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Pre-Season Game Thread | Canadiens vs. Maple Leafs | 9/22/05

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Hey Morenz & PM Koivu,

Whenever I talk to Leaf Fans, all they mention is that in '93, they got screwed when Gretzky high-sticked Gilmour.

Funny how their defining moment is when they LOST. :-^

They still think they could have beaten Montreal that year? I just remind them that they took the Kings to game 7, and still couldn't beat them. While the Habs only needed 5 games to eliminate the Kings.

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How can any fan of a team criticize another when they have not even got out of their conference since 1967?

They're not hockey fans, thats why. They're only Leaf fans. Thats why always think their their players should win the Hart, Vezina, Norris and Calder each year. I remember in 93 when Selanne had 76 goals and it was 100% obvious he should win, they were up in arms that Potvin didn't win the Calder. That is a perfect example of how out of touch they are,.

I always have a good laugh when they proclaim themselves the "hockey capital of the world". Anyone who lives in Toronto or near or knows Toronto is not a hockey team. It's a Leaf town. They don't support their OHL team very much, they didn't support the Roadrunners and I doubt they'll support the Marlies.

The majority of the Toronto media, ie Fan590, Mojo, plays right in their hands. They hipe them up so much every year it's sad. IMO, They're the reason Leaf fans are so out of touch. I had to listen to the game yestaarday at work on Mojo radio. And if any of you have heard Jim Ralph, his idiotcy and Leaf homering ruins the game. He wanted to hang GL for his "knee on knee" against Antropov. Yet he praised Marchment for "being a great defenseman his whole career". Never once mentiona any of his cheapshots.

Every team has homers and fans who're out of touch with reality and the sport, but Leaf fans are over the top IMO.

[Edited on 2005/9/23 by Leafs Suck]

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Earlier post worrys : defense last night

Yes they couldnt clear up the front net on many occasions,... often exhausted with killing penaltys orand unable to reach the bench for change.

Streit's major error led to leafs fourth goal.

Refering : althought it all even's out at the end of the year, yesterday's fourth call against the CH which led to the first goal...was a clear mistake by the ref after Antropov failed on its own against the board.

Positive signs : Plecanek's second goal in two games ( NHL's ready according to Julien ),.. Sundstrom's strong first appearances,.. Bulis's slapper,.. Dagenais getting a goal albeit unimpressive trio, his willingness to retribute a Leafs for mishandling a Habs, secong goals in two shout-out appearances,.. Latendresse shuffle with McCab.

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Originally posted by DANFALCAO

first of all look all the starters that didnt play so it was almost like hamilton vs a shit load of veterans

I lllove yourrr trippple posttt.

Fird tttime I seee thattt. ;););)

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Originally posted by HabsfaninTO

Hey Morenz & PM Koivu,

Whenever I talk to Leaf Fans, all they mention is that in '93, they got screwed when Gretzky high-sticked Gilmour.

Funny how their defining moment is when they LOST. :-^

They still think they could have beaten Montreal that year? I just remind them that they took the Kings to game 7, and still couldn't beat them. While the Habs only needed 5 games to eliminate the Kings.

Well...... this will sound somewhat traitorous but it's only being realistic. Toronto would almost certainly have beaten the Canadiens. I remember vividly that the Leafs pretty well owned them that year.

For that matter, the Canadiens victory fell into the category of semi-miraculous. Montreal beat Québec, which was a rare event. Just as rare, Buffalo beat out Boston who finished 23 points ahead of them. In the second round, Montreal took on a tired Buffalo and beat them easily. Surprisingly, the Islanders took out Pittsburg who finished 32 points ahead of them. The next round, Montreal took on a tired Islander team and took them out easily too.

In the other conference, St. Louis beat out Chicago who finished 21 points ahead of them and the Leafs took out Detroit and LA took out a strong Calgary team. In the second round, Toronto took out a tired St. Louis and LA took out a strong Vancouver team. As you know, LA then took out Toronto in a seven game series ending with a controversial play/goal which normally should not have counted.

That left a rested Montreal to play a tired LA team and to eventually win the cup. In the 'real' world, Québec, Boston, Pittsburg and the Leafs would ordinarily have taken out Montreal but, aside from Québec, Montreal never had to go up against them.

I was happy but, really, thankfully happy.

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shortcat1, NEVER would the tired out Gilmor and blue and white gang beat the 93 Habs. This is just loser talk! Patrick Roy was an unbeatable force and the Lowly Leafs cried instead of winning the next game. Just win, dont make excuses, LA had Gretzky and Montreal beat them in 5. People who look back at this saying could of / should of are loser leaf fans. (Not you, you just brought up the point)

When Ken Dryden won his first Stanley Cup was Montreal the Favorite then? No, you never know what can happen in the playoffs.

How about loser Belfore and his only Stanley Cup. It was NO GOAL. hull was in the crease and Buffalo was screwed. However, this is history so Buffalo must rebuild and try again.

My point in this entire rant is that since 1967 the lowly Leafs have never had the talent to even get into the finals. Period. Enough leaf hatred for now.... Must think good Canadiens Stanley Cup thoughts..


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Well, as you recognize, I'm no Leafs fan (not a Leafs hater either, by the way). I imagine you watched the series also, you were about 30 at the time.

Nevertheless, I recognized realistically that the teams that, in the 'normal' scheme, would have taken out the Habs that year. Boston, Pittsburg and Chicago were powerhouses that year. Québec had, for me, a frustrating habit of out-hearting Montreal in the playoffs. Also, and this is NOT loser talk, it's looking at things as they were at the time, extra-ordinary Ken Dryden miracles aside. That year, the Canadiens were in VERY TOUGH against the Leafs and that's the facts. Yes, it's possible that the Canadiens could have won it but again, looking at the way things were working themselves out, that would likely NOT have happened.

By the way Howie_Morenz, I won't use a famous traditional show-biz expression of success for you in this discussion. ;)


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<i>Well, as you recognize, I'm no Leafs fan (not a Leafs hater either, by the way). I imagine you watched the series also, you were about 30 at the time.

Nevertheless, I recognized realistically that the teams that, in the 'normal' scheme, would have taken out the Habs that year. Boston, Pittsburg and Chicago were powerhouses that year. Québec had, for me, a frustrating habit of out-hearting Montreal in the playoffs. Also, and this is NOT loser talk, it's looking at things as they were at the time, extra-ordinary Ken Dryden miracles aside. That year, the Canadiens were in VERY TOUGH against the Leafs and that's the facts. Yes, it's possible that the Canadiens could have won it but again, looking at the way things were working themselves out, that would likely NOT have happened.

By the way Howie_Morenz, I won't use a famous traditional show-biz expression of success for you in this discussion.


Don't you think that if Boston were such powerhouses they would have done a little bit better than get swept by the Sabres? If Chicago was as great as you say, they wouldnt have lost to the Blues in 4.

The Leafs went to 7 games in each of their series, they won their first round series in overtime in the 7th game. They could have easily have lost in the first round of the playoffs. The Habs needed a lot of overtime games, we all know about those, but they only lost 4 games for the entire playoffs.

I just don't see how you could say the Leafs would have beat us. We had more points than them during the regular season, would have had home ice advantage, plus the Leafs have a losing tradition while the Habs have a winning one.

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Also you have to realize in Hockey the regular season is just warmup. If you are not ready for the playoffs then you will be beat. We all know Montreal was not an expected finalist after the regular season.

The Montreal Canadiens are a playoff organization. Only getting to the playoffs is not enough, the guys have to have heart and Montreal always finds someone to lead the team. Saku is one of my all time favorite sports figures and he has talent, plays like a big guy and is all heart. We always seem to have a guy like this. Kirk Muller, Chris Chelios, Larry robinson, Bob Gainey.

Many teams have won the cup when it was least expected. Colorado's first, Tampa's first, Calgary's in '94? (I'm not sure if '92 or '94) This is why I think the Habs are on the right track and are going to suprise people over the next three years.

Ah what do I know, Just an old habs fan since 1970.

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Québécois and Howey_Morenz, what's with this getting into a huff? I remain a Habs fan, even in a locale that is fiery in Leafs ardour.

I have no problem seeing other sides of a situation and I don't see it as being outrageous that I can recognize that other teams are/were better than the one that I cherish.

Yes, the playoffs is a time when regular season stats can be thrown out of the window. They CAN but it's a much wiser and realistic attitude to take in accepting that, in most circumstances, they will reflect what will happen.

Good grief! Not 'hating' the Leafs is seen as unacceptable? This isn't a question of life and death or of eternal residence (Heaven or Hell) or, for that matte the source of your life, income or health. It's hockey, a sport, something that we experience second-hand, from the comfort of our home, a friend's place, a bar or, at the closest, the first row of seats at arena (for us, the Bell Center).

Tonight, when my Canadiens play the Leafs, I'll be watching, rooting for my team, the one I've followed with a passion since I watched the Rocket play on TV. On October 5, I'll be glued to my TV watching my team take on one of my perennial chief adversaries, the Bruins.

But, I meander....

Go Canadiens, Go!


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shortcat1, I posted this elsewhere today.

I like to criticize Toronto Maple Leaf fans and Toronto media only! Its all in good fun though as realistically there is not hate in my heart for any human being in any country.

There is no way I would hate my brother, best friend or even my x-girlfriend as it is a sport. My favorite of all favorite players was Darryl Sittler of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

I never look back at losses with bitter resentment like Toronto fans and Toronto media, because that is history. Hey I am a Miami Dolphin fan and know what losing is like!

Facts are: Montreal won, Toronto never got to the show. You cannot win the Stanley Cup if you do not get to the finals. That is Toronto's biggest problem, it is all talk with no substance or facts.


[Edited on 2005/9/24 by Howie_Morenz]

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Originally posted by Howie_Morenz

My favorite of all favorite players was Darryl Sittler of the Toronto Maple Leafs.


[Edited on 2005/9/24 by Howie_Morenz]

Darryl Sittler!!! ;);)

He was great. I was ever impressed by players like George Armstrong and Johnny Bower (though, at the time, I detested him - he was soooooo good.) Oh, and Dave Keon - crud, he was good!

God bless you, kid.

[Edited on 2005/9/24 by shortcat1]

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