Hence a repeat of yesterday's performance against the Islanders needs to become something consistent until the end of the season, Logically this will translate into more wins than loses. And this would mean we will not get a top 5 pick. If this doesn't happen (and the draft pick is >8th place) then the habs need to trade picks to get high profile players to add to the team to convince Tavares or any other Messiah to join the Habs. But logically both scenarios together need to happen (good finish of season and good trades and UFA pick ups) Certain recent articles point at MB giving the moon and stars to Tavares...AND I AGREE but it depends of the player to want to accept this. Imagine for a moment... Marc on his knees telling Tavares that the Habs have been waiting for him for 20 years TWENTY YEARS. Tavares would go down in history - regardless of the outcomes of the next 8 years at 13 millon (or whatever max) per season- It takes a hell of a pair of cojones to say yes to that... But if he did ..boy what a tremendous moment for player and franchise. Article: https://www.fanragsports.com/islanders/dreger-eyes-potential-ufa-tavares-contenders/
  8. Just watchefd Pleky's first shift as a leaf...... sigh
  9. exactly Metallica, that 50% was key All in all Happy with what MB did. we got what we paid for... Plek is likely gonna live in a hotel room or at Polak's guest room... and he and family can travel more easily between cities than winnipeg or the US... On a side note to what if Markov had the same treatment.... the difference is Rick Curran.. .i.e Pleky had an agent
  10. because the real question is who replaces Bergevin? will Brisebois really do better? and if not who else is on the list??? ..WE should follow what Toronto did....no doubt and no alternative really IMO... I do think we need a new president that's for sure... Molson has to go back to making watery beer
  11. I think Molson realizes he is stuck. Because frankly apart from raising your hopes, what does a new GM really bring? Your still stuck with the mandatory francophone GM who will hire another francophone coach -- if the following year Julien cant reship it.. Molson is gonna have to still compensate MB -and remember molson is still paying million or two for the previous coach. There is something F---ed in Mtl... The taxes the media... thats scare UFAs, the only real solution is getting better drafting IMO.. so im more and more inclined to be a Pro-tanker
  12. Honestly, what is there to lose? I would not be surprised if the story will be that Molson called MB asking for him to add the show attraction...
  13. while i wait for MB to pick up Jagr check out the last moment of this dual interview... where it seems as if Michel Therrien is saying sorry ..all i can read from Pks lips is I know I know... and then an odd finish http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2018/01/28/decouvrez-ce-que-subban-manque-le-plus-de-michel-therrien#cxrecs_s
  14. Nelson Cant shoot right? ah then useless suggestion
  15. Good grief .....would he cost more than a player? Letang is arguably at his lowest value ever... Given How Pitsburg is tight on cap wouldnt Letang go for less then a Galchenyuk?
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