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Habs cap situation for next season...


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We DEFINITELY need to let Bonk walk. Let Plekanec centre the 3rd line and Chipchura can centre line #4. That would save $2 million right there.

I think I agree with all you say Zowpeb... except that I think Bonk should be offered something before we let him go like that... Bonk has turned into quite a third liner... Something we do have alot of (in the prospect wise) but none of which our quite ready... Unless Chips playes a hell of a season Which he hasnt so far... and Pleks plays well after his 2 line demotion...

So if none of the above rookies freshman and prospects are up to the job ( remember its Carbo and Muller coaching here) then I would offer between 1.5 and 2 mil for Bonk and Johnson and hope they accept one more year!

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the goalies that we have at the moment know they arent worth much, I dont think they will sign for alot of money. Unles one of them leads us to the cup. ^_^

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Patience grasshopper...it is NEVER a good idea to give up development so as to put a competitive team on for one season. Look at TB, they won the cup, but wont be able to do anything significant for probably another 8-10 years. What the Habs are doing (and I agree with them) is trying to build another dynasty. The best teams are built from the inside, and thats what BG is doing.

The way I see it is that we have 2 options:

1) sign everything with a pulse and a scoring chance now, give up our prospects to do it, and still not win the cup.

2) Be patient, look to improve year after year until we become a contstantly threatening team like Detroit. Then we have a chance to win the cup....and not just every decade or so!


Yes - patience, patience, patience.....

Why does everyone condemn the Leafs out of one corner of their mouth for that kind of stupidity and then from the other corner urge the Habs to do the same thing..... :?- :?- :?-

Edited by beliveau1
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For next year, I think we need two things to significantly improve the team.

A top two center (so Kovy can go back to wing).

A top 2 defenseman.

We just cant get both because of the cap. If Kovy succeeds at center and scores his usual 80 points.. we do not need another top two center.

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