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Everything posted by DON

  1. Not sure major generalization or not; but major assumptions and hunch for sure; I think having many NCAA kids drafted/in the system and on the Habs as well as LL being old teammate, MacMillan/Bennett/Didier/Sullivan/Vail will likely be in Hamilton in 2-4 years also and Stejskal/Pateryn/Nash/Quailer/Geoffrion/Palushaj will be there when he likely suits up in May playoffs; all are pluses to get the kid signed i think. Kristo has even said he followed and was big fan of NCAA hockey growing up and not the NHL as much, so i really do think having all the american/NCAA connections may be more important for this kid in particular (get Pacioretty/Cole/Gionta to twist his arm if need be).
  2. Sure, but almost every goalie is a crap shoot (lots of Raycroft 1 hit wonders have come and gone) and most are long term projects, so being passed over 1 year shouldnt be that big a deal i wouldnt think? And Makarov stood on head at world juniors when he played in games that meant anything, 57saves in 1-0 loss in gold medal game, i thought would make him a lock to be drafted (especially when the guy he replaced went in 1st round) He also had decent #s on a Blade team while icing barely 4 d-men, who were all playing almost 30 minutes/game at end of season due to injuries. No big deal, just strikes me as odd is all, and maybe technically he sucks/ is not athletic enough/ or is just not a motivated kid?
  3. Just wondering why Dietz/Thrower's Blades goalie, Makarov, went undrafted, when he was rated 3rd rounder or so? And i just noticed he is again on Russian Junior Team. Why wouldnt he have been invited to Habs summer camp on a try-out? It aint like Habs are flush between the pipes. Is "Russian Factor" perhaps why Makarov went undrafted?
  4. Of course there is hope Kristo will be in Hamilton next fall and he also would likely have good trade value, as he is likely about the 20-25th ranked NCAA player, can really skate, defensively smart and has some offense. Habs have till near end of next summer to sign him and he seems to have made no indication yet that he would jump ship. And with Pacioretty/Leblanc and several other americans on the Habs roster, as well as teammate and special team linemate Mark MacMillan being a Hab draft pick, i would say a better chance he signs than not. Maybe even he will suit up for AHL playoffs?
  5. Before July 1st, i thought a top 6 was biggest hole and Bergevin's move on the more conservbative grit end i didnt see coming. But i like it and also see adding one of top puck-movers on the back-end, in Markov, as possibly adding the offense and PP fix needed to move the Habs from middle of pack in scoring to maybe top 1/3? Again, i would also point to the improved health of 1/2 dozen players coming into camp as also being a bonus and can only help to avoid the start that happened last Oct. As well as Yemelin/Diaz/Subban/Desharnais/Eller all being more experianced/comfortable/confident (however you want to put it). So a weakness on the left side amy be a small issue, but overall team is fairly solid.
  6. Brunet was roughly 0.5PPG guy, so likely comparable but a bit below offense we can expect and i think Leblanc seems to be a very smart player and "vision, IQ" is much better than Brunet. but even if maxs out at a Brunet career that will be fine.
  7. Abysmal trade of best forward? When did Pacioretty, Cole or Plekanec get traded? You guys worry too much and you are selling the new GM short, Bergevin i dont think is a dummy and knows what his line up looks like.
  8. these are well done, interesting and great to see soemone take the time to put togeather.
  9. I think your ideas likely are same as majority and maybe there is cause to worry, but i am always overly opptimistic this time of year and see the addition of a healthy Gorges/Markov/Gionta/Eller/Leblanc as a big bonus and difference maker for the positive. And Bourque has 70+ goals in last 3 years, so why wouldnt he be good for 20+ again, he is healthy and young, as is Kostitsyn? But i cant stand soft floaters and the Kovalev's/Cammalleri's are only good if they produce (as they add zero on defense, backchecking or any physical game) and last fall i said i would cut the Squid some slack is he produced, but he seemed to make zero effort, and for 2nd year he did dick-all, so good riddence. Hope Calgary can squeeze 30+ goals from him but unlikely.
  10. For sure team is better without a Semin, you really think he is a character guy to help buld team chemistry, or would be the difference between playoffs-or not? I also dont see a need for a top six, nor do i see cap space to do it once Subban is signed, unless it is through a big multi-player deal. I like Bourque and think he will do fine, and worse case Gallagher/Leblanc may have to line up next to Plekanec, which may be a good thing in long run? But i really dont care what Semin cost, we just got rid of one soft overpaid cull to Calgary and dont need to add another clown. But if we had of signed Semin, i might at least want a salary i could dump/bury if he turned out as i expect him too. Best of luck Carolina, the gamble may pay off but i have my doubts.
  11. I might say a David Perron type would be a good comparable, average sized guy who is at 0.6ppg. Draper is only a 0.3ppg guy and Louis is gonna surprise this year and do very well.
  12. I would disagree because if he had of be uninjured, he likely would still have gone at/near 3rd and would be better prepared to make the jump to Habland and not have to retrun to Sarnia for 1 more year to make up for lost year. He for sure could end of being the best in draft, but that call is a long way down the road. I would just like to see 50+goals/100+points in OHL for starters.
  13. I highly doubt Bergevin-Dudley have forgotten about having 8 NHL d-men and have a bi tbetter idea of realistic options for Weber than you or me. I had thought he was gone in Feb- then at draft- then for sure on July 1st, so now i assume not many takers for him or maybe, Beregevin has a taker for Kaberle or others?
  14. MLB teams which attempt to buy a championship do not, generally win and building through draft/prospects still seems best way to go. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1192358-big-spending-ways-of-yankees-and-red-sox-are-not-the-best-way-to-win-a-title And Rangers/Carolina may look better on paper, but like in the MLB, big free agent signings dont equate to a winning team. As soon as new CBA is signed, no matter what "handcuffs" are in-place, the owners will have lawyers working on loopholes, so dont expect any big changes to owners outbidding each other any chance they get and complaining at same time.
  15. I wouldnt pay 1/2 that for that floater and to say the Habs missed out, is not how i see it. More like dodged a bullet. Now if want to resign Kostitsyn for 1 year, i am all for that.
  16. Of course it does. Even NCAA is much bigger business than NHL ever will be. Even in San Jose i am sure NCAA trumps hockey and Oakland As are planning on moving there also.
  17. Seen this picture before, a group of all stars, does not mean a good team.
  18. Maybe just Prima Donna envy on my part and when he is scoring all was good, but back to back shit production years and consistant lack of effort and terribly soft play put him on my bad side. And i was fine with the 'dont let the door hit your ass on ...." treatment; i just wanted him gone and he was. But in hindsight i agree, it was unprofessional and unnecessary.
  19. No not just deplete the d-core, it would cripple it, he is almost irreplacable (without breaking the bank) and i see as "the" core skater on the team and the prospects you mention are years away, if ever, from playing 24minutes/game. Subban was scratched 1 game and what a difference, he was missed terribly, even this year if Subban ever gets injured it will be a killer, not as bad as a Price injury would be of course, but Bergevin would be scrambling to fill one huge hole. Markov is solid/smart defensively, but is by no means the defensive d-man that even Gorges is and no where near "best defensive d-man"; which is totally fine, cause he is super at the other end, moving the puck and makes all who play with him better. If you want to call Markov #1 is fine, but most would trade Markov long before Subban, wouldnt you?
  20. I aint sure who is french and who isnt, but i have seen these other QMJHLers noted as possible top 60 picks; Sam Morin, Zack Fucale, William Carrier, Anthony Mantha, Nick Sorensen, John Drouin and Matt Murphy which seems a bit better production coming from that league than lately?
  21. Still off topic and the last i will say on that ex-Hab My bottom line stat; Bourque has 72 goals over his last 3 years, Squid 65 goals at a significant extra cost. If still had Squid on the payroll, wouldnt even have the cap space to sign Subban to the contract he will get in the next month or so and would also still have 4 small forwards in the top 6, which aint a recipe for success. On Subban, no player is untradable, but he and Price are darn close and it would take a screaming deal to pry a fan favorite, 2nd year d-man who played 24+minutes and is the #1 d-man on team, from me.
  22. Good to hear sir! but even as much as i dont like Squid, he aint in the Gomez catagory
  23. Sather must have given Howsen an under the table $$ kickback to make that deal. Almost looks as lopsided as a 1995 Hab-Ave deal, are Mike Milbury or Doug Mclean Blue Jacket consultants?
  24. Sad to say, was the high point of year for me (cept for draft) , when he was gone from the bench in that game and heard he was traded, what a relief to not have to watch softest guy in league do dick-all every game! Still love the trade and not sure what Calgary was thinkin, but then again why would they sign Wideman to that crazy contract and let Olliie walk. Neither they nor Canucks are building for the future, but Canucks are a contender and Calgary is lookin like the Leafs of the west.
  25. Actually, next years prospect group has a couple/few french guys who may go in first round, as well, of course, as Nate who should be #1 or #2 pick. Quebec and Halifax both should be pretty strong teams.
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