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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/17 in Posts

  1. As of 11:59 PM EST, yes. (Along with Kerfoot watch, Toninato watch and it sounds like Doyle Somerby may garner some interest as well.)
    1 point
  2. News...let's see - the Habs will officially lose the rights to Colin Sullivan at midnight. He may have set a new low bar for the complete and utter uselessness of a draft pick. (To be fair, you didn't say you wanted news of any sort of importance...)
    1 point
  3. After being loaned by Frolunda in Swedish league, Ikonen plays 1st pre-season Finnish league game tomorrow morning. Hopefully he gets lots of icetime this season, is productive and I assume given his summer showcase offense, that he is very likely to play world juniors in Buffalo this X-mas.
    1 point
  4. Does the kid return to friggin Wisconsin every summer, no? But I suppose who would, even Belorussia is more appealing.
    -1 points
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