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About TheAussiePosse

  • Birthday 10/21/1986

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  • Favourite Habs
    Mats Sund... aw, criminy

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    Daaaaaaaaa Habs da Habs da Habs da Habs

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NHL Hall of Fame

NHL Hall of Fame (23/23)



  1. So Yahoo has now got fake money involved in Fantasy Hockey, auctions for drafting and waivers etc. http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hock...atures?lid=2082 Anyone keen? I won't be commish but am happy to set it up and hand over power once that's done. Deep rosters, competitive GMs - the way it used to be, in the good ol' days. Thoughts?
  2. Was that Cooke? I bet that was Cooke, the P.O.S. Markov is NOT looking okay.
  3. From Elliotte Friedman of CBC: Now I'm not saying Elliotte deserves any respect, but ya have to wonder what (if anything) Halak's thoughts are on his future with the Habs..
  4. I dream about a rounded triangular rink, with two pucks and three teams. Two points for the team with the most goals, 1 point for the middle team, 0 for the loser. Can't go wrong with entertainment, eh!
  5. For those HWH2H GMs who check HW more than their own emails, here's a head's up to log on in so we can assign keepers and draft order. The three zombie GMs from last year have been replaced, and your three hold-overs are raring to go. PM me for the details if you are too lazy to go check your email. See you in there
  6. Thanks to the power of the interwebz, we now have unprecedented access to current and future Habs through Facebook, Twitter, et al. Currently I can include PK Subban and Ryan McDonagh within my circle of friends, although the latter's wall is now filled with lamentations from Habs fans mourning him before he even made it out of college. Anyone else friends with some prospects or (better still) current Habs? And by friends, I mean Facebook stalkers, Twitter followers, MySpace pals, or perhaps instant messenger buddies?
  7. I'm with PMAC on this one. Gainey has completely lost any respect the tens of millions of fans had for him up until a week ago. - Any way you look at the Gomez trade, we overpaid for an overpaid player - He blew his cap space within the first eight hours of UFA day, when free agents are notoriously more expensive, and screwed the team over for the next few years as well. - He unceremoniously dumped a guy who, opinions aside, bled bleu blanc rouge for his entire career to date. We're talking about the one guy who tried hard night in, night out during the Houle years, a stain on the Habs' history, and through Savard's era, with naught but B-class wingers (at best!) to pass to. Before I thought Gainey didn't make moves because he knew better. Now I realise Gainey didn't make moves because he didn't want to be discovered to be poor at trading or plain dumb at signing/resigning (complete list here). Drafting seems to be his strongest point, and yet he has little say in the players chosen. This is a lame duck GM who I, for one, will be happy to applaud out of office in favour of, hell, anyone? I'd take Patrick Roy in a heartbeat (because if Garth Snow can do it, why not?). Gainey has lost any appearance of class by the way he has treated the peerless Koivu, as well as any remaining respect that was previously given to him by hockey fans, Quebecois-nuts (who'll freak out when they realise how many are left on the team now Tanguay, Begin and Brisebois have left) and old timey Habs fans.
  8. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, but how did we resign Kovalev at $4.5mp.a. for two years and it not get picked up by major news outlets? http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=432992 I mean, if it's on NHL.com, it must be legit, right? Those guys don't mess around... HockeysFuture (the poor man's KK) says two years for $4.4m per annum. Twitter says the agent is meeting with Gainey today, but that the Caps have made an offer... In other news, my fake George Gillette Twitter account has finally been suspended
  9. I hate Gainey. Hate is a strong word, but I'm applying it liberally now. Gill is slow and won't fight as much as we like. And at almost $3m, that's horrendous. I feel sorry for Koivu. That guy deserved so much more.
  10. It's 11pm in London UK. I'm going to bed after half an hour of dry-heaving and clutching my stomach. McDonagh was supposed to be the next Larry Robinson, and we were supposed to get the Sedins in 12 hours' time. Gomez has just gone and flushed that down the loo. So if I wake up and he hasn't been flipped for Malkin or Sundin, I will be upset. Wait, not Sundin. This trade makes no sense! None! At all! Argh!
  11. I'm breaking out the brooms. Unless Lang becomes part-cyborg and gets back in time for game 4, I just don't see any part of this match-up to be optimistic about.
  12. How long until Lang and Markov come back? I think it will be brooms all round until we get at least one of them back.
  13. There's a Canadian pub in London called the Maple Leaf that shows playoff games to packed crowds of ex-pats that I'd be happy to introduce you too, should the Habs not get swept to the golf course (or you go band-wagon with the Blackhawks).
  14. Any idea if/when Lang gets back?
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